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AN: This is a commission for an anonymous user.


“Poor little Ginevra,” Fleur taunted Ginny as she meekly ate her breakfast. “I bet you wish your fiancé was over there with you instead of being all over me, don’t you?”

Ginny bristled at the way Fleur used her full name; she knew that she hated being called Ginevra, and she only did it to rile her up. But there was still some truth to Fleur’s words. Ginny did wish that Harry was over with her.

Instead, she had to watch Fleur bounce on her fiancé's cock over breakfast.

It was like the two of them hadn’t spent most of the night fucking. They both looked fresh and fit, like a couple reunited after weeks apart. 

Harry was sipping on his morning coffee, wearing only a loose robe that was currently open. Fleur had come down to the kitchen as naked as the day she was born. Ginny couldn’t blame her; if she’d been born with a body as perfect as Fleur’s, she didn’t know if she’d ever want to wear clothing that would hide herself away. 

Ginny had arrived shortly after them, finding them both standing in the kitchen as Harry cooked Ginny her favourite breakfast: toast with a poached egg, spinach, and avocado on top. He’d also gone to the trouble of replenishing her jar full of crispy chickpeas, which made a wonderful addition to her breakfasts. 

They had all greeted each other, but the second that Harry served her and they all sat down to eat, Fleur had started her antics back up. Instead of finding her own chair to sit in, she’d simply opened Harry’s robe and sat directly on his lap. She’d barely rubbed her arse against his cock before he was hard again, and then she’d unceremoniously raised her hips and sank down onto his thick shaft.

It still amazed Ginny that Fleur managed to get Harry’s cock inside of her pussy. She looked so tight, and her lips looked like they were being stretched to their very limit. Even still, all that came out of Fleur’s lips were intense moans of genuine pleasure and the occasional taunt towards Ginny.

“Ah, I can feel him pulsing inside of me,” Fleur moaned. “Can’t you see it?”

Ginny could. As Fleur rose up his cock, Ginny could see the way his shaft flexed and jumped with excitement. Then, as Fleur dropped back down onto his cock, Harry’s thighs tensed and his hips jerked upwards, meeting Fleur’s arse in a lovely smack.

“Fuck, Harry!” Fleur cried out as she flung her hair out behind her back, letting her perky breasts stick out. “Cum in me, please!”

The next time Fleur tried to slide up Harry’s cock, he suddenly wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her right back down onto his lap. Then, he sprung up from his chair and slammed Fleur’s chest down onto the breakfast table. Her arms flung about wildly, knocking over empty plates and cups, as Harry pounded into her pussy with all of his might.

“Yes, that’s it!” Fleur screamed, opening her eyes just to watch the reaction on Ginny’s face as her fiancé came inside of another woman. “Fill me up! Make me yours! I—fuck!” 

Harry did indeed make Fleur his given the power of the orgasm she just experienced. Right as he was pumping his seed deep into her pussy, Fleur’s body began to spasm and her eyes practically rolled to the back of her head.

And Ginny just watched as she quietly nibbled on some toast.

Harry stayed inside of Fleur until she was done shaking. When he finally did pull out of her, Fleur snatched a spare piece of toast off of the table. She cupped her hand beneath her pussy and scraped up all of Harry’s cum, which was dripping out of her, and spread it onto the piece of toast. Then, she tossed it onto Ginny’s plate.

“Eat up,” Fleur said smugly.

Ginny did, and it was delicious.

“The only reason he’s with you is because you’re a slut who’ll do things like this for him,” Fleur laughed. She spun around and kissed Harry on the lips. “I’m going to go shower, but feel free to start without me.”

Ginny listened to Fleur hum as she plodded across the floor and left the room.

“She took things a little far today,” Harry said, drawing her attention back to him.

“She did,” Ginny agreed. “But I kind of liked it.”

Harry beamed at her. “I know you did, but still, she’s getting a little too comfortable feeling like she’s in charge here. She’s even starting to boss me around.”

“Maybe you’ll find that you like being bossed around,” Ginny grinned at him. “It certainly gets me off.”

Harry chuckled. “I think the only person I wouldn’t mind bossing me around is you.”

“Maybe one day,” Ginny mused.

“Well, until then, I’m the one in charge, and Fleur needs to remember that,” Harry replied.

Ginny could see a thought bubble up into Harry’s mind. His eyes lit up, and suddenly he had a plan. 

“Let’s go to the training room,” Harry suggested. “She knows to meet us there.”

Ginny nodded and got up from her seat before following Harry out into the corridor.

One of the most used rooms at Potter Manor was the duelling room. Harry used it almost every day to keep his skills sharp. Even though the war was over and his work as an Auror hadn’t been especially dangerous for a while now, Harry never let himself become complacent. Seeing his dedication to practising his magic reminded Ginny of exactly why she’d fallen in love with him in the first place; both of them were strong, dedicated, and loving people, and they complemented each other perfectly.

Although she didn’t use the duelling room as much as Harry did, Ginny still tried to get some practising in when she could. It was difficult to do regularly since the Quidditch season kept her so exhausted, but there were days like today where she knew she’d have a couple of days to recover afterwards that made her more willing to practice. It was fun too, since Harry liked having her join in on his practises—and the post-practice sex was incredible too.

Ginny couldn’t help but hope that putting Fleur in her place had something to do with Ginny getting fucked finally. Hearing those two go at it all night had left her far too horny, and she was ready for some action with her fiancé.

The duelling room was below the ground in a heavily-warded area to prevent any significant damage to the structure or foundation of the manor. Still, Ginny knew that Harry had to be mindful of what spells he chose to use down here lest he overpower the wards. It had tall ceilings and a large, wide-open space to facilitate movement during training. The walls were lined with training dummies, rest areas, and bookshelves that held important books on battle magic and duelling techniques.

As per usual, Harry and Ginny got changed into some sparring clothes and then started getting warmed up first; it was never a good idea to go into a duel when your joints were stiff.

Ginny was in the middle of stretching out her legs when Fleur sauntered into the room wearing what could only be described as barely an outfit. She was wearing a powder blue bikini top and some white shorts that didn’t even cover her arse completely. Her silvery-blond hair was done up in a high ponytail, and she’d applied a light bit of makeup to accentuate her already gorgeous features.

Fleur didn’t even so much as glance Ginny’s way as she walked right up to Harry and kissed him soundly on the lips. She pressed her body against his, taking her time to feel up his muscles and rub her breasts all over his chest.

Ginny could see that Harry was starting to get annoyed. He never liked being interrupted in the middle of one of his exercises, and the warm-up period was definitely considered to be a part of that. He tried to pull away, but then Fleur just put her hand on his crotch and whispered something into his ear as she batted her eyelashes up at him.

It brought Ginny some small satisfaction to watch Harry shake his head no.

Reluctantly, Fleur stepped away from him and shot a glare across at Ginny. 

“Ginny and I will go first,” Harry announced once he’d finished stretching.

Unlike Fleur, both Ginny and Harry were wearing more casual robes. Their robes were light and form-fitting, dark in colour, and perfect for a practice duel like this. The two of them walked to the central duelling platform in the middle of the room and got into position.

“Are you ready?” Harry asked her.

“Ready to take you down,” Ginny smirked at him.

Harry grinned back at her, and then suddenly put his wand arm behind his back. “Give it your best shot,” he replied.

Ginny didn’t hesitate; if he was going to give her an advantage, she was going to take it. She flicked her wand in the most familiar pattern she knew of: her Bat-Bogey Hex. The spell also had the benefit of ending in a downward slash, making it easy to chain right into another spell. 

Just as the Bat-Bogey Hex left the tip of Ginny’s wand, she followed it up with a Tripping Jinx, which flowed smoothly into the Reductor Curse. 

The three spells sailed through the air right at Harry. He didn’t so much as blink at her spell choice; they’d duelled each other enough times that they were both quite familiar with each other’s repertoire. 

Harry stepped out of the way of the Bat-Bogey Hex and ducked underneath the Tripping Hex. The Reductor Curse was already going wide from his earlier dodge, but that was exactly what Ginny had been predicting.

She had needed the extra couple of seconds of Harry dodging to pull off a proper conjuration.

Half a dozen small birds formed in the air to Harry’s left, and a simple charm sharpened their beaks into deadly points. With a sharp pull on her wand, Ginny sent the birds flying right towards Harry. 

He had to turn to face them head on to be able to see their flight patterns. He analysed them in an instant, seeing where each one would strike him if he let them. He couldn’t dodge backwards lest he end up back in the path of the Reductor Curse, so his choice was to either leap towards or away from Ginny.

He leapt away from his attacker, as any sane person would, and it was exactly what Ginny had been hoping for.

“Got you!” Ginny announced with a roar as she watched his foot land on the invisible trap she’d set nearly a month ago. 

A blue rune ignited beneath Harry’s foot. He barely had a chance to look down and glimpse it before the rune exploded in a cloud of smoke, completely engulfing Harry.

Finally! She’d done it!

Ginny let out a little cheer for herself. In all her years of duelling with Harry for fun, she’d never gotten one over him like this. The rune wouldn’t have hurt him much, but it had enough power to knock out an elephant with the force of the stunning spell locked away inside of it. 

“That was a neat trick.”

Ginny spun around as fast as she could, but Harry was faster. His wand poked her side as he hit her with a Disarming Charm. Her wand went flying out of her hand, and she was sent flipping end over end. She froze midair as Harry magically locked her in place and forced her to watch the smoke dissipate, revealing that he’d somehow escaped the rune’s blast.

“You really didn’t think I noticed how your eyes kept looking back at the spot the rune was in?” Harry asked her rhetorically. “It’s impossible to obscure a rune completely, so it wasn’t hard to spot when I figured that something was up.”

Ginny tried to reply, but the bonds holding her in place weren’t letting her.

Suddenly, she was gently lowered to her feet, and her want clattered on the ground beside her.

“You can do better than that, Ginny,” Harry taunted her playfully. “If I’d been a dark wizard, you’d be dead by now.”

“If you were a dark wizard, then I wouldn’t have to hold back,” Ginny growled in reply. If there was one thing that really annoyed her, it was losing a contest of skill like this.

“I doubt you’d manage to best him regardless,” Fleur scoffed from the sidelines.

Harry ignored Fleur. “Then don’t hold back. Give it your all, and let’s see if you can take this big, bad wizard down.”

Ginny tried, she really did, but each spell she cast seemed less effective than the last. Harry was barely attacking her at the start; he just stayed on the defensive and let her tire herself out. Ginny tried everything that she could think of: mixing in a single overpowered spell with several weaker ones, unleashing a barrage of quickly-cast spells to try to overwhelm him, and even trying out new spell combinations that she’d never used before. Harry just dodged and blocked everything with an ease that frustrated her.

Fleur’s cheering for Harry wasn’t helping either. Every time he batted away one of her spells, Fleur would cry out in astonishment like it was the most magnificent thing she’d ever seen. It was desperate, honestly, and Harry saw it for what it was too and just ignored it.

When it was clear that Ginny was starting to tire out, Harry finally shifted onto the offencive. 

Ginny leapt out of the way of a Disarming Charm, only for a weak cutting curse to strike her ribs. The robes they wore were enchanted to limit the actual damage that could be done to either of them, so her skin was safe, but there was now a long hole in her outfit. 

It took another few cuts before Ginny realised what Harry was doing.

She glanced down at herself and saw her skin peeking out through several holes. One gash ran up the side of her leg like a slit in the side of a dress. Another revealed just a hint of the bottom of her breast. All of the cuts seemed so perfectly designed to help her show off her body, and Harry was staring at her like he wanted to see more.

Now that she knew his plan, Ginny tried to stop him, but she was too worn down to hold out for long. The next cut exposed her left nipple to the air, and the one after that opened up a hole just a few centimetres above her clit.

Strangely enough, Ginny felt herself getting turned on as Harry systematically exposed her body. There was something about the desire in his eyes and the lustful sensation of tantalising him with her body that made Ginny excited.

She pretended to dodge too late from the next cutting curse. It sliced along her chest, and a large flap of her robes fell open, revealing her perky breasts entirely.

Finally, Harry put a stop to things by disarming her. 

“You were incredible!” Fleur shouted in excitement as she rushed towards Harry. 

She made it to within five steps of him before he froze her in place.

Ginny nearly laughed at the way Fleur’s eyes widened at Harry’s sudden turn against her.

“You’ve had your fun today, Fleur,” Harry told her, not unkindly. “But now it’s your turn to watch.”

“Watch what?” Ginny asked Harry challengingly.

His eyes snapped to hers, and Ginny felt a thrill she hadn’t felt since the war. She felt like she was prey, being hunted down by a more powerful predator. Unlike back then, she loved the feeling now.

Harry dropped his wand and dashed towards her. Ginny tried to run away, but Harry had a head start. He tackled her to the floor, and Ginny laughed as she tried to squirm out of his grasp.

“You’re not getting away from me now, Weasley,” Harry groaned in her ear. “Not when I have you right where I want you.”

His hands tore at her shredded robes, easily ripping them off of her body. Ginny kept trying to wiggle herself free, and if that just so happened to make her arse rub up against Harry’s cock, well… that was just an accident.

When Harry finally got his cock out, he wasted no time in ramming it right into Ginny’s needy pussy. Her body screamed in delight as he split her open. She was already so wet that she didn’t need any foreplay to handle her fiancé's thick cock. 

No matter how many times her fiancé had fucked her, Ginny never wished for anyone else to be inside of her; his cock was perfection, and she craved it above all else. She’d masturbated on their bed last night to the memory of Harry fucking Fleur, and now he was finally giving her the real thing again, and it was simply delightful.

Being pinned down on the floor felt so raw and animalistic. With Harry’s weight bearing down on her completely, Ginny couldn’t escape him even if she wanted to. He wrapped one arm around her neck—not so tightly that he was choking her—and bucked his hips against her arse. She managed to get her knees planted firmly on the floor so that she could lift her arse up a bit, but it was hard to go much higher with how hard Harry was pressing into her.

“My beautiful fiancée,” Harry murmured. “Merlin, your pussy is incredible. It’s still as tight as the first time I fucked you, and your body is just so damn sexy.”

Ginny moaned as Harry reeled his hips back and slammed into her. The thrusts kept coming, one after the other. It felt like he was trying to fuck her into the floor, and Ginny didn’t mind that one bit.

The rough, fast pace that Harry set left Ginny gasping for air. The sound of his hips smacking off of her arse set a perfect beat for him to follow, and he just kept speeding it up. His cock was stretching her tiny pussy out, reaching its absolute depths without any trouble at all. 

As if fucking her as deep as she could take it wasn’t enough, each thrust made Harry’s balls smack off of her clit. The stinging pain from it was quickly overwhelmed by the sheer amount of pleasure the aggressive stimulation caused, and Ginny cried out from it.

“Yes! Fuck me, Harry!” Ginny cried out. It felt even better knowing that Fleur probably wished that she was the one screaming like this right now.

Ginny managed to sneak a glance over towards where Fleur was. She had a look of fury on her face as she watched Harry completely dominate Ginny, but the wet patch on the front of her shorts told Ginny just how turned on Fleur was from it too.

Ginny made her moans just a little bit louder to really give it to Fleur. 

Harry kissed Ginny’s neck, and he adjusted the arm he had around her neck so that he could reach down and grab her breasts. He squeezed them roughly even as he continued to pound her little pussy into submission. He was fucking her even harder, and it felt so damn good.

“Fuck, I’m—” Ginny’s jaw snapped shut as her pussy clenched down hard on Harry’s cock. Her thighs shook violently as her orgasm hit her, but that didn’t stop Harry from fucking her. He kept ramming into her spasming pussy again and again as she let out a loud scream of pleasure.

“That’s it,” Harry cursed under his breath. “Take it!”

He groaned loudly and slammed his hips forward, and Ginny felt him explode. The satisfaction she got when she felt her man cumming inside of her pussy would never fade; it left her with a warm glow in her belly, and she loved it.

But even pleasure had to come second to revenge sometimes.

As they both laid there, panting, Ginny had an idea. She whispered it quietly to Harry, and he whispered back his approval.

After a sweet, tender kiss on her lips, Harry climbed off of her. The loss of his cock from her pussy was immense, but Ginny knew she’d feel just as satisfied from what was to come.

Ginny climbed up into a squat and turned to face Fleur. As Harry’s cum dripped out of her pussy, Ginny scraped it off of herself and smeared it on the floor.

“If you want a chance of redeeming yourself, you’ll get on your hands and knees and lick up every drop,” Harry told Fleur seriously as he released her from the magic that was holding her in place.

Fleur landed on unsteady feet and met Ginny’s gaze right as she spread the last of Harry’s cum onto the floor. Ginny stood up then and took a step back but kept her focus on Fleur.

Fleur looked between Harry, Ginny, and the cum for a moment before she bit her lip and reluctantly dropped to her hands and knees. She crawled right over to Ginny’s feet and started lapping up the cum that was there.

“Good girl,” Ginny smiled down at her.


Joe Uchiha

Well damn! Knew we'd see Fleur getting a taste of her own medicine, but didn't think it would be this soon. Also great that we saw a Harry/Ginny scene with Fleur watching. Though me thinks Fleur didnt like it much hehehehe. Who's next? Hermione? Luna? The Holyhead Harpies? Lol the Harpies episode should have Harry fuck the Harpies first and then Ginny be surrounded by the Harpies and Harry with the girls having transfigured cocks/dildos, then end with Ginny in a bukkake lol. Though only if you feel comfortable about it.


This story is commissioned, so it's entirely up to the commissioner as to what the pairings are. They do read the comments on here, so I'm sure they'll give your idea some thought.