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AN: Here is Part 6 of the Watching His Girlfriend series! This chapter was commissioned by wnelson001! I hope you all enjoy it!


“You’ll do great,” Harry told his nervous girlfriend.

Hermione gave Harry a weak smile and straightened out her robes again. She had picked up a new set at Madam Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions just for this interview at the Ministry, and Harry thought that she looked lovely in them. The warm honey colour did a lot to bring out her brown eyes and hair, but she still looked perfectly professional in the conservative cut of her robes.

“I appreciate the vote of confidence,” Hermione told him sincerely as she toyed with the hem of her robes. “I just want to make sure I make a good first impression. Professor Slughorn really stuck his neck out for me to get me so many interviews; I don’t want to let him down.”

It truly had been a busy past few weeks for them. After the first interview with Conall McLaggen, Slughorn had set up several other meetings with various Ministry officials who were looking for new employees. All of them were respectful, well-paying positions that’d set Hermione on a path to a successful career if she took any one of them. Harry truly was grateful that Slughorn was trying his best to set Hermione up to succeed in life.

“You would never let him down,” Harry assured her. “You’re doing so well. All you have to do is keep on impressing everyone by being the incredible witch that you are, and your rewards are sure to follow.”

“Ms Granger!” An attendant called out from a nearby desk at the back of the large waiting room. “Ms Hermione Granger!”

“Yes!” Hermione called back as she got to her feet and waved to catch the attendant’s attention. “Be right over.”

Harry hurried to his feet as Hermione collected her things and practically ran over to the young witch who had called out her name. She was dressed smartly in a set of violet-coloured robes and a red pin that signified her as a member of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. She smiled genially at Hermione and Harry as they approached and gestured to the nearby door. “If you’d follow me please.”

The woman led Harry and Hermione past the small waiting room and down a narrow, winding corridor that eventually led them to another set of doors. As she opened them, Hermione and Harry were assaulted by a flurry of activity and noise going off in the room.

“Sorry,” the witch said, laughing at their surprised expressions. “It can get a little hectic in here.”

“That’s an understatement,” Harry whispered to Hermione as they followed the witch inside.

The room was cavernous. There looked to be easily one hundred desks neatly arranged throughout the room, each with several stacks of parchment and a tired-looking worker sitting behind them. Ministerial staff were weaving in between the desks, collecting and depositing scrolls of parchment and constantly barking out requests to the various workers. Even worse than that though was the crowd of civilians who were congregated around a series of desks near the far left side of the room. They looked miserable, angry, or just downright annoyed to be there, but the workers who they were each talking to seemed to be more exhausted than any of them were.

“We call this the Gnome Room,” the witch slyly explained with a wink. “It’s where all the people with superficial problems come to complain. Just as soon as you clear one out, five more spring up in their place.”

That was certainly an apt name. Harry still had nightmares every once and a while about his experiences de-gnoming the Weasleys’s garden.

Nearby, a woman with a snake draped around her shoulders slammed her hand on the desk in front of her and started gesturing wildly at the mice flying around above her head. They appeared to have sprouted wings, and the snake seemed quite keen on trying to catch them. It coiled up and then sprang forward, making the wizard behind the desk jump in fright. The mouse flew up and out of the snake’s path, and the snake angrily coiled back up to await another attempt while the woman continued to demand how the poor worker was going to solve this problem.

“Don’t worry.” The witch leading them laughed at the expression on Hermione’s face. “You would be stuck in here if you get hired. You’ll be in the Auror Office, helping to deal with real problems.”

Hermione let out a subtle sigh of relief. “It isn’t that I would have minded working here,” she tried to weakly explain.

“Trust me, you would have,” the witch smiled. “Everyone who’s had to work here does.”

They finally reached the far end of the room and passed through another set of doors. After one more winding corridor, the witch brought them to an isolated door. She knocked twice sharply on the door before opening it.

“Ah, you made it!” Kingsley Shacklebolt said in his booming voice as he got to his feet. He had been seated behind a large wooden table that monopolised most of the space in the room. There were a few pieces of parchment, a quill, and an inkwell on the table, but the room was quite sparse beyond that. “Thank you, Diane. I’ll take it from here.”

The witch, Diane, smiled and nodded at the dismissal. As she turned to leave, her gaze locked onto Hermione for a second. “Good luck,” she said sincerely. Then, she left.

“It’s wonderful to see you two again,” Kingsley grinned as he shook Hermione’s hand first and then Harry’s. “When Horace called to ask if I’d be willing to interview a student of his, I’d been ready to turn him down until I heard it was you.”

Hermione beamed. “Thank you for taking the time to interview me. Professor Slughorn has been a great help getting me a head start on my career.”

“Come on in,” Kingsley said as he waved them forward into the room. “I bet Diana took you through the Gnome Room, didn’t she.”

“She did,” Hermione confirmed. “It was . . .”

“Chaos,” Kingsley laughed. “She does it to all of our new hires; she thinks scaring them by showing them where they could end up if they don’t do good work will make them work harder in the long run. She’s a little presumptuous, but there’s no one better at wrangling a messy schedule into something manageable.”

Kingsley flicked his wand; seconds later, the door opened and a tea set flew in. It crashed down onto the table as the door slammed shut.

As Kingsley poured a cup of tea for each of them, he smiled up at Hermione. “Well, Hermione, why don’t you start off by telling me why you’d be interested in a position in my department.”

Harry sat and watched as Hermione dove into a deep explanation over her longstanding interest in helping others, especially those who were discriminated against by the pure-blood elite. It never ceased to amaze Harry how Hermione thrived like this when she was in her element; she never stumbled over her words and never lost confidence, even when Kingsley posed her tricky questions. She held strong throughout and did a far better job than Harry knew he ever could.

Kingsley seemed delighted with Hermione’s responses too. With each passing question, the grin on his face grew and grew. Eventually, he ditched his rigid questions altogether and stuck to having a more free-form discussion with Hermione instead. He detailed a lot of the normal tasks that he dealt with in his job: making arrests, mediating tense situations, sitting through dull meetings, and dealing with endless stacks of paperwork. He never sugarcoated the work he did, but nothing that he said dissuaded Hermione from the interest she had in what he did and what work she’d be doing under him.

As the discussion continued on, Kingsley laid out the work she’d be doing for him. She’d act as his executive assistant, a special privilege Kingsley was allowed as a Senior Auror within the department. Hermione would stay at the Auror Office and handle most of his administrative tasks, such as filling out tedious paperwork, managing his schedule, handling enquiries, and attending meetings with him. While it wasn’t as exciting as being an Auror was—at least by Harry’s estimation—Hermione would have a key role in liaising with key personnel from various departments, which was something she was desperately interested in. Being able to see all of the inner workings of the Ministry would grant her the knowledge she needed to understand how best to affect positive changes to the institution as a whole.

By the end of the hour-long meeting, Harry could see his girlfriend brimming with excitement. The look of unadulterated hope and joy in her eyes told him that she had her heart set on this job.

But more than that though, Harry could see the hunger in Hermione’s eyes as she looked at Kingsley.

It wasn’t an understatement to say that Kingsley was an incredibly handsome man. He was tall, strong, and had a nice face. His deep, booming voice was so pleasant to listen to, and his dark skin looked smooth and flawless. He had a welcoming but charismatic presence that simply drew everyone’s attention towards him. By the slight flush on her cheeks, Harry knew that Hermione was starting to become more interested in Kingsley.

When Hermione started to squirm a bit in her chair, Harry knew that she was rubbing her thighs together to get some relief from the fire that was surely burning up inside of her.

“I think that there isn’t much more that needs to be said,” Kingsley announced. “Hermione, I think that you’re a wonderful witch and that you’d make for an excellent assistant. I’d formally like to offer you a position with me, pending your N.E.W.T. results of course.”

“Thank you so much,” Hermione gushed, leaning forward and showing off a little bit of cleavage as her robes dipped down a bit. “I’d love to come work for you and—”

Kingsley held up his hand to stop her. “Please, take a day to think it over at least. From what Slughorn tells me, you’ve had quite a few substantial offers come in already. I’d hate for you to jump into this job without having really thought it through first.”

Knowing Hermione, she already had thought it through during the course of the interview, but Harry could still see the wisdom in Kingsley’s words. Hermione looked ready to protest, but she bit her lip to hold herself back and nodded her head in agreement with him.

“Alright,” Hermione replied. “But don’t be surprised if you see an owl from me tomorrow.”

Kingsley laughed heartily and rose to his feet. “I won’t be,” he assured her. “If you do decide to take my offer, we can cover all of the specifics of your day-to-day work in another meeting. However, I want to be clear. If you come to work for me, I’d expect you to be devoted to your job. We’ll need to work closely, and that means that we’ll have to help each other out a lot.”

Hermione nodded her head. “I think I get what you mean.”

Kingsley gave Harry a questioning look to see if he consented too. Like Hermione, Harry understood perfectly well what Kingsley meant: he was asking permission to keep fucking Hermione after they started working together.

Normally, it was only when someone was first hired that they had sex with their employer, but Slughorn had told them that some people preferred a more regular exchange of pleasure. It was something that he and Hermione had talked about one night, and Harry was more than happy to support her with whatever she chose to do.

Harry gave a subtle nod of his head. Kingsley grinned.

Harry stood up as did Hermione. Hermione went to shake Kingsley’s hand, but the tall man instead opened his arms wide and hugged Hermione. She looked quite small against his large frame as she hugged him back.

“You’d be a most welcome addition here,” Kingsley said. His hands drifted lower down Hermione’s back, slipping past her waist and reaching her protruding backside. Kingsley grabbed her arse in his hands and gave it a squeeze before he released her. “Once you accept my offer, we’ll go through all of the formal processes of you becoming my assistant.”

Hermione stepped back, blushing furiously but smiling up at Kingsley.

Harry and Hermione left then, retracing their steps back through the Ministry as they started to return back to the fireplaces that they could floo out of. As they went, Harry’s mind kept replaying the scene of Kingsley hugging Hermione in his mind.

“He’s so much bigger than you,” Harry murmured to Hermione as they passed through the Gnome Room. “It looked like he could break you in two if he tried.”

Hermione glanced at him out of the corner of her eyes. “He is really big and strong,” she agreed.

Kingsley hadn’t fucked Hermione today, but he would eventually do it if she took his job offer. Not everyone Hermione had interviewed with had chosen to fuck her right then and there; some decided to wait to see if she’d accept their offer first. Harry had loved watching the men relish in the beauty of Hermione’s body as they fucked her or made her suck their cocks, but all of them paled in comparison to what he imagined Kingsley would do to her.

When they passed out of the Gnome Room and entered an empty corridor, Harry couldn’t help but pounce on Hermione. She gasped as he pinned her back against a wall and started to kiss her. Her lips were soft and parted easily when he pushed his tongue inside of her mouth. After a moment’s surprise, Hermione kissed him back just as passionately and squeezed his cock through his robes.

“You’re hard,” she murmured huskily as their kiss broke. “You wanted Kingsley to fuck me today, didn’t you?”

“How could I not?” Harry groaned as Hermione squeezed the head of his cock. Merlin, he wanted her so bad.

Hermione grabbed one of his hands and brought it underneath her robes. She guided his fingers up towards her pussy, which was completely devoid of any underwear covering it. “Can you feel how wet I am?” She whispered.

“Yes,” Harry answered as his cock jumped in Hermione’s hand.

She leaned in close to his ear. “I wanted Kingsley to bend me over that table and make a mess out of my pussy while you watched. I wanted to see the look on your face as he fucked me with his thick, black cock. I think you would have liked watching me.”

There was nothing Harry would have enjoyed more.

“Well,” Hermione smiled teasingly. “Maybe you can watch someone else fuck me instead. After all, I still need to say thank you to Professor Slughorn for arranging this interview.”

That would still be incredible, even if it wasn’t Kingsley. Harry could already tell that he was close to cumming just from his imagination and Hermione’s touch. He might not even have to touch himself to orgasm if he got to see his girlfriend getting used by their professor.

“Let’s go back to Hogwarts,” Hermione told Harry with a wink. “We’ll stop by Slughorn’s office and see if he’s ready for some thanking.”


“Come in,” Professor Slughorn called out from behind the door to his office.

When Harry entered with Hermione at his side, Slughorn’s face lit up with anticipation and he leapt to his feet. He came rushing around the desk towards them.

“How did it go?” He asked quickly as he ushered them into the two chairs in front of his desk. “For a man as reticent to take on a new assistant as Kingsley is, I was surprised that he agreed to interview you in the first place. Did he make an offer?”

“He did,” Hermione smiled at Slughorn as she sat down. “And I think I’m going to take him up on his offer.”

“Excellent!” Slughorn grinned, clapping his hands together. He sat back down behind his desk and pulled open one of his drawers. “I had been saving this for a special occasion, and I can think of no finer a time than right now to indulge.”

Slughorn pulled out a dark-violet bottle of mead and set it on his desk. He followed up with three short glasses, which he poured a generous amount of the clear, violet mead into.

“Violet mead with notes of cinnamon, ginger, and lavender,” Slughorn explained as he passed the cups over to Harry and Hermione. “A gift from a former student of mine who runs a meadery near the coast in Wales. He supplies meads all across Europe you know, although a few elven-wine makers in Europe have been stirring up a fuss over him taking their sales lately.” Slughron laughed and brought the glass up to his nose and took a deep sniff. “To you, Hermione! I always knew that you’d shine as bright as a star in the Ministry.”

Slughorn downed his glass in a single gulp, and Harry and Hermione followed more slowly. The sweet mead ran down smooth and left a pleasant tingling on Harry’s tongue as he swallowed it.

“Wonderful,” Slughorn sighed happily. “I do hope you won’t forget about dear old Professor Slughorn once you’re out making waves in the Ministry.”

“Of course not, sir,” Hermione replied quickly. “How could I ever forget you when you’ve made all of this possible for me.”

“Now now,” Slughorn chastised lightly. “It was your talent that brought you here. You’re the one deserving of the praise, not me.”

“Still,” Hermione smiled. “I do have a gift I’d like to give you in thanks for helping me out so much with this.”

“Well,” Slughorn grinned. “I’ve never been one to turn down a generous gift. What is it that you’ve brought for me, my dear?”

“Me,” Hermione answered as she yanked open her robes. The fine honey-coloured fabric flowed off of her like water. It pooled around her wide hips, revealing her bare body.

Slughorn nearly choked on his second glass of mead as his gaze raked over Hermione’s body. “My dear girl, you’d better warn me before you do that again; you’re likely to give me a heart attack.”

“I’m sorry, Professor,” Hermione said sultrily as she leaned forward, squeezing her breasts together between her arms. “I just wanted to show my appreciation for all that you’ve done for me.

Hermione prowled forward, getting to her feet and then starting to climb on Slughorn’s desk. Her robes slipped off of the chair as she stepped out of her shoes. Harry watched, desperately horny, as Hermione wiggled her arse for him as she crawled across Slughorn’s desk; her pussy was glistening with wetness and her arsehole was winking at him.

Slughorn reclined in his chair and watched Hermione with undisguised lust. “Well, Ms Granger, by all means, show your appreciation.”

Hermione glanced back at Harry. “Darling,” she purred. “Would you mind helping me out a little bit? Just a simple levitation charm to keep me steady here.”

Curious as to what she had planned, Harry grabbed his wand and cast the desired charm. Hermione’s body floated off of the surface of the desk. She flattened herself out and grabbed hold of Slughorn’s waist in order to pull her face closer to his crotch, leaving her lower half floating above Slughorn’s desk.

“Fascinating,” Slughorn murmured as he looked at Hermione’s floating arse. “You truly are full of surprise, Ms Granger.”

“Pleasant ones, hopefully,” she replied.

“Very much so.”

“Harry?” Hermione called out again. “I know you’ve had a hard day, but would you mind getting my pussy ready for Professor Slughorn’s cock. Your magic tongue always works wonders for me.”

Harry’s breath hitched in his throat. He was going to finally be allowed to participate with them? Watching was hot enough, but helping to get his girlfriend ready for another man’s cock . . .

A pleasant tremor ran down Harry’s spine. “Of course,” he said. “If it’s okay with Professor Slughorn, that is.”

“By all means,” Slughorn said graciously, not paying Harry too much mind as he was more focused on helping Hermione get his trousers down.

Hermione spread her legs for Harry. Her labia parted, revealing the pink centre between them. Unable to contain his eagerness, Harry quickly got up and planted himself against the edge of Slughorn’s desk and leaned forward between her thighs. The musk of her sex filled his nose as he neared it.

“Ah, that’s it,” Slughorn sighed.

Harry briefly peered over Hermione’s arse to see Slughorn stroking the back of Hermione’s head as it bobbed up and down in his lap. Harry could hear the slobbery sounds of Hermione lapping at the older man’s cock.

“You’re a lucky man, Harry,” Slughorn said, getting Harry’s attention. “Having a pretty, young thing like this to take care of you must do wonders to keep you happy and healthy.”

Harry grinned and nodded his head. “She’s a real treat. Promise to keep a secret, sir?”

“I’d never betray your confidence,” Slughorn replied sincerely. He moaned then and his eyes slammed shut. His fingers swept through Hermione’s hair until he grabbed a firm hold of her locks.

“I know it's against school rules to have a woman visit the men’s dormitory,” Harry began to explain as his hands settled on Hermione’s thighs. Her pussy quivered in anticipation as his fingers drew closer towards her core. “But sometimes Hermione likes to sneak into my bed in the middle of the night.”

“I bet she does,” Slughorn groaned as he readjusted himself in his seat. Hermione gagged around Slughorn’s cock for a second before the sounds of her slurping returned.

“I’ll wake up with her mouth around my cock, or her pussy if she decided to ride me,” Harry said, punctuating his statement by pushing one of his index fingers past Hermione’s entrance. The tight, slippery walls of her pussy clung to his finger as he probed deeper. “It’s quite the treat. Would you like it if she visited you in the night sometime?”

“Oh, Merlin.” Slughorn’s hands left Hermione’s head and instead grabbed onto the armrests of his chair. “That would be just delightful.”

“I know that she’d like it too,” Harry said as he curled his finger up inside of Hermione’s pussy so that he could hit just the right spot inside of her. He knew he touched it when her thighs suddenly tensed and her feet kicked out behind him.

With his finger finding one of her sensitive points, Harry knew that it was time to get his tongue involved too. He nuzzled his face right up against her pussy and stuck his tongue out. He ran it down her labia until he found the hard nub he was looking for.

As soon as Harry’s tongue touched her clit, he applied pressure with his finger again. Harry’s cock throbbed with need when he heard Hermione squeal in pleasure around Slughorn’s cock. Her legs thrashed a little again, but he didn’t stop licking her. Her juices were flowing freely around his mouth and down his hand; they were absolutely delicious, and Harry endeavoured to lick up every last droplet of moisture that left her pussy.

Hermione tasted delicious on his tongue. Her clit was dripping with her juice, and Harry kept flicking it with his tongue as he lapped it all up. Hermione loved rough sex and a lot of direct stimulation, so Harry was more than happy to give it to her.

The silken walls of her pussy started clenching around his finger. They squeezed him like they were trying to squeeze the cum out of a cock. Her walls were starting to flutter around him, almost like she was about to—

“Stop,” Hermione gasped suddenly. Her thighs clamped down on either side of Harry’s head. “Not yet. I want Professor Slughorn inside of me when I finish.”

Harry’s cock jumped at hearing his girlfriend’s slutty words. She wanted to have an orgasm from another man’s cock; she wanted Slughorn to feel how tight her pussy could get. Harry wanted to watch her face when that happened.

“Flip her around then,” Slughorn directed Harry as he staggered to his feet. His cock gleamed with Hermione’s saliva. “I’ve never turned down the opportunity to take a woman over my desk.”

Harry rushed to comply with his order. Using his wand, he spun Hermione around so that she was facing him. Slughorn helped guide Hermione down onto his desk, and then Harry released his levitation spell. Rather than let Hermione plant her feet on the ground, Slughorn raised her legs up onto the desk so that it looked like she was doing the splits. With her legs spread so wide like that, her pussy was hung perfectly just over the edge of the desk, right in view of Slughorn’s cock.

“Oh, yes,” Slughorn hissed as he pushed his hips forward. Hermione moaned as his cock parted her wet pussy lips and sank inside of her. “This is the tight fit I’ve been missing.”

With Hermione’s legs up on the desk, Harry decided to place a sticking charm on her ankles. Now, she was stuck in place and wouldn’t get knocked off of the desk from Slughorn’s eager thrusting.

As Hermione started bouncing back and forth on Slughorn’s desk as he pounded into her tight pussy, she began to moan like crazy. Harry was just expecting to watch for now and fuck her later when they got back to their dorm, but Hermione surprised him by looking up into his eyes with undisguised lust.

“Get your cock out,” she ordered him.

Harry’s cock was engorged and pulsing with need when he pulled out. The thick, red head touched Hermione’s lips, and she opened her mouth for him.

This was unlike any other blowjob Harry had ever had before. Hermione wasn’t actually moving her head up and down his shaft by bobbing her head; instead, her head was being thrust back and forth as Slughorn fucked her.

Harry took half a step forward and watched, entranced, as Hermione swallowed half of his cock as Slughorn’s hips smacked off of her plump arse. Then, as her body and head naturally pulled back, her lips dragged down his shaft until just the head of his cock was still inside of her warm, wet mouth.

Hermione sucked hard on Harry’s cock—well, as hard as she could while she was being jostled around on the desk. Her sounds of slurping and sucking were intermixed with pleasurable moans as Slughorn freely rammed his cock into her, making her arse jiggle beautifully.

Harry groaned as Hermione molded her tongue up against the underside of his cock. As she sucked on him, her tongue applied a tantalisingly decadent amount of pleasure to him. His hands had been bunched into fists at his side, but he eventually gave in and grabbed onto the edge of the desk as his legs grew weak from how good it felt.

With each passing second, Harry felt himself losing control. Seeing Hermione eye-fuck Kingsley throughout her interview, the moment they had in the empty corridor as they were leaving the Ministry, and then watching her sway her arse sexily as she crawled across Slughorn’s desk to suck his cock had made Harry so terribly horny. Normally, Hermione would notice his growing agitation right away and they’d slip away somewhere private to fuck, but watching her get plowed by their professor while she sucked his cock was just as wonderful.

Slughorn was feeling the pressure too; his thrusts became erratic, and eventually he just rammed his cock as deep into Hermione’s pussy as it could go and left it there while he made tiny thrusts against her arse. That pushed Hermione’s mouth nearly down to the base of Harry’s cock. Hermione moaned then, and the vibrations sent the most incredible tingle through Harry.

“Almost,” Slughorn groaned as he smacked Hermione’s arse hard and then grabbed her two perfect cheeks in his hand. “Yes, yes, yes!”

With a roar, Slughorn erupted inside of Hermione. Harry knew the second it happened because Hermione’s eyes glazed over in that satisfied way they did whenever he came inside of her. Hermione gargled round Harry’s cock, and he pushed forward just that extra little bit to slide into her throat and secure her lips around the base of his shaft.

When Slughorn pulled out of Hermione, she suddenly stopped sucking on his cock and parted her lips. The garbled words she spoke were lost around Harry’s cock, but he made out enough that he figured she was trying to tell him something. He took a step back and retracted his hips so that his cock slipped out of her mouth.

“Dispel the charm holding me here,” Hermione told Harry with a lustful look in her eyes.

The second Harry dispelled the charm holding her legs in place, Hermione leapt over the desk and crashed into him. She was kissing him and pushing him back into the chair he had been sitting in earlier. She mounted him, her pussy still dripping with Slughorn’s seed, and slammed her pussy down on his cock.

Hermione howled in pleasure as she rode Harry’s cock, and Harry was struggling not to let his voice free too. She felt so fucking tight and wet around him. They’d kept fucking before after he’d cum inside of her, and the sensation had always been different and fun, but it was another matter entirely to know that this was another man’s cum inside of his girlfriend. It turned Harry on so much, that he was ready to explode in seconds.

Hermione rode him like it was the last chance she’d ever have. Her pussy was quivering wildly around Harry’s cock, squeezing him in all the right ways to drive him wild. She slammed her arse down hard onto his lap again and again, filling the room with the sounds of their copulation.

Harry’s mouth latched onto one of Hermione’s breasts, which were both bouncing freely in front of his face. He bit down lightly on her hardened nipple and sucked hard, making her scream and wrap her arms around his head to hold him in place. Even with how pleasurable that was though, Hermione didn’t slow her pace in the slightest.

With her holding his head to her breast, Harry wasn’t able to warn Hermione when he was about to cum. He didn’t know if he needed too though because she could surely feel the way his cock started to pulse inside of her tight walls.

Harry’s balls tightened just before he exploded inside of her. His hot cum painted her inner walls white, and it was that sensation that sent Hermione off into her own orgasm. Her pussy tightened up around Harry’s cock to an impossible degree and her body pitched forward, sending them both falling as the chair tumbled backwards. They crashed onto the ground with Harry on his back and Hermione on top of him, but neither of them moved; they were both too lost to the bliss of their orgasms to care.

Several minutes later, after they had all cleaned up and Hermione had put her robe back on, Slughorn clapped Harry on the shoulder.

“You keep this one by your side,” he told Harry. “She’s devilishly smart and quite the minx in the sack; it’s a deadly combo that many men would offer a great deal for.”

“I will,” Harry smiled genially.

Hermione cosied up against Harry’s side, running her hand up and down his chest. “There’s no one quite like Harry, professor. He’s mine and I’m his, and I plan for it to stay that way for a long time to come.”



I’d imagine Kingsley might be a bit on the kinkier side with Bondsge and a collar for hermione