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AN: Hello everyone. Ironically, after breaking my wrist, I've written one of the longest chapters I have in a while. I hope you all enjoy it!


Narcissa spun around in front of the mirror one last time to make sure that her outfit was just perfect. She’d been trying to get her professor’s attention for weeks now, and this latest outfit took all of her knowledge on what worked and what didn’t and optimised her chances of getting him to fall head over heels for her.

And yet, it didn’t seem enough.

Narcissa blew out a breath of hot air, messing up her fringe again. Her wavy blond hair was styled to perfection. It was light and bouncy without being all over the place. It framed her face beautifully, and her fringe was the best out of all of the girls in her year. 

Her face was as pretty as she could make it too. She’d quickly learnt that her professor didn’t like a heavy makeup look, so she did her best to make her makeup look as natural as possible. Some subtle pink lipstick, a touch of dark eyeshadow and eyeliner, and a smattering of blush on her cheeks made up most of her look. She was grateful that her naturally high cheekbones, excellent jawline, and clear skin helped her already look quite beautiful.

She’d even gone so far as to alter her uniform perfectly. Her white shirt was tight but not too tight. She’d never have as large a bust as her sister Bellatrix did, but she wasn’t flat either. Her breasts were perky and just a bit more than she could hold in her hands. Her slim figure helped them stand out prominently, and her tighter shirt accentuated them even further. Her black skirt was a couple inches shorter than was allowed, but it wasn’t as short as some of the Gryffindor slags liked to wear it, and she had a nice pair of black stockings on underneath. She wanted to look enticing; her professor wouldn’t go after her if she looked like she’d give herself away to any halfway decent-looking man that just happened to be passing by.

But as Narcissa looked herself up and down, she couldn’t help but second guess her choices. Even her cute black, leather heeled boots didn’t seem like the right choice now in her mind. Sure, they made her legs look better, and her arse would look even perkier than it already was if she got as far as to flipping up her skirt in front of her professor, but they just seemed so… ugh. 

Narcissa bonked her head off of the mirror in frustration.

This didn’t need to be so difficult. It was just because of her stupidly hot professor and his dumb, distracting face.

“Stupid Professor Harry Potter,” Narcissa groaned.

When Headmaster Dumbledore had announced the new professor at the start of the year, Narcissa hadn’t really been paying attention. They always had a new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor every single year that she’d been at Hogwarts, so she’d gotten used to constant changes. The inconsistencies among the professors had led to her developing a very strict study schedule for herself to keep her at the top of the class, but after her first class with Professor Potter, she hadn’t been able to keep him off of her mind.

She didn’t know if it was his messy hair, his chiselled arms, the raw magical talent he had, or if it was just his sexy green eyes that had her drooling over him, but whatever it was, it was a problem. She’d struggled to pay attention in his class, and her private study time was almost always cut short as soon as her mind filled with mental images of her professor and what she wished he’d do to her.

Her first test with him had been a wakeup call. She’d failed, as had every single girl in her seventh-year class. The next few tests weren’t much better, and now half of them were close to failing the course before they even had their end-of-year exams. The Headmaster had been so shocked at this development that he’d actually sat in on a few classes to see if there was some issue with Professor Potter’s teaching. However, Professor Potter had proved his mastery over the subject and his excellent ability to teach the material; it was the fault of the women in the classroom for the poor test results.

While some of them could live with a failing grade, Narcissa could not. She was lucky that her sisters Bellatrix and Andromeda weren’t at Hogwarts anymore because they would have already written home about Narcissa’s poor scores. If her parents found out about this, Narcissa knew that she’d be in a world of trouble.

So, she needed to fix her grade.

Of course, the easiest way to go about this was just to study and do better next time. However, that had yet to work out for her this year. Every time she tried, she’d end up fantasising about Professor Potter and slinking back to her dorm room to masturbate.

It was clear to her what she needed to do: she needed to work this crush out of her system by shagging Professor Potter.

Her first few attempts at seduction had gone terribly. Narcissa still wasn’t sure if he was oblivious to her advances or if he’d just been politely ignoring them. She honestly couldn’t understand it; she was eighteen, and he couldn’t be more than a year or two older than her. She knew fully well just how horny men could be, and there were very few that would ever turn down a shag with a beautiful woman like her.

For a few days, she’d wondered if he just wasn’t interested in women, but then she spotted his lingering glance on her backside when her skirt accidentally rose up a little bit too high.

From then on, she knew what she needed to do. She had to figure out what was going to get his attention.

And here she was, ready after weeks of finding out exactly what he liked in order to have the best chance to seduce him.

“Snap out of it,” Narcissa told her reflection as she tried to shake away her nervous jitters. “You’re hot, and he’s going to beg you to have sex with him!”

It was easier said than done to shake past her worries. Professor Potter was just so damn hot, and he seemed unshakable. And here Narcissa was expecting him to grovel at her feet. 

But she knew that there was no sense in staying in a defeatist mentality. She had to be confident in herself and her ability to win him over; it was the only way this plan was going to succeed.

Narcissa glanced up at the clock and realised that she needed to get going soon. Professor Potter’s last Friday class was set to end in fifteen minutes. He had a free period after that, which he always spent in his office. That was her perfect time to strike.

So, Narcissa spun on her heels and strode out of her dorm with her head held high.

The common room was nearly empty as she stepped into it. The only ones around were sixth and seventh year students who didn’t have enough classes to fill the days with. A couple of her friends nodded towards her, but the rest mostly ignored her passing.

All except for one of them that was.

“Hey, Narcissa! Where are you running off to looking like that?”

Narcissa turned around and raised an eyebrow at the presumptive question from Lucius Malfoy. She couldn’t believe that she’d had a crush on that blond-haired git last year. Luckily, Professor Potter showed up just in time to stop her from begging her parents to try to arrange a marriage contract between her and Lucius.

Lucius hurried over to her side with a charming smile on his lips. He always seemed to be watching her, or watching her body more like. He was one of the many men who thought she was incredibly fit and would make for a perfect trophy wife, but everyone knew that he was too busy sampling various witches to commit to any of them just yet.

“I don’t see why that’s any of your concern, Malfoy,” she replied coldly.

Lucius’s smile cracked a little, but he quickly patched it back up. “I was just curious,” he replied honestly before he slid an arm around her waist. “If you didn’t have any plans, I was going to invite you for a private walk around the lake.”

Right, his famous walks around the lake that ended with a witch on her back and a story circulating the common room an hour later. 

“I’ll pass,” Narcissa replied as she grabbed his wrist and forcefully removed his arm from around her. 

“Come on, don’t be like that,” Lucius protested. “Let me at least walk you to wherever you’re going.”

“I don’t require an escort to walk around Hogwarts,” Narcissa replied, growing tired of Lucius’s persistence.

“A beautiful girl like you should have one,” Lucius insisted. “You never know what kind of creeps are lurking about.”

Actually, Narcissa did. She was staring at one right now.

“I think Professor Potter will be able to handle any creeps that come my way,” Narcissa replied as she started walking towards the exit.

“You’re meeting with him?” Lucius asked, sounding a little surprised.

“Yes,” Narcissa replied, hoping to get him off of her back. “Now, I need to get going or I’ll be late.”

“I’ll see you later then?” Lucius called out after her.

Narcissa didn’t bother responding. She just slipped out of the common room as Lucius called after her. She heard him exit the common room behind her, so she veered off to a nearby secret passage and hurried through it to reach a different corridor in the dungeons. Then, a second secret passage just around the next corner led her up a set of stairs and out behind an old statue close to the Great Hall.

“Honestly,” Narcissa sighed as the passage closed behind her and she knew that she was far away from Lucius. Once upon a time, she might have found his persistence endearing, but now it was just annoying. She couldn’t imagine wasting her life with him when there was such a better catch on the table.

From what everyone knew, Professor Potter was single. He never seemed to leave the castle on weekends like some professors did so that they could go visit their loved ones. He didn’t seem particularly interested in dating either from what she’d heard, but she hoped that he’d at least be willing for a shag.

Narcissa hurried but didn’t run as she headed up to the fourth floor where Professor Potter had set up his classroom and office. She arrived just a couple minutes after his last class had been let out. There were still a few younger students meandering about the corridors nearby, but Narcissa didn’t care if they saw her. She could easily play this off as just a friendly visit to her professor to look for advice on how to do better on her next test, if anyone bothered to ask. 

The door to his classroom was still wide open, and Narcissa stepped inside demurely. She knew that he wouldn’t appreciate too forward of a proposition; she needed to slowly wear him down. She had to be cute without being slutty, eager without seeming desperate, subservient without being a pushover. Professor Potter didn’t seem to respond well to any of the women who told him that they’d let him do anything that they wanted to her bodies or those who told him exactly what they were going to do to him. 

So, Narcissa surmised that he wanted someone more casual like he was. Someone who had a backbone and could stand up for themselves and their wants and desires without being too forceful about it. She was going to start a little shy and gentle. Then, she could make her confidence grow and lay her cards on the table. Hopefully he’d respond well to that.

Narcissa walked past the empty desks and reached the lone door behind the podium at the front of the class. After taking a deep breath, she gave it a knock.

“Come in,” came the reply from within.

Narcissa gently opened the door and stepped into Professor Potter’s office. She’d only been in here once before when he brought her in to discuss her plummeting grades, and the room hadn’t changed much since.

A massive window sat behind Professor Potter’s desk. In the distance, she could see the Quidditch Pitch and the forest beyond it. The window stretched from wall to wall, and a long shelf sat below it, covered with various knick knacks and magical artefacts. To her right, there was a roaring fireplace that was keeping away the early winter chill. To her left, there was a sofa, a couple of chairs, and a coffee table with various scrolls of parchment strewn haphazardly about. 

And then there was Professor Potter himself, sitting behind his large, mahogany desk.

Handsome didn’t do him justice; there were plenty of handsome men in the world, but there was only one Professor Potter. His messy hair and chiselled frame were simply to die for, and that cute smile on his lips made Narcissa want to do anything to keep him smiling like that forever. She had burned all of those features into her mind, but the one thing that couldn’t truly be replicated were his emerald green eyes.

Those stunning green eyes that simultaneously seemed so dangerous and loving looked surreal. They practically pulsed with raw magical power. Even her wildest fantasies couldn’t recreate their beauty.

Narcissa licked her lips, imagining how adorable a green-eyed and blond-haired child would look sitting in her lap while Professor Potter hugged her from behind.

“Yes, Miss Black?”

Merlin, even his voice made her want to melt into a puddle at his feet. Narcissa’s entire body felt ablaze with desire as she closed the door behind her and put on her most charming smile.

“Professor Potter, sir, I just wanted to talk to you about our last test,” she said sweetly.

“Of course,” he replied, barely glancing up at her as he finished scribbling something down on a piece of parchment. He slid it aside, wiped away a bit of invisible dust off of his desk, and then gestured for her to sit down across from him.

Narcissa did so carefully, making sure to take care with her skirt that it didn’t ride up too high as she sat down. Ever the gentleman, Professor Potter didn’t even look down at her creamy thighs. It made Narcissa mad that he was so easily able to ignore her beauty when she acted like an idiot around him.

“Well, this is your meeting, Miss Black,” Professor Potter said as he gestured to her. “What exactly about your last test would you like to go over?”

This was where it began. Narcissa knew that Professor Potter had little time for fools or people who didn’t care; she was going to show him that she cared.

“I wanted to apologise for my results on that test,” Narcissa said quietly. “It wasn’t up to my own standards, and it wasn’t in any way reflective of your teaching abilities. It was my own fault for doing so poorly.”

Professor Potter paused in thought for a moment before he inclined his head towards her. “Thank you for your candour on the matter. I can’t imagine it’s been easy on any of you having to constantly shuffle between professors year after year, and the quality of education hasn’t always been at the standard Hogwarts ought to hold itself to. Luckily, I believe I’ll be sticking around for a long time, so future classes won’t have to suffer as yours did.”

Somehow, even though Defense Against the Dark Arts professors changed year after year, Narcissa believed Professor Potter that he’d stick around.

“I know that you can do better,” Professor Potter told her as he leaned forward and held her gaze. “All of you can, and it’s why I’m pushing you all to do your best. You never know what dangers that  lurk in the world might come to the fore one day.”

A shiver ran down Narcissa’s spine. From the way Lucius and his friends talked about it, great changes would be coming to the magical world shortly. They championed it as a great return to form for pure-bloods, but Narcissa had her reservations. Some of the things they discussed seemed… evil.

Did Professor Potter know something about this?

“In any case, if there’s any way I can help you prepare for your next test, I’d be happy to assist,” Professor Potter finished.

“First, can I show you something?” Narcissa asked him as she openly drew her wand slowly.

Professor Potter’s gaze snapped to her wand hand in a way that felt threatening, but when Narcissa showed no sign of attacking him, he relaxed. “Go on,” he nodded his ascent while still carefully eyeing her.

Narcissa deliberately pointed her wand off in the direction of the fireplace. “Bombarda Maxima,” she stated forcefully.

A jet of sickening yellow light fired out from the tip of her wand like a rocket and struck the fireplace almost instantly. Narcissa was quick to bring up a shield to block the debris from striking her or Professor Potter, but, to her surprise, he’d managed to bring one up before her. 

Thick chunks of brickwork and stone crashed against Professor Potter’s shield, and they were all repelled. The burning logs were extinguished from the thick haze of debris that surrounded the fireplace. Pulverised dust scattered across his floors, coming to a stop at his shield.

As the dust and smoke cleared, it was plain to see that Professor Potter’s fireplace was thoroughly destroyed.

Narcissa held her breath. With any other professor, what she had just done was a one-way ticket to detention for the rest of the year. But she knew Professor Potter better than that. He respected those that were willing to prove themselves, so long as it didn’t come at the expense of another person. She’d seen countless incidences of the pranksters in her year being rewarded by him for their creative uses of magic, even if it did mean that he had to clean up the occasional mess from time to time.

When Professor Potter turned back to her, he had a raised eyebrow and an amused smile on his lips. Narcissa took that as a positive sign that he wasn’t mad at her.

“I can perform the spell perfectly,” she shrugged with a silly smile on her lips.

Professor Potter chuckled and shook his head. “Reparo,” he said aloud with a slight flourish of his wand. The destroyed fireplace was repaired in seconds, looking no different to how it’d been only moments ago. A silently-cast Fire-Making Spell reignited the logs. He turned back to Narcissa. “If you can cast the spell so expertly, then why did you fail to cast it during the test?” He asked her curiously.

Narcissa blushed lightly. She didn’t even have to try to force it. Even if she’d had her mind set on what she needed to do today, it was another thing entirely to actually admit to Professor Potter how she felt about him.

“I was nervous,” she said shyly. 

Professor Potter frowned. “But why? I gave students who cast the spell half as good as you an Exceeds Expectations. You would have gotten an ‘O’ for sure.”

“It wasn’t casting the spell that made it hard,” Narcissa explained. “It was… you.”

Now Professor Potter looked truly surprised. “Me?” He repeated. “What did I do?”

“Nothing,” Narcissa assured him quickly. “I meant… at least… it wasn’t exactly anything that you consciously did.”

Professor Potter ran his hand through his hair as he so often did whenever something was perplexing him or when he was frustrated. “I’m not quite sure what you’re getting at here.”

“You know how all of the girls have started failing your class?” Narcissa asked. Professor Potter nodded slowly. “Well… it’s because you’re too distracting.”

“Distracting? How am I distracting?”

Narcissa bit her lower lip and glanced up at him through her eyelashes. Suddenly, realisation dawned across Professor Potter’s face.

“Oh,” he muttered, looking a little uncomfortable. 

It was the first time that Narcissa had really seen him act his age before. Whenever the girls in her year approached him, acting all flirty, he seemed oblivious or unbothered by their attention. But now, with just him and Narcissa in the room, it was the first time she’d ever seen him get a little flustered.

Well, at least it was clear now that he was just oblivious to the attention he’d been receiving. 

“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” Narcissa told him kindly.

“No, no,” he waved her off. “I, err, just wasn’t quite expecting this to be honest.”

Narcissa giggled at him. “How have you not noticed it all this time?”

“I just…” Professor Potter chuckled at himself and shook his head. “I guess I just never expected it is all. I thought the few times some girls asked me out that it was because of some dumb bet or something; I didn’t realise that they were interested in me.”

“We all are,” Narcissa told him, trying to subtly redirect his attention back onto her. “And it’s made things a little difficult during practical tests.”

Professor Potter nodded understandingly. “I guess everyone can have a little performance anxiety sometimes.”

“Even you?” Narcissa asked coyly.

“Yes, even me—” he paused in mid-sentence when he saw the grin on Narcissa’s face. Then, she didn’t have to hold it in anymore and just started laughing. “Very funny,” Professor Potter rolled his eyes.

“Sorry,” Narcissa laughed again. “I just couldn’t believe you actually said that.”

“I sometimes forget that I’m dealing with a bunch of immature teenagers,” Professor Potter replied dryly.

“Hey, I’m eighteen, I’m an adult now,” Narcissa countered playfully. “Besides, you still look like you might be a teenager yourself.”

“I’m nineteen,” he admitted. 

“Quite young to be a Hogwarts professor,” Narcissa commented.

“Yeah, well… someone needed to fix things around here,” he replied quietly.

Narcissa realised that she’d just stepped into some complicated territory based on his reaction. He almost seemed a little sad about being here, but Narcissa didn’t know why. She needed to change things up quickly if she wanted to keep her plan in place.

“About the test,” she said, bringing them back to the main topic. “I know I did really badly, but I was hoping that based on my little demonstration, you might consider bumping me up from a Dreadful?”

“You did all that just to try to get a better grade?” Professor Potter asked, looking incredibly amused.

Truthfully, she was hoping it’d help the next part of her plan too. “Yes,” she replied confidently.

Professor Potter cocked his head to the side. “Just this once,” he told her. “I’ll give you an Outstanding.”

“Oh, thank you!” Narcissa exclaimed as she jumped to her feet and leaned across Professor Potter’s desk to give him a hug. She purposefully had his face pressed into the top of her breasts for a moment before she let go of him and sat back down with a flushed expression on her face. “Sorry.”

“Err, don’t be,” Professor Potter replied as he fixed his glasses on his face. His cheeks were a little pink too. “I’ll, uh, get your grade updated later tonight.”

“Now that we’ve got that out of the way,” Narcissa smiled at him. “There was one other little thing I wanted to ask you about.”

Professor Potter managed to regain his composure. “And that would be?”

Narcissa bit her lip. “About that thing we talked about earlier? The nervousness?”

“Oh, right, yes, I do remember,” Professor Potter replied, sounding a little nervous himself.

“I think I know of a way to handle it, at least for myself,” Narcissa amended before Professor Potter could get the wrong idea and think that what she was saying applied to all of the women in her year. “It might be best if I just work this out of my system… with you.”

Professor Potter’s face turned to panic. “I’m your professor,” he pointed out.

“You’re basically the same age as me,” Narcissa countered. “You’ve already regraded my test, and if you’re the type of man I think you are, you wouldn’t give me any special treatment going forward. Would you?”

“I wouldn’t, but still…” he trailed off.

“I’ve seen you look at me before, you know,” Narcissa told him. “You think I’m attractive.”

“Of course you’re attractive—” Professor Potter began, only to be interrupted by Narcissa.

“And you have a bit of a crush on me too, even if you don’t want to admit it.”

This was a gamble, she had to admit. Honestly, she’d spent weeks trying to work out if he had any feelings for her. The best she’d managed to gather was that he checked her out from time to time. Obviously, she was a very attractive witch and her body was miles better than any of the other women in her year, but that didn’t mean that he had a crush on her.

But she hoped he did.

“I haven’t ever seen you with anyone since the school year started,” Narcissa continued. “Don’t you ever get lonely? We don’t need to tell anyone about us. We can just have our fun and move on with our lives. Or maybe this might lead somewhere; it’s too early to say. But what I know is that I want you, Professor, and I think that you want me too.”

There was a sudden twinkle in his beautiful eyes, and Narcissa knew at that moment that she had him.

“I want you,” Narcissa repeated as she gently tugged at the collar of her shirt. She watched as Professor Potter’s eyes fell to her slightly more exposed cleavage. “Tell me that you want me, Professor Potter, and I’m yours.”

Professor Potter studied her for a moment before he sighed. “I want you.”

That was all Narcissa needed to hear. She’d been waiting too damn long for this to waste a single second more. She literally leapt out of her chair and flew over Professor Potter’s desk to land in his land and attack his lips with hers.

Narcissa had snogged a couple of boys before, but none of them made her feel the way that Professor Potter did. Sitting in his lap made her feel alive. Her body was burning with desire, and every point of contact between their bodies felt like an inferno. She kissed him hard, and he was kissing her back with just as much passion as she was.

Her hands roamed up his chest, and that seemed to give Professor Potter the sign that it was safe to touch her too. His hands instantly went to her arse, and he squeezed her perfect cheeks in his hands.

In response, Narcissa ground her core down against the bulge that was forming in his trousers. Professor Potter let out a stifled curse against her lips and squeezed her arse harder.

“Did you like that, Professor?” Narcissa asked him softly. Every time she called him ‘professor,’ she felt incredibly naughty. It was turning her on so much to finally live out the fantasy that she’d been dreaming of for months now.

“Better than I dreamed of,” he replied as he stared back into her eyes.

Narcissa smirked playfully at him. “You dreamed of me?” She cooed.

“Only after I caught you flashing your arse my way a few weeks ago,” he chuckled. “I remember thinking that your skirt was a little short that day, and then you bent over and I saw a bit of cheek.”

Narcissa grinned and ground her core down on his erection again. “And? After seeing that, what did I do in your dreams?”

Professor Potter groaned and pushed up against her. “I dreamed I confronted you, and to make up for it you sucked my cock under my desk.”

Narcissa’s eyes gleamed with desire. “Why don’t we make dreams a reality?”

Before Professor Potter could do anything, Narcissa slid off of his lap and onto the floor. She crawled backwards on her hands and knees until she was securely under his desk. Then, she popped her head out and placed it right above his lap. 

As her fingers started unzipping his trousers, Narcissa licked her lips eagerly. “You don’t know how many times I’ve dreamed of doing this too.”

“Do tell,” Professor Potter said as he ran his hand through her beautiful blond hair.

“After class one day, I ran back to my dorm and hid in my bed with the curtains drawn,” she began. “I started touching myself, imagining the type of reaction I’d get if, before our next class together, I hid under your desk. In the middle of your lecture, I’d touch you. In my dream, you’d be so turned on that you’d just go with it. I’d suck your cock, and none of the students would be any the wiser. You’d have to grit your teeth when I’d make you cum just so that you wouldn’t let everyone know just how good I was making you feel. Then, you’d dismiss class early, pull me out from under your desk, bend me over it, and then fuck me until I was hoarse from screaming your name.”

“Fuck,” Professor Potter groaned as his cock finally popped into view. It was longer, harder, and thicker than Narcissa imagined it to be. She didn’t know how the hell she was supposed to get it in her mouth, let alone her pussy, but that didn’t mean that she wasn’t going to give it her best shot. “Sounds like we were having the same dreams.”

“Maybe we’ll have to make it a reality sometime,” Narcissa said just before she licked her way up Professor Potter’s shaft. “Wouldn’t you like that, Professor Potter?”

“Call me Harry,” he told her.

“What, you don’t like to get off on the fact that one of your students is sucking her professor’s big, throbbing cock?” Narcissa asked innocently before she planted a slobbery kiss on the head of Professor Potter’s cock.

“Harry’s less of a mouthful,” Harry replied. “Besides, I said I wanted to hear you screaming my name, didn’t I?”

“You did,” Narcissa grinned up at him. “I suppose I can give you this one little concession.”

“You’re so generous,” Harry chuckled, rolling his eyes playfully.

“No, you’re the generous one today, Harry,” she deliberately said his name as slowly and sexily as she could just to watch his reaction. The shiver that went up his spine was absolutely delightful. “Because you’re going to make my deepest desires come true. Starting with this!”

Narcissa opened her lips wide and took the tip of Harry’s cock into her mouth. She had to stretch her jaw wide open to make sure that her teeth didn’t scrape along his shaft, something which would have definitely ended this encounter before it even began. His cock felt nice and hot as she pressed her tongue against the underside of it, and she loved the way it pulsed with need as she took more of it inside of her.

However, the satisfaction of getting her professor’s massive cock in her mouth was nothing compared to the soft, satisfied groan that left his lips. The look of pure bliss that crossed Harry’s face was simply delightful. It made Narcissa all giddy inside that she was finally doing this and was living up to her high expectations of herself. She wanted to leave Harry fully satisfied after tonight. Maybe that’d make him interested enough to make this a regular thing.

Although she’d never actually sucked a real cock before, Narcissa had practised on toys. It was an expectation among pure-blood women that they would satisfy their husbands completely, and that meant being good in the bedroom. Some women ignored those expectations, others deliberately chose to be bad if they received a match that they didn’t approve of, but Narcissa always knew that she wanted to please her future husband. She was quite thankful that she’d been enthusiastic about learning that because the look on Harry’s face made it all worth it.

Narcissa started bobbing her head up and down while keeping her lips sealed around Harry’s shaft. She grabbed onto his cock with both of her hands, but neither of them could wrap around his shaft entirely. Still, she was determined to put her best foot forward, and she sucked Harry’s cock like it was a test.

“Fuck, you feel so good,” Harry groaned as he pulled back her hair so that he could look at her pretty face as she pleasure him.

His praise sent a tingle down Narcissa’s spine, and she redoubled her efforts. She tried to take more and more of his cock into her mouth, and she actually made it quite far. She was grateful for the fact that she was able to suppress her gag reflex quite easily, because if she wasn’t able to, then she was sure that she would have hurled the moment Harry’s massive cock hit the back of her throat.

She pushed herself just that little bit further and started to take his cock down into her throat. It felt like she was suffocating around his cock as it filled her, but she kept breathing through her nose and tried to reserve what air she had in her chest.

Due to the slow speed she was moving at, Narcissa started stroking Harry’s cock with her hands. She pumped his shaft up and down and managed to get about three quarters of his cock into her throat before she needed to come up for air.

Narcissa gasped for breath as she lifted her head, and then she dove right back in. Now that she’d shown Harry just how far she could go, it was time to turn up the pleasure.

What she lacked in experience she made up for in sheer enthusiasm. Narcissa went back to bobbing her head up and down on Harry’s cock, taking in at least four or five inches at a time until he hit the back of her throat and she lifted her head again. Her tongue was swirling around his cock like crazy, trying to find any little spot that would make him squirm in pleasure.

“Maybe I do need to hide you under my desk properly one day,” Harry told her. “You suck cock like you were made to do it.”

“Only your cock,” Narcissa reminded him as she came up for another breath.

Suddenly, a knock at the door made Narcissa freeze up before she could go back to her task. But Harry didn’t miss a single beat.

“Come in,” he called out as he gently pushed Narcissa’s head out of sight under his desk.

“Professor Potter, sir,” came the familiar voice of Lucius Malfoy.

Narcissa didn’t know what to do. She’d fantasised about sucking Harry’s cock under his desk while other people were around for so long, but it was another thing entirely to actually do it. Would Lucius overhear her? What would happen if he caught them?

It was clear that Harry didn’t have the same reservations. He pushed her head down again, urging her to keep sucking his cock.

Slowly, Narcissa sealed her lips back around Harry’s cock and started sucking on him. She was careful about only making small movements with her head and focusing more on using her tongue to stimulate him rather than bobbing her head up and down quickly. 

“What can I do for you, Mr Malfoy?” Harry asked casually, like he wasn’t getting a blowjob right now from the witch Lucius wanted.

“I was just looking for Narcissa,” he replied, sounding a little frustrated with that fact. “She told me that she was coming here.”

“Ah, you just missed her I’m afraid,” Harry replied easily as he pet Narcissa’s head. She sank down lower onto his cock, letting the thick member slide into her throat again. She had to hold her breath lest she accidentally try to breathe in and start choking on Harry’s cock.

Narcissa heard Lucius shuffle around before he spoke again. “If you don’t mind me asking, why was she here exactly?” Lucius asked in a silky-smooth tone.

“That’s her business,” Harry rebuked him gently.

“Yes, well,” Lucius replied slowly. Then, Narcissa heard his hands plant themselves on Harry’s desk as he leaned forward. “I know that you may be unaware of this, but Narcissa will be my betrothed before graduation.”

Narcissa rolled her eyes. Like hell she would be! She had Harry now.

The anger that filled her over Lucius’s presumptuousness just made her suck Harry’s cock harder.

“I just want to make sure that my future wife-to-be is being well looked after by all members of the staff,” Lucius continued. “I worry for her, and if she’s in any sort of trouble or if she’s done something wrong—”

“It’s nothing of the sort,” Harry waved him off quickly. “She just came in about some of her recent grades.”

“Oh?” Lucius hummed. “Has she not been faring well this year?”

A slight smirk crossed Harry’s lips. “I think she’s been doing very well,” he replied as he subtly pet Narcissa’s head. 

Without warning, she suddenly slammed her head forward and took every inch of his cock down her throat. She even went so far as to stick out her tongue and tickle his balls with it. She looked up at him and was incredibly impressed with the way he didn’t let his pleasure show at all on his face.

“She’s just working hard to keep her grades up to her standards,” Harry continued. “She’s really putting the effort in and showing why she deserves an ‘O’.”

The slight glance back down to Narcissa told her exactly what type of ‘O’ Harry thought she deserved. He did say that he wanted her to be screaming his name by the end of this. Well, if he could make her orgasm, she was sure she’d be screaming his name.

Naturally, Lucius didn’t pick up on the joke Harry was making. “Ah, right, well, that’s good then.”

“Yes,” Harry smiled. “She’s very good.”

Lucius stood back up to his full height. “Well, if you see her, can you please tell her that I was looking for her?”

“Of course,” Harry replied graciously. “You take care now, Mr Malfoy.”

Lucius muttered something in reply and strode out of the room, closing the door behind him. Once it was clear that he was finally gone, Narcissa slowly pulled her head back off of Harry’s cock. She gasped for breath as soon as his saliva-coated cock left her mouth and throat.

Harry had an amused look on his face. “Your soon-to-be fiancé is looking for you.”

“Please,” Narcissa rolled her eyes. “He doesn’t deserve me, and he’s never going to have me.”

“I suppose I should count myself lucky that I get the privilege of having you then,” Harry teased her.

“Yes, you should,” Narcissa replied seriously. She pushed Harry’s chair back and then stood up in front of him. Her fingers came up to the buttons on her shirt, and she slowly started undoing them as she gave him a sultry look. “How often does a handsome man like you get to deflower a pretty pure-blood princess like me?”

“You’re a princess now?” Harry chuckled.

“If you want to be with me, then yes, I am,” Narcissa said, raising a challenging eyebrow. She pulled her shirt open and revealed her perky, pale breasts to the air. The two rosy-pink nipples were both standing at attention and pointed right at Harry. 

Narcissa nearly leapt with glee when she saw Harry’s mouth go slack with lust. His eyes were locked onto her perfect breasts. Every curve of them was magnificent, her skin was flawless, and they were simply divine. She was sure that he’d never seen a set of breasts as beautiful as hers, but she wasn’t going to give them to him easily unless he said what she wanted to hear.

As Harry reached out to touch her, Narcissa took a step back. Her arse hit the edge of Harry’s desk, and she lifted herself up onto it so that she was out of reach.

“What am I?” Narcissa asked him as she kicked off her shoes. She placed both of her stocking-covered feet up on Harry’s thighs. She wiggled her toes as she moved them closer to Harry’s cock, but she never directly touched him. 

Harry was practically salivating as he looked at her like a mortal would a goddess. Narcissa knew that she had him now. He was completely enthralled by her, and it turned her on so much to feel so desired by him.

“You’re a princess,” Harry said breathlessly.

“Wrong,” Narcissa replied cheekily.

“Wrong?” Harry repeated.

“I’m not just a princess, I’m your princess,” she corrected him just as she trapped his cock in between her feet. He groaned as she pumped his shaft up and down teasingly. Then, she gently lifted up her skirt and showed her damp panties to him. “Do you see how wet your princess is for you?” She asked him.

“I do,” Harry groaned again.

Narcissa gently slid her thumb underneath her panties and pulled them to the side, showing off her glistening pink lips.

As quick as a bolt of lightning, Harry was on his feet right in between her thighs. Narcissa blushed brilliantly as he kissed her passionately and groped her breasts. She could feel his hard cock prodding her belly, and she was imagining how it would feel inside of her.

“Merlin, I want you so bad,” Harry said huskily into her ear as he bucked against her.

“Then take me,” she challenged him. “Make me yours.”

“First, I think we’re both a bit overdressed,” Harry replied.

He pulled out his wand again and gave it a few sharp flicks. First, Narcissa heard the door lock, and then a silencing charm went up around the room. Finally, she watched as every piece of clothing disappeared off of her and Harry’s bodies.

For weeks now, she’d been imagining just how fit Harry must have looked without any of his clothes, and he certainly didn’t disappoint. His entire body was lean but strong. His chest and his abs were both nicely muscled without being too much. He was handsome and manly and exactly what she’d been hoping he would be.

She hoped that she was as beautiful as he hoped she was. From the way his eyes were roaming up and down her body and the hungry expression on his face though, she knew that she didn’t have much to worry about.

“Are you ready?” Harry asked her as he pulled his hips back so that the tip of his cock was pressed against her puffy pussy lips. Even though he wasn’t inside of her yet, his cock felt incredibly hot against her skin. He was massive, and she still wasn’t sure how he was going to fit inside of her.

But that didn’t stop Narcissa from nodding. “Just, go slow at the start,” she told him nervously.

“Of course,” he assured her kindly, meeting her gaze. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

Narcissa nodded and bit her lip. She was still sitting up a bit so that she could watch what was going on in between her thighs.

“I’m going to start now,” he warned her gently before he pushed forward slowly.

With the saliva on his cock and how wet she was, Harry didn’t need to put too much force into slipping inside of her. The head of his cock parted her lips, forcing her to stretch wide around him. Narcissa sucked in a deep breath and watched as his cock started to disappear inside of her pussy.

The feeling of being stretched out by her professor’s cock was intense. It was simultaneously terrifying and exhilarating, but Narcissa wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. Her body was pulsing with need, and even if it was a little uncomfortable at first, it still felt really good.

But Harry barely managed to push the head of his cock inside of her when he hit a barrier. Narcissa winced in pain and looked up into his beautiful green eyes.

“It’s gonna hurt a bit,” he warned her. “But your magic will help you. I’m going to take it slow, and you just need to tell me if there’s anything I can do to help you.”

“Okay,” Narcissa replied nervously. “I trust you.”

Harry leaned in and kissed her. Just as their lips touched and his tongue prodded at her lips, he pushed his hips forward.

Narcissa’s mouth opened wide in a gasp of pain as Harry broke her hymen. It was a sharp, stinging pain that left her eyes watering a little. Harry was still kissing her, and he pushed his tongue gently into her mouth. He caressed her tongue with his, moving it around softly as he held her comfortingly and stilled his cock inside of her.

The waves of pain only lasted for a few moments. It became easier to kiss Harry back with each passing second until the pain mostly receded, leaving her only with a dull ache. It too was slowly fading, but she felt like it might take a bit longer for that to happen.

“I’m okay,” Narcissa said as she pulled back from the kiss.

Harry reached up and wiped away a stray tear from her cheek. “I’m sorry.”

“I’m not,” Narcissa told him sincerely. “If there was anyone to do this with, I’m happy it was with you.”

Harry snorted. “You barely know me.”

Narcissa shook her head. “I know that you’re a better man than any of the pure-blooded arseholes I’ve met at Hogwarts. You’re kind and you care about me. You don’t want to see me hurt. I know it might just seem like common decency, but it’s not. It’s better than what most men give.”

Harry’s eyes glimmered with something more than just lust. “Then those men are idiots if they don’t treat you like the princess you are.”

Narcissa snorted. “Merlin, it sounds so cheesy saying that now.”

“I thought it was pretty hot,” Harry told her.

“I suppose it was,” she smiled at him. “And I suppose that your princess is ready to feel even better now.”

Narcissa rolled her hips, stirring Harry’s cock around inside of her. The stinging pain came back for a moment, but only just that. It faded, and her pleasure was starting to return to the fore of her mind.

“I’m still gonna go slow,” Harry told her. “Give you a chance to get used to my size.”

Narcissa nodded and wrapped her arms around his back. “Caring and fit, quite the dangerous combination.”

“You’re pretty fit yourself,” Harry countered before a little smirk came across his lips. “Don’t know about the caring part quite yet.”

“Hey,” Narcissa protested. “Didn’t I show your cock just how much I cared about it?”

Harry laughed and kissed her again. “You did.”

Narcissa laughed along with him and kissed him again the second he went to pull his lips away. She kissed him firmly, pouring in every ounce of passion she had to give, only to be stopped short when Harry started pushing inside of her again.

The sudden sensation of being stretched out made Narcissa gasp. It felt so good feeling his hard, hot cock spearing deeper inside of her pussy. She could feel her walls stretching to accommodate his girth while still clinging to him wonderfully. When she really focused on the sensation, she could practically feel the rush of blood coursing through his cock as he sank deeper and deeper inside of her.

It took nearly a minute of careful manoeuvring before Narcissa realised that Harry was completely buried in her pussy. Well, technically there was still an inch or two left outside of her pussy that couldn’t quite fit in, but she knew that she was as stuffed as she was going to get. 

“How do I feel?” Narcissa asked him, curious as to what he would say.

“Tight,” Harry grunted as his cock jumped inside of her pussy. “And wet, and hot, and perfect. You feel… right.”

“That’s what I was going to say about you,” Narcissa giggled. Having Harry’s cock inside of her just felt right. It was like it was always meant to be. 

Harry kissed her again. “Lay back,” he told her as he gently pushed on her shoulders. “I want to watch you while we have sex.”

Butterflies danced in her stomach as Narcissa laid back flat on the desk. She’d honestly come in here expecting just a fun, quick shag with Professor Potter, but sex with Harry was turning into so much more. She was filled with so many emotions swirling around inside of her that it bordered on becoming too overwhelming. 

She’d said that she just wanted a one-time shag to work her crush on him out of her system, but Narcissa knew now that she didn’t want this to be a one-time thing. And if anything, her crush on Harry had only grown since she’d stepped into his office.

She wondered what he’d think about turning this into a more permanent arrangement.

Narcissa felt Harry’s hips drag back along her thighs as he slowly pulled his cock almost all the way out of her pussy. The sensation of the loss of him inside of her was intense. She wanted to scream and grab his arse and slam his cock back inside of her, and she might have done exactly that in a few seconds if he hadn’t started pushing his way back inside of her.

Fire pooled around her pussy as Harry continued to fuck her gently. His thrusts were soft, delicate, and oh so delicious. His cock throbbed inside of her constantly, and her walls clenched around him in response. Narcissa wished their bodies could meld together so that she could feel this good all the time.

For whatever strange reason, Narcissa held herself back from moaning. Maybe it was her nervousness at finally having sex with her crush, or maybe it was because she was self-conscious and didn’t want him to think that she was a slag, but regardless of her reasons, she bit her cheek and held her voice.

At least, she did until Harry started to pick up the pace.

After having started things start off nice and gentle, it was like an electric jolt shot through her body when Harry jerked his hips forward. Rather than taking a few seconds to fill her pussy back up, this thrust took less than a second. Narcissa let out a whimpery-sounding moan that left her gasping and clutching onto Harry’s desk for dear life.

“Are you alright?” Harry asked concernedly, instantly stilling inside of her.

Narcissa could only nod as she swallowed the pool of saliva in her mouth.

“Are you sure?” Harry asked again.

“Yes,” she managed to get out. “Just… it felt really good.”

Harry smiled at her. “It feels good for me too.”

Narcissa pressed her heels against Harry’s arse. “Then show me.”

This time, Narcissa was ready for his faster, harder thrust. She still moaned when he filled her tight pussy, but she was able to show her pleasure more genuinely on her face. She closed her eyes and let her head hang back on the desk as Harry kept fucking her.

“I love the way your breasts bounce,” Harry groaned as he grabbed onto her hips and slammed into her again.

Narcissa peaked her eyes open and glanced down to see what he meant. Her perky breasts were bouncing freely up and down on her chest. Even she had to admit that they looked incredibly enticing; she couldn’t begin to imagine how erotic they must have looked to a man.

Narcissa pinched her nipples just the way she liked to do it when she was masturbating in her dorm. “You can watch them bounce everyday if you fuck me like this,” she told him breathlessly.

Harry chuckled. “I might just have to take you up on that.”

The long, deep strokes that Harry was doing when he pumped his cock into her pussy were driving Narcissa wild. The pleasure that began in her pussy radiated all throughout her body and made her want to squirm around in a good way. It was like the feeling of rubbing your cheek against a fine silk scarf, only the pleasure was hundredfold and spread throughout every inch of her body. 

Even with the incredible sex she was having, Narcissa wanted more. The pleasure she was experiencing seemed to be coming from an endless pool, and she wanted to dive right into it. One of her hands instinctively ended up right above where Harry’s cock was pounding into her pussy. She felt around and found her clit in a second, only for her hand to be pulled away from her.

“Let me do that,” Harry told her as he placed her wrist above her head. “You just lie back and enjoy yourself.”

Narcissa nearly screamed in delight when Harry touched her clit. Just the lightest touch coupled with his thick cock stretching her out was enough to nearly make her orgasm in under a second. She moaned like those witches did at the whorehouse in Knockturn Alley, only she wasn’t faking it.

“Yes, more!” Narcissa practically begged him.

Harry groaned in reply, no doubt feeling his own overwhelming pleasure as Narcissa’s pussy clamped down hard on his cock. He didn’t stop fucking her though. He kept at it and brought his fingers right back to her clit.

With her breasts bouncing, her pussy filled with Harry’s cock, and her clit being teased, Narcissa felt more pleasure than she’d ever felt in her life. She was crying tears of pure joy and moaning like crazy as Harry fucked her so perfectly.

She didn’t know how something could feel this way. Even her friends who’d slept with different men hadn’t come close to describing anything as incredible as this. Was it specifically Harry’s doing? Or was this just what it felt like when you finally connected with the person who was meant to be yours?

Narcissa needed to know, and the next time Harry slammed into her, she suddenly sat up and threw herself against him. 

Harry stumbled backwards in surprise as his hands instinctively grabbed Narcissa’s arse as she wrapped her arms and legs around him, her pussy still completely filled by Harry’s cock. Her mouth was on his, and he kissed her back with just as much love and passion as she was giving him.

Harry took enough steps back to hit his office chair. He fell down onto it, and Narcissa stayed sitting on his lap. The high-backed chair was nice and big; it could easily fit both of them side by side. Narcissa placed her knees down on either side of Harry’s hips and pressed her breasts against his chest as she kissed him.

In her mind now, with their bodies connected like this, Narcissa knew that this was more than just an incredible fuck. There had to be some deeper connection here that was driving both of them to feel this way.

She was going to make him hers forever.

To that end, she started riding his massive cock. 

Slamming herself down on his cock felt completely different to being fucked by it. Whereas she had no control before, now she had it all. Narcissa was able to bend her back in such a way as to ensure Harry’s cock hit all of the best spots inside of her pussy as she sank down onto it.

Harry kept holding onto her arse, spreading her cheeks apart and helping her to ride his cock. A slight growl tore through his throat as Narcissa grinded down against him and kept kissing him until they were both breathless. Only then did she let their swollen lips break apart.

“Harry,” she moaned his name.

“Narcissa,” he moaned back to her.

Then they were kissing again as Narcissa bounced on his cock. The chair creaked each time she slammed her arse down, but neither of them seemed to notice. They were both so lost in the pleasure of each other’s bodies that nothing could distract them now.

Narcissa worked her hips faster and faster. Every smack of her arse off of his thighs sent another thrill through her spine. Every sound of pleasure that left Harry’s lips urged her on to do even better to please him. And every time she slammed down on his cock and cried out his name, Narcissa praised whatever deities existed that she’d found this man.

“Fuck, Narcissa,” Harry groaned into her mouth. He kissed her again and wrapped his arms around her back and pinned her breasts against his chest. “I’m getting close.”

“That’s—ugh” she moaned as she slammed down hard on his cock again. “—good.”

“But where should I—?” He began to ask, only to be cut off as Narcissa kissed him again.

“Cum in me,” she told him. “I’ll take the potion tomorrow, just don’t ruin this for us.”

She wanted to feel him explode inside of her. She wanted to know what it was like to be connected with someone else in this way. There was no way in hell that she was going to get off of his cock when it felt this damn good.

“Okay,” Harry nodded and brought his hands back down to her arse. He slammed her down hard just as she dropped all of her weight onto him, and she screamed in pleasure.

“Harry!” Narcissa cried out, arching her back.

A feeling of pleasure unlike any that she’d experienced up to this point suddenly took hold. It was like a series of cascading waves that started in her pussy and then fired off in every direction throughout her body. Her entire body shook as her mouth went slack and her pussy clamped down hard on Harry’s cock.

And then, she felt it.

She faintly heard Harry cry out as he came as well, but it was the sensation of his cum shooting deep inside of her pussy that really took her notice. That hot, sticky substance felt like it was coating her walls as it fired inside of her. She could feel his cock throbbing, and her body throbbed in time with him. 

Again and again, the waves of pleasure slammed through Narcissa. She buried her face in the crook of Harry’s neck and bit down softly on his skin as her pussy spasmed. She was trembling against him, but it felt so wonderful. Even when she felt Harry’s cock stop shooting out his wonderful seed inside of her, her body continued to shake for several more seconds.

The waves died down, and Narcissa finally felt like she could breathe again. She opened her mouth and sucked in a deep breath.

“That was…” Narcissa began, only to stop herself. What words could she use to even begin to describe what she’d just experienced.

“Yeah,” came Harry’s murmured reply. He clearly didn’t know what to say either.

Despite the fact that they’d both just finished, Narcissa didn’t want to leave Harry’s lap. She wanted to stay connected to his warm skin and keep his cock inside of her pussy. But she didn’t manage to pull back far enough to look him in the face.

“I think this made my crush on you worse,” she blurted out suddenly.

Harry stared at her oddly for a second before he burst out laughing. “You mean that wasn’t enough to get it out of your system?” He said in between fits of laughter.

Narcissa shook her head as a goofy smile came across her lips. “Nope. Guess that means we’ll have to try again,” she said, poking his chest with her finger.

Harry beamed at her with that handsome smile that made her want to shag his brains out all over again, even if they were both already exhausted. “And what happens if we never work it out of your system?” He asked.

“Well,” Narcissa grinned. “I guess we’ll be stuck with each other forever then.”



A stunning blend of funny, sexy as hell, romantic, and did I mention it was insanely sexy? Gotta be in your top 5 hottest chapters, ever, and I would love to see more of them!