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AN: Here is Part 11 of the Watching His Girlfriend series! This chapter was commissioned by wnelson001! I hope you all enjoy it!





“Happy birthday,” Hermione murmured softly in Harry’s ear as she leaned down over top of him.

Harry glanced over to the side of his bed where the old alarm clock the Dursleys had given him so long ago sat. The red lights spelt out 12 AM.

Hermione’s hand gently pushed his jaw so that he went back to facing her, and she brushed out her hair so that it fell down like curtains on either side of their faces. Even in the darkness, he could see her beautiful brown eyes staring back at him. 

“I have a few gifts for you,” Hermione told him. “But they can wait till morning.”

Harry's lips quirked upwards. “You’re going to make me wait on my birthday? How cruel.”

“That’s me,” Hermione laughed quietly. “Your cruel girlfriend. I suppose that you could have one present right now.”

Harry wondered what it could be. He’d seen the way Hermione had been studying him the few times that they’d visited Diagon Alley this summer. She had seemed unusually curious about his broom preferences and even took him to a magical curio shop, ostensibly so that she could pick out something to study, but Harry knew that she was looking for gifts for him. He didn’t know if Hermione had managed to find anything for him; she was crafty and would never let him know if she had.

Harry couldn’t handle the suspense any longer.

“Go on,” he smiled. “What’s the first present?”

“Me,” Hermione answered before she kissed him.

Hermione snogged Harry gently as she ran her hands up and down his body. Harry was kissing her back with just as much tender love and care. He wrapped his arms around her back and pinned her on top of him, relishing in the feeling of her bare breasts squishing against his equally bare chest. 

Without so much as pausing the kissing, Hermione’s hands worked their way in between Harry’s thighs and found his cock. Her touches had made him harden so quickly, and his pleasure only grew when she pressed him against her wet pussy and sank down on top of him.

Harry let out a satisfied groan into Hermione’s mouth as her walls squeezed around him. How was it that after so long together she could still feel so good to him? Even he got sick of treacle tart if he ate it every day, but he never felt that way with Hermione.

Hermione gently rode his cock, slowly moving her hips up and down. Her lips clung tightly to his shaft, ensuring that he never slipped out even once. They just kissed and cuddled and revelled in each other’s bodies as they made love.

“I love you,” Hermione whispered as her walls fluttered around his cock.

“I love you too,” Harry replied before he kissed her hard.

Hermione moaned into the kiss, and then she screamed as her orgasm hit. Harry wasn’t far behind her. He exploded inside of her pussy and coated her insides white.

Then, with his cock still inside of her, they both eventually fell asleep.

It was only when the sun had been shining on his face for quite some time that Harry finally woke up. It was nearly eleven in the morning; he never slept in that early. But Hermione was still laying on top of him, resting her head comfortably on his chest as she dosed. His cock had slipped out of her at some point, and he could feel their combined juices staining his thighs.

As annoyed as Harry was to have slept in so late, he also welcomed the change of pace. Time was never wasted when he had his beautiful girlfriend in his arms. Besides, he felt more rested than he had in a long while.

Suddenly, Hermione blinked her eyes open, having detected the change in rhythm of his breathing.

“Morning,” she smiled up at him as she snuggled even closer against his side.

Harry kissed the top of head. “Good morning to you too,” he smiled back before he snorted. “We must have worn ourselves out last night; it’s already eleven.”

“I know,” Hermione yawned. “I woke up a little while ago and saw the time, but I figured that we could both use the rest.”

“You’re not wrong,” Harry replied as he stretched his legs out. “But I’d hate to spend all day lounging around in bed like a lazy bum.”

“We can get up in a minute,” Hermione said. “I’ve got to go get you your other present anyways.”

“You mean to say you don’t have it yet?” Harry asked amusedly.

“I do,” Hermione insisted. “It’s just on its way here. It’s supposed to be here around noon, so we’ve got some time yet.”

“Is it a broom?” Harry asked. “I’ve heard that they’re working on an updated model of the Firebolt. You didn’t use my name to get an early one, did you?”

“Does that really sound like something I would do?” Hermione laughed softly.

“Mmm, no, probably not,” Harry replied after thinking about it for a second. “Unless it was for a book.”

Hermione grinned up at him. “You know me so well,” she cooed.

Harry chuckled and squeezed her tight. “So, are you gonna tell me what you got me?”

“Nope,” Hermione said with a slight popping sound. “You’ll just have to wait and see.”

Suddenly, Harry started tickling her sides. “You’d better tell me now,” he said playfully as he rolled on top of her.

Hermione squealed and laughed as she tried to defend herself, but she was no match for Harry. He had her pinned down with his body weight, and he just kept tickling her as she tried to squirm out from under him.

“Harry!” Hermione half laughed and half cried. “Harry, stop, seriously!”

“Not until you tell me what I want to know!” Harry laughed and continued tickling her.

When she realised that defence wasn’t going to be what saved her, Hermione suddenly shifted onto offence. Harry hadn’t expected her to start tickling him back, but he should have. They both knew just how ticklish he could be, and Hermione was going all out.

It became a war of attrition as they both laughed and squirmed against each other, trying to make the other one give up first. After only a few seconds though, Harry realised that he really needed to go to the washroom, and this tickling had a fair chance of making his bed his new toilet.

“Okay, okay,” Harry retreated back, holding up his hands. “I give up!”

Hermione looked tempted to continue, but she hesitated. “I’m only letting you get away because it’s your birthday,” she told him seriously.

“Lesson learnt,” he assured her. “I won’t try to tickle you to learn what my presents are.”

“I’d prefer no tickling at all,” Hermione replied as a small smile graced her lips.

“That’s a promise I can’t keep,” Harry grinned back at her.

Hermione gave a dramatic sigh and rolled out of bed. “It’s lucky that you’re cute.”

“I think you mean that I’m lucky because you’re willing to put up with me,” Harry joked.

“That too,” Hermione giggled. “Now go on and shower. I’m gonna get myself cleaned up in here and I’ll meet you downstairs later.”

Harry grabbed a change of clothes and his towel. Hermione blew him a kiss as he headed out the door and went off to the bathroom. He was quite curious as to what gift she had from him. Normally, she didn’t play quite this coy, which made him think that something was up.

Maybe she was going to bring Kingsley over and fuck him here? She had asked for the day off, which Kingsley had agreed to. Maybe he was so desperate to get his fill that he’d be happy to fuck her over lunch? 

Or maybe she’d rounded up some of their friends from Hogwarts? Maybe Harry’s dormmates? Or maybe it was her dormmates again coming round for another fun evening? Maybe Draco and the Slytherins would show up? Maybe all of them?

It could also be someone completely new. Someone he never suspected.

Harry’s mind went wild as fantasies filled his mind. Hermione wasn’t shy about supporting his kink, and he was eternally thankful for that. After that great shag they’d had last night, the only thing that could make today even better was if she had something else planned. 

He was tempted to stroke himself right now as he stepped into the shower and let the hot water run down his face, but that would ruin the fun later if that was what Hermione had planned.

So, reluctantly, Harry restrained himself and got all nice and clean before he hurried out and got changed. He went back to his room and dropped off his dirty clothes. Hermione was missing, but he’d expected as much.

Well, it was time to see what she had planned for him.

Slowly, Harry left his room and headed for the staircase. He could hear hushed whispers coming from down below.

The second Harry stepped onto one of the old, creaky steps, the voices went silent. He took each step carefully, looking over the banister towards the living room. At first, all he could see was the wall, but then the room came into view, along with everyone in there.

Before Harry’s eyes focused on anyone else, he stared down at Hermione.

Hermione was almost completely naked. She was kneeling on her ground with her arse on her heels, staring up at him. The sole article of ‘clothing’ that she had on was a red ribbon. The ribbon covered her pussy, but the outline of it and her wetness was clear to see through the fabric. The ribbon continued upwards and wrapped around her breasts, just barely covering her nipples and not much else. There was a big red bow tied over top of her breasts, holding the entire ensemble together.

She looked breathtaking, and Harry so badly wanted to run downstairs and unwrap her himself. However, he knew that wasn’t the plan given the five others in the room with her.

Sitting on the sofa and chairs behind Hermione were five men he knew quite well. The first two right behind Hermione were the first ones he spotted: Dudley and Piers.

Both of them were grinning up at Harry with no small amount of delight in their faces. They were both wearing casual clothes, but their strong physiques were still on display. They had the sleeves of their shirts cut off, showing off their muscular arms.

Harry wasn’t surprised to see either of them here. In fact, he was quite excited that Piers had returned. He still remembered just how hard he’d been during the meal when Piers and Dudley had shagged Hermione right in front of him. It was one of his favourite memories to bring up to Hermione when they were fucking alone back at Hogwarts.

The other three, however, were a bit more of a surprise to see.

It had been a couple years since Harry had seen Dennis, Gordon, and Malcolm, but he recognised them all easily. 

Dennis had grown even more tall and lanky than he had been, but Harry knew that the man had a surprising amount of strength. His short black hair was matched by a short black beard and a hairy chest that was just barely showing thanks to the top buttons of his button-up shirt being undone.

Gordon’s acne had cleared up, but his cheeks still had a slight red tinge to them like he was just barely out of breath. Unlike Dudley and Piers who had both managed to shed their excess weight and put on quite a bit of muscle, Gordon seemed to have gone in the opposite direction. He was sporting a slight paunch, likely from a diet of fast food and beer. He still had his familiar long blond hair that came down to his shoulders though.

Malcolm was the one who had changed the most though. The sports-obsessed boy looked like he had been replaced by a handsome business man. Unlike everyone else’s casual dress, his trousers and shirt looked like they were both made of fine material. His face had slimmed down some, leaving him with prominent cheekbones and a clever smile on his lips. He had put on a decent amount of muscle too, though not quite as much as Dudley or Piers.

They were all staring at him with various grins, smirks, and smiles on their lips. They seemed wholly focused on his reaction to seeing his girlfriend kneeling down in front of them with nothing but that little red bow on. 

“Happy birthday, Potter!” Dudley exclaimed loudly, throwing his arms wide open. “You know, fucking Hermione this summer has been great, but I couldn’t help but feel like I was hogging her all this time. After all, if she’s happy to shag her boss, I figure she’s got to be happy to shag anyone. So, I invited some old friends round. I’m sure you remember them all.”

Harry nodded meekly, trying to act as though he was terrified of all of his childhood bullies being in front of him again.

Gordon was the first to break. He chortled at Harry’s nod, and that set off a chain of taunting laughter that seemed to echo throughout the house.

“Get on down here,” Dennis told Harry, waving him down. “We saved you a front row seat, mate!”

Slowly, Harry walked down the rest of the steps. His eyes never left Hermione’s excited but nervous-looking face.

“Dudley tells us that he’s been shagging your bird all summer,” Malcolm said smugly.

“It started months before this though,” Piers reminded him.

“Right,” Malcolm nodded. “You shagged her at supper.”

“I can’t wait to get a piece of her myself,” Dennis said, looking like he was seconds away from drooling at the mouth as he leered down at Hermione’s body.

“There’ll be plenty of time for all of us to get our fill,” Dudley assured them. “Hermione’s a good slut, and she wouldn’t want to leave any of us unsatisfied, now would she?”

“No, sir,” Hermione answered quietly.

Harry came into the living room to find that one big armchair had been set against the wall directly across from the group of men and Hermione. There was a blanket thrown over one of the arms.

As Harry sat down, Dudley addressed him again.

“Since it’s your birthday, I figured I’d be generous and let you have a wank while we play with Hermione here,” he sneered at Harry. “Just cover yourself up with that blanket. None of us want to watch you try to stroke your tiny prick.”

Harry’s mouth pooled with saliva. He had always dreamed of seeing Hermione used by a group of men like this, but he’d known that it’d be hard to handle if he couldn’t touch himself throughout it all. He didn’t know if this was Hermione’s doing or if Dudley was just genuinely being a bit kind, but he didn’t care. He eagerly covered up his lower half and unzipped his trousers.

In an instant, the five men practically forgot that Harry existed as they all focused on Hermione.

“So, who gets to unwrap her?” Gordon asked, clearly hoping that he was going to be the one to do it.

“I want to,” Dennis chimed in.

“Oi, we’re the ones who brought you over here in the first place,” Piers protested. “If anyone, it should be me or Dudley.”

Dudley nodded along. “It’s only right that way. We’ll unwrap her, and you lot can have your fun with her first.”

Gordon and Dennis grumbled at that, but Malcolm didn’t seem to mind too much. He was much too focused on Hermione’s curves to particularly care, and Harry could see from the way Hermione kept glancing at Malcolm out of the corner of her eyes that she liked the handsome man’s attention on her.

Piers and Dudley each crouched down beside Hermione and grabbed onto either end of the fabric underneath the bow. They both sharply pulled at it, and the bow unravelled and the fabric fell away from her body. 

A cheer went up from everyone, and then they pounced on her.

It was a flurry of activity as Hermione was hoisted to her feet and shoved roughly onto the sofa. She ended up with her face in Malcolm’s lap while Gordon and Dennis were both fighting over who was going to get to her pussy first. Piers and Dudley both stepped back and watched on in amusement.

“You’ve got quite the pretty face,” Malcolm told Hermione as he gently took hold of her jaw. He tilted her head from side to side, examining her face, before he stuck a couple fingers inside of her mouth and felt around. Hermione’s lips formed a tight seal around them and she sucked hard. “Your mouth will do quite nicely too. Go on and get my cock out and give it a taste.”

Hermione scrambled to undo his trousers and get Malcolm’s cock out. Harry was surprised to see just how big Malcolm was; he looked almost the exact same size as Harry. Hermione must have realised the same thing because she glanced over at Harry as she rested Malcolm’s cock along her face. The head pushed up into her curly brown hair, and his balls were resting right below her chin.

“I wonder if she can take it all,” Malcolm commented with a sly smile on his lips.

“Trust me, she’s a natural,” Piers chortled. “She took my cock well enough before. You don’t need to be gentle with her either.”

“Perfect,” Malcolm grinned.

As Hermione licked Malcolm’s shaft, Dennis and Gordon seemed to have come to an understanding. Dennis took a step back and let Gordon go up onto the sofa behind Hermione. He grabbed Hermione by her waist and lifted her up onto her knees, leaving her arse high up in the air and her face down in Malcolm’s lap. Then, he unzipped his trousers and pulled out his average-sized prick and quickly thrust into Hermione’s pussy without even an ounce of foreplay.

Still, Hermione gasped loudly like it was the biggest cock she’d ever taken. She looked back seductively over her shoulder at Gordon, who groaned happily at her sultry look and the feeling of her tight, wet pussy wrapped around his cock. He grabbed onto her arse and started bucking his hips against her.

“Don’t forget about me,” Malcolm reminded her.

“Don’t worry, she’s a real slut,” Dudley commented as he watched on. “I bet she wouldn’t have any trouble taking all of our cocks at once.”

“Then count me in,” Dennis said excitedly as he pulled out his cock. Like his frame, his cock was long but skinny. He stepped up right beside the sofa and stuck out his cock while he leaned down to grope one of Hermione’s breasts.

Hermione reached out and wrapped one fist around Dennis’s cock and started to stroke him awkwardly while she opened her lips and took Malcolm’s cock into her mouth. It was a little difficult for her to do with Gordon thrusting so wildly into her pussy, but she managed it. She sealed her lips around his shaft and started bobbing her head up and down while continuing to stroke Dennis.

Underneath his blanket, Harry’s hard cock throbbed in his hand. Watching these three childhood bullies of his with his naked girlfriend was absolutely incredible. Never in his wildest dreams could he have imagined arranging something like this, but he wasn’t going to take it for granted. He slowly started stroking himself.

“There Potter goes,” Dudley laughed and pointed at him. He’d clearly noticed Harry’s arm moving up and down. “He’s stroking his tiny prick while he’s watching his girlfriend get fucked by proper men. God, how pathetic can he be?”

Everyone laughed along with that, but Harry didn’t care. In fact, the humiliation only seemed to heighten the pleasure he was feeling as he touched himself.

“Don’t be mean,” Hermione told everyone weakly as she came up off of Malcolm’s cock for a moment. However, any further words were stopped as Malcolm grabbed the back of her head and forced her mouth back down onto his cock.

“Aww, look at that,” Dudley said, looking like he was only seconds away from crying from laughter. “She’s trying to protect her sorry excuse for a boyfriend. You’ve got to learn to face facts, slut. Potter is the epitome of an inadequate man, and a man like him will never be able to satisfy you. You need real men like us if you’re ever going to feel any real pleasure in your life, so shut up and just enjoy the ride. I know we all will.”

Hermione moaned around Malcolm’s cock while he stroked her hair lovingly. She had most of his shaft in her mouth and throat now, but Malcolm kept pushing her head down to take more. He made her bob her head up and down, and Harry could see thick globs of saliva dripping down his exposed shaft.

Meanwhile, Dennis was moaning loudly as Hermione kept stroking his cock. He had his head hung back and his mouth agape as he thrust his hips in time with Hermione’s hand. Her breast was still in his hands, and he was groping her so roughly that her skin was turning red. 

“Fuck,” Gordon groaned as he spanked Hermione’s arse. “This bird has the tightest pussy imaginable.”

“It feels even better when you’re cumming inside of it,” Dudley replied knowingly.

“I’m not far off from that,” Gordon groaned again. He pounded hard into Hermione. His bulging stomach hung low enough to smack off of her arse with each thrust. 

Everyone knew the moment that Gordon came because he let out a squeal like a pig while he rammed himself as deep into Hermione’s pussy as he could go. He made a bunch of tiny thrusts against her as he filled her up with his cum, and then, after delivering one last sharp spank, he pulled out of her.

“That was bloody incredible,” Gordon gushed as he stuffed his cock back in his trousers. “If I had a girl like that, I’d never let her leave the house. She’d be on her back day and night while I had my fill.”

“Yeah, well,” Dudley smirked. “Some men aren’t as capable as you.”

Suddenly, Dennis groaned, and a thick burst of cum shot out of his cock and onto Hermione’s bushy hair. Hermione kept stroking him even as she was sucking Malcolm’s cock, letting every last drop land on her hair and back.

“Damn it,” Dennis whinged. “I wanted a go in her pussy too.”

“That’s what you get for wasting this opportunity,” Piers spat. “Why bother with her hands when you could have just waited your turn?”

“She’s just so sexy,” Dennis exclaimed. “I couldn’t help myself.”

“Yeah, well, go sit down and see if you can recover for some more fun after,” Dudley told him. “It’s time for Piers and I to have a go at her.”

“What about Malcolm?” Dennis asked. “He’s still using her.”

“The slag’s got three holes, doesn’t she?” Piers rolled his eyes. “Honestly, you’re dumb as a sack of bricks.”

Dennis’s cheeks flushed red and he hurried off to trade places with Dudley and Piers.

Malcolm barely glanced up from Hermione’s face as he forced her to take his entire shaft down her throat. “How do you want her?” He asked the two men.

Dudley frowned in thought for a minute. “Put her head on the armrest there,” he said, pointing to the armrest that Malcolm was currently leaning up against. “You can stand on the side of the sofa and fuck her mouth as much as you want. Piers, do you want her pussy or her arse?”

“Her pussy,” Piers leered at Hermione. “If it’s as tight as Gordon says, then I’m in for a real treat.”

“Get underneath her then,” Dudley ordered him. I’ll squat down behind her and bugger her arse.”

Hermione gasped for breath as Malcolm pulled his cock back out of her mouth. Strands of saliva connected from his shaft to her lips. Malcolm slid out from underneath her and grabbed her by her armpits and lifted her into the air. She wrapped her arms and legs around him for support as Piers laid down on the sofa. Then, Malcolm deposited her right down onto Piers’s lap and walked around to the side of the sofa. 

“Hello, sweetness,” Piers winked up at her as he pulled out his hard cock and smacked it against her pussy. “Are you ready to get properly fucked by the three of us?”

Hermione glanced up into Harry’s eyes. Both of them were filled with lust, and Harry nodded at her excitedly.

“Yes,” she replied meekly. 

“Good, then sit on my cock like a good girl and wait for Dudley to get into position,” Piers told her.

Hermione raised her hips high enough to then sink down on Piers’s cock. He slid into her smoothly, and Piers let out a satisfied groan.

Dudley climbed onto the sofa behind Hermione and got his cock out too while Malcolm grabbed Hermione’s chin and pressed his cock right up against her lips. She opened her mouth to receive him, but he didn’t push inside of her. Instead, Malcolm waited and watched as Dudley spread Hermione’s cheeks apart and spat on her arsehole.

“Hope you’re ready for me,” he told her as he pressed the tip of his girthy cock against her arsehole. His saliva coated the head of his cock to lubricate it a bit, and then he pushed the rest of the way inside.

Hermione cried out in pleasure, but her voice became muffled when Dudley’s thrust jostled her body forward, indirectly forcing Malcolm’s cock into her mouth.

“Fuck!” Dudley exclaimed loudly as he sank as deep into Hermione’s arse as he could go. “I can never get tired of this slut’s tight holes.”

“You’re telling me,” Piers chuckled as he groped Hermione’s breasts. He glanced up briefly at Malcolm. “Be careful how you fuck her mouth,” he said warningly. “I don’t want your bollocks on my face, you hear me?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Malcolm chuckled as he started facefucking Hermione. “I hear you.”

That seemed to be the cue to get everything started. Hermione’s hips were raised just high enough that Piers could thrust up into her. He did that just as Dudley started thrusting into her arse. It was pretty awkward at first as the two men were completely out of sync with one another, but they managed to find a rhythm that they were both generally able to stick to after several seconds.

Malcolm didn’t even have to thrust into Hermione’s mouth much. Dudley was fucking her arse hard, and that kept forcing her to deepthroat Malcolm’s cock. So, he just kept Hermione’s head steady and enjoyed the sensation of Hermione’s mouth and throat around him.

Harry started stroking himself faster underneath the blanket. His girlfriend was getting used like nothing more than a sex toy by the three men in front of him, and she looked like she was loving every second of it. She had an incredibly lewd, flushed expression on her face as she was fucked, and her muffled screams of pleasure were like music to Harry’s ears.

Everyone was groaning as they fucked Hermione. Harry could only imagine how incredible it would feel to fuck her pussy while her arse was stuffed with another man’s cock. How tight would she feel like that? It must have been exceptional because both Piers and Dudley were too lost in the pleasure of fucking Hermione to bother to taunt Harry like they normally did.

As the steady rhythm of the two men fucking Hermione stopped her from bouncing around as much, Malcolm decided to grab her hair into a tight bunch and fuck her mouth. His hips slammed forward as he shoved his cock down her throat, and his balls smacked off of her chin noisily. Hermione gagged around his cock, but Malcolm paid her no mind.

“God, look at her go,” Dennis said from the sidelines. He had taken his cock back out and was stroking himself. 

“I know, right,” Gordon agreed, biting his lip. He fished out his own cock too and started stroking himself.

Somehow, the sight of the two men masturbating to his girlfriend getting fucked made Harry even hornier. It was like the knowledge that these men found her that desirable made it even more exciting for Harry.

“Mmm,” Malcolm moaned. He closed his eyes and fucked Hermione’s mouth faster. “I’m gonna cum right down this slut’s throat.”

“She’ll gobble it up like the good girl she is,” Dudley said, punctuating his statement with a particularly hard thrust forward into Hermione’s arse, which forced her nose to squish itself into Malcolm’s pubic hair. “She loves to drink my cum every day. Give her a taste of yours.”

“Fuck, I’m—” Malcolm groaned and suddenly froze in place. Hermione took the initiative and grabbed his shaft and started stroking him while her lips sealed around the head of his cock. Then, Malcolm let out the most wonderful sigh as he came in Hermione’s mouth.

Hermione got every last drop of cum out of Malcolm’s cock and then opened her mouth to show his cum swirling around inside of it. Once she was sure that Malcolm had gotten a good look at it, she swallowed it all down.

As Malcolm staggered backwards, he turned to look at Harry. “You’ve got quite the girl here, Potter. I might just have to borrow her again this summer.”

Harry had to pretend like the idea didn’t turn him on even more. He just kept stroking his cock as he watched Hermione get fucked. It was even better now that he could see her face clearly.

Without a cock in her mouth, Hermione’s sweet moans echoed loudly throughout the house. It sounded like she’d never experienced a greater pleasure than having Piers in her pussy and Dudley in her arse, and both men seemed to thrive on the sounds she was making.

“Are you getting close too, D?” Piers grunted as he continued to slam up into Hermione’s pussy.

“Yeah,” Dudley answered as he spanked Hermione’s arse. “She feels too damn good to last long inside of her.”

“Then, do you want to do the thing we talked about?” Piers asked.

Dudley grinned and glanced up at Harry. “Oh, yeah. Let’s do it.”

Suddenly, Dudley pulled out of Hermione’s arse and Piers pulled out of her pussy. Hermione whimpered at the loss as Piers rolled out from under her, leaving her lying on her back on the sofa.

The five men all got to their feet and crowded around Hermione’s exhausted body on the sofa. They were all stroking themselves furiously as they leered down at her naked body.

“Go on and touch yourself,” Dudley ordered Hermione.

Tiredly, Hermione started fingering her pussy and squeezing her breasts together. She opened her mouth and showed off her tongue for the five men as they all worked towards their next orgasms.

Piers was the first to cum, and he fired a thick spurt right across Hermione’s breasts and belly. Barely a few seconds after he finished, Malcolm came all over Hermione’s swollen pussy. Her fingers pumped his cum right inside of her.

Apparently, that last act was enough to send Gordon and Dennis over the edge, because they both came at the same time. Their thick seed splattered all over Hermione’s face.

Dudley was the last, and he pounced on top of Hermione and rammed his cock in her pussy before he let out an explosive roar and came inside of her. He kept pounding into her again and again until he was completely spent. Then, he pulled out of her, and everyone watched the accumulated cum drip out of Hermione’s pussy and onto the sofa.

Harry finally exploded under the blanket. He moaned, bucking his hips upwards into his fist and coating the blanket in his cum. He had never felt so turned on watching his girlfriend getting fucked before, and this orgasm left him feeling lightheaded from how good it was.

Panting for breath, Dudley got to his feet and sneered towards Harry. “Happy birthday, Potter.”



Quick question, is there a possibility of a Snape chapter at some point?


All pairing choices are up to the commissioner. I can pass along your request though.