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Hi everyone! It's our 52nd release. That means that we've been releasing stuff every single Wednesday for a whole year! Next week it's our first anniversary and we have very exciting
news that we will be sharing during September. Big stuff coming up.

The project is called The Dungeon Archive, so to end this first year we made exactly that, a dungeon. It's a funny dungeon full of traps and silly stuff.
During this year we have learned a lot and we have always strived to deliver the best quality and went the extra mile, creating extra stuff for our patrons. So this time we bring 3 animated tokens and a fully realized dungeon with prompts and descriptions so you can easily add it to your campaign.
The Foundry VTT pack contains all journal notes in the scenes.

The Dungeon

It is a system agnostic dungeon made not to give an in-depth guide but rather vague descriptions of encounters to inspire you to design your own dungeon. We have left plenty of room available for you to add different encounters that fit your campaign like traps, groups of kobolds and scouts through the dungeon.

Henich and his Kobolds have already raided most of the dungeon, but Henich, their leader, is stuck at the end and can't solve the last puzzle. The rest of the kobolds have camped through the dungeon. They have been there for almost two weeks, so they have laid down new traps. Some of them are getting bored because it's taking too much time and are talking about abandoning Henich.

Plot hook

"Henich and his kobolds have been finally tracked down. They are currently raiding an old dungeon where an ancient artifact is secured. They've been there at least for a week, which is odd because they usually go in and out in a couple of days. They either camped there or are all dead. In any case expect lots of traps, they may be dumb but these bastards are pretty clever when it comes to ambushes.
We want you to go there and check what's going on. Who knows what could happen if those crazy kobolds get their claws on the artifact."


These small creatures are proud of their draconic ancestors but are in reality small, squishy and cowardly lizards that have clumsy battle tactics. They are very aware that they can not win a 1vs1 encounter, so they prefer hit and run strategies. They are sharp and clever when it comes to trap designing. They are experts at laying traps and messing with the enemy. They live underground and build their homes in narrow tunnels making use of already built and abandoned structures.


The boss of the Kobolds.
Class: Rogue
Subclass: Scout
Race: Kobold
Fighting style: Duel wield daggers. Prefers hit-and-run tactics and ambushes.
Clothing: He only wears a studded leather jerkin and a belt despite not wearing pants. The jerkin is long enough to look almost like a tunic for his small size. His belt has a few small pouches and places for his favorite daggers: Sling and Whisper. Sling has the returning quality, and Whisper has the ability to become invisible.

Henich is a very mobility oriented character. His natural rogue abilities allow him to move 3 times per turn, and his Scout subclass allows for further movement as well as the ability to move as a reaction. He is a cunning individual that is always looking for an advantage and has likely climbed his way up in whatever criminal organization he might have worked for.
He is also paranoid about others taking his wealth. If he lives anywhere for any significant amount of time, its likely he has built a hoard location for his valuable and filled it with deadly traps. Most likely buried underground, in a cave, or in a location that would be hard to reach without wings.
Being a kobold, Henich dislikes being alone and would seek out companionship with others. If he isn't part of an adventuring party, he would likely seek out the local criminal organizations and attempt to join them for coin and company.

Melee kobold

Equiped with a blunt and flexible sword, this kobold won't hesitate to attack. This kobolds usually ram to the target. After many years of imacts the horns become curved.

Ranged kobold

Equiped with a slingshot, these kobolds have an awful aim, but when they hit, it hurts.
They can shot almost anything that fits in the slingshot.
Usually they accumulate a lot of stones and stay close to them. You never know when you are gonna need them.

Henich is a character inspired by a concept of Aero_drake, one of our most active an loyal patrons. This then inspired the rest of the dungeon and characters. Henich description's is entirely his. Thanks a lot to Aero_drake for letting us use his concept <3

As you may already know, we are making characters based in our patrons, and this is one of them. More info in our Discord.

We hope you like it!


Scribe tier

Explorer tier

Cartographer tier

Free version at the bottom of this post.




William Matthews

Manifest link seems to be broken for me at least.


Hi! Sorry for the inconvenience. I'll check it out in a few hours. In the meanwhile make sure you are downloading it from the Cartographer tier.


It should be fixed now, sorry for the inconvenience. We also added macros to automatically control the traps. Enjoy!