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"Ah! The Hilltop Cemetery! I still remember when my father used to bring my brother and me here when we were kids. The stench was unbearable for him, but over time, I liked the rusty smell, it now smells like peace.
The hill wasn't as high when I first arrived, but you know, people want to be buried at the highest point, and they keep asking to build more levels, even if it means laying another layer of soil over their ancestors. I find it quite blasphemous but they say it brings them closer to the gods or some nonsense like that. Who knows how many hundreds of corpses are buried down there and forgotten forever. Even my father may be there, I don't even remember anymore.
Depending on how much you pay, you'll be buried higher or lower, blah, blah, blah... Look at how crowded everything is, there's no room for another soul. People save gold their whole lives, and for what? To spend it on death? Idiots.
But meh, what can I say? I'm just a humble gravekeeper, and what else can I do but fulfill someone's last wish?
As for me, just throw me into the river when I die. At least I will serve as food for the fish."

-A humble Gravekeeper-


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