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Hello everyone and thank you for supporting me! This is the monthly prompt suggestions thread. You have until the 18th to make a suggestion. On that day, I will present a poll to everyone to vote on what you would like to see.

Please leave your suggestions in the comments here or message them directly to me!


sam Brown

Harry for the most part liked his life post Hogwarts, he was a well respected healer. Honestly the worst parts of his life were dealing with the vassal houses of House Black, well mostly the Malfoy’s. Draco had sought his help, discretely, with the Sirens Itch; that he had no idea how he could have gotten in while on a business trip to the Caribbean. It had mostly been routine till his wife also sought treatment for it. Now Astoria’s sister Daphne Greengrass, beater for the Ballycastle Bats, is in his office demanding that he appoint her as proxy to punish Draco for being unfaithful. Honestly he had no idea he could dole out punishment for Adultery to the members of his vassal houses. Just seeing Draco being beaten with a beaters bat by his sister in law was more than enough for him to agree. Daphne had just decided to sweeten the deal for him. While her virginity as pureblood heiress was way too valuable, she was willing to let him fuck her ass for the privilege of punishing Draco. The only downside was the healers oath that compelled him to heal anyone injured, so he would have to help Draco, rather than just leave him bloodied and bruised on the floor.


Due to an ancient marriage contracy where it states a female member of House potter and male member of house malfoy are to Marry, Iris Potter is forced to marry Draco Malfoy. However the contract ensures that Iris Potter has full control over the relationship including in Bed. Draco not being aware of that part of the contract activates a clause where Draco is forced to be cucked thus Iris forces Draco to watch as his arch nemesises(can be anyone including ron or neville or both) take his wife over and over again. However over time Draco mellows out and is rewarded for his good behavior towards the end.