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The 7th Year Slytherin Girls Dorm Room was a complete disaster. Clothes and books were strewn about everywhere and a couple of trunks sat open on the beds, half packed. There were half-used vials of potions ingredients rolling around on the floor and an angry, white, British Shorthair cat batting at a stray silver globe beneath one of the beds.

“What the hell is going on in here?” Tracey Davis exclaimed as she entered the room. She looked absolutely flabbergasted at the sight of the mess.

“Packing!” Daphne Greengrass shouted back from the bathroom across the hall.

This whole process would have been done far sooner if only she hadn’t had to wash her hair so many times.

Glowering in the mirror, Daphne angrily ran a brush through her blonde locks that seemed stuck together by glue. Each pull tugged harshly at her scalp and made her curse her sister’s name under her breath.

Daphne saw Tracey arrive in the bathroom through her reflection in the mirror. Her best friend looked so confused, but that confusion turned to surprise and then horror when she saw the state of Daphne.

“Is that cum in your hair?” Tracey blurted out, not having the slightest bit of tact to avoid the subject that was obviously responsible for the look of fury on Daphne’s face.

Daphne pulled the brush through her hair angrily again. “Yes,” she answered through gritted teeth.

“Merlin,” Tracey gasped. “But there’s so much of it.”

“Believe me, I’m well aware.”

“What the hell happened? It looks like every boy in Slytherin—”

Daphne whipped around and pointed her brush at Tracey like she would a wand. “Not another word.”

Tracey closed her mouth and walked closer to Daphne. She grimaced as she got a closer look at the messy state her friend was in. “I’m not saying this to upset you,” Tracey said carefully, watching Daphne’s reaction for any sign of an impending explosion. “But I just want to make sure you’re alright.”

She wasn’t fine in the slightest. Ignoring the cum in her hair, her body felt thoroughly used, which it was. Hours upon hours of fucking had left her like this, and Daphne was furious. It wasn’t that the sex was bad—it was quite wonderful in fact—it was the fact that her sister Astoria and Astoria’s shitty boyfriend, Draco Malfoy, had caused her to be like this. Daphne could only imagine how much those two must be laughing it up right now, especially with the photos she knew that they took. Well, Daphne was going to get her revenge one way or another.

“I’m fine,” Daphne eventually replied, wincing as she untangled several strands of hair.

“Okay,” Tracey said slowly, clearly not believing Daphne whatsoever. “So, why are you packing?”

“Trust me, it’s better if you don’t know,” Daphne replied. “Just promise to take care of Snowball for me, would you?”

“Of course,” Tracey said as her brow furrowed in confusion. “But can’t you at least tell me something about what’s going on?”

Well, perhaps she could tell Tracey what had happened earlier that day. “I’ll tell you, but draw me a bath first, would you? I’m feeling pretty sore.”


N.E.W.T.s were barely two weeks away, and Daphne was feeling stressed. It seemed like she spent every waking moment outside of class and mealtimes in the library studying. As exhausting and frustrating as it was, she felt good about getting all of this studying done well ahead of time. She didn’t want to be like one of the losers who saved their studying to the last minute. Daphne was determined not to become a boring trophy wife in the future like most other Slytherin girls dreamed of; she wanted to be a competent witch with a great career and a trophy husband instead.

Maybe it was this drive that caused her to let her guard down. She’d spent so many days walking from the Slytherin Common Room to the Library and back that she’d become desensitized to everything around her. She should have realized that something was wrong the moment she saw that the corridor just before the stairs up to the library was conspicuously vacant.

She’d been hit in the back with a stupid body bind charm. It had frozen all of her limbs in place and caused her to topple to the floor. She’d half expected to see some stupid little Gryffindors running off giggling to themselves or maybe someone brave enough to come and cop a feel or take a peek under her skirt while she was indisposed. What she hadn’t expected, but definitely should have, was Astoria approaching her.

If she could have glared at her, she would have. Daphne’s sweet sister had changed ever since she’d started seeing Draco. While she had always been playful, spunky, and prone to playing pranks, she’d gone much too far in recent months. It had landed Astoria in plenty of detentions—not that she seemed to mind in the slightest. Daphne knew that Draco was the one egging her on, and her smitten sister was perfectly happy to go along with whatever he wanted.

Astoria giggled madly as she skipped up to Daphne’s side. “Looks like you fell there, sis,” she teased. “You should be more careful.” Astoria leaned down and plucked Daphne’s wand out of her robes.

Daphne was completely frozen in place. All she could see were her sister’s shoes and the floor beneath them. Although she knew that she couldn’t do anything right now, Daphne’s mind was running at top speed coming up with ways she could deal with her sister once she was released from this spell.

“I know you’ve been really busy studying,” Astoria continued as she levitated Daphne’s body. Daphne started floating in the air behind Astoria, staring up at the ceiling. “All work and no play isn’t good for you, you know? You’ll end up with wrinkles.”

Wrinkles would be worth the price of not being stuck in a loveless marriage to an oaf who probably spent all his time fucking other women and degrading Daphne at every turn, not that Daphne was going to get wrinkles in the first place. Her skin care routine was flawless, and given the slower rate at which witches aged compared to muggles, she knew that she had several decades to go before wrinkles would start to show.

“So, I figured I’d help you out!” Astoria exclaimed cheerfully. “I found your diary in your room—you really should pick a better passphrase than Snowball to unlock it—and I must say that I’m terribly upset that you never told me that you had a crush on Potter.”

A ripple of fear ran through Daphne before it gave way to icy-cool fury. Her sister read her diary!? How dare she? Daphne knew that it was stupid to keep a diary laying around like she did, but she just couldn’t help it. She’d written in diaries ever since she was a young girl; it was a good way for her to keep track of her life and future goals. No one read it except for her—not even Tracey was allowed so much as a peek at it despite her best efforts to convince Daphne to share her secrets. There were several things Daphne wanted to keep private, and her crush on Harry Potter was the first and foremost item on that list.

Most people would understand her crush. Potter was a handsome man with a well-built physique and a powerful magical core. Between that and his family name, it was easy to see why anyone would be attracted to him. The only reason most people didn’t approach him was because of the Dark Lord. However, even though Potter had dealt with that man last year, he still seemed unapproachable. Ignoring the fact that Potter wasn’t the most sociable bloke around, he also seemed larger than life. What could a witch offer to a man who had killed the Dark Lord and made himself known as the greatest wizard of their generation?

Daphne knew she wasn’t worth much yet. Her family would disown her once she refused to go along with the marriage proposals her parents had lined up for her after she graduated from Hogwarts. It’d take years for her to build up her own reputation as a powerful witch in her own right. Until then, all she had to offer Potter was her beauty and mind, which were both substantial if she said so herself. Still, Daphne didn’t want to start a relationship with Potter until she was closer to equal footing with him. It might take a few years, but she knew that she could do it.

“Well, I decided to help you out with your little crush,” Astoria announced. Daphne could practically hear the grin in her voice. “Just don’t tell mum or dad that I’m helping you out like this; you know how mad they get over things like this.”

Astoria set Daphne back down on her feet, and Daphne glared at her sister.

“Don’t give me that look,” Astoria pouted. “I’m doing this for you. You’d better have fun in there.”

With that, Astoria opened up the door and shoved Daphne inside of the dark room. As the door slammed closed behind her, the body-bind curse left Daphne. She immediately rounded on the door and grabbed the handle. It wouldn’t budge.

“Astoria!” Daphne shouted as she pounded on the door. “Let me out of here!”

“Not until you have fun first!” Astoria’s voice called back. “A few hours should do the trick! Don’t worry about making any noise; I’ve got a slew of charms to keep you in there without anyone being the wiser!”

“Astoria!” Daphne screamed again, but there was no reply.

Huffing, Daphne straightened her clothes and started feeling around the dark room for anything she could use. Based on the walls on either side of her, Daphne figured that Astoria had stuffed her in a broom cupboard.

A sudden realization overtook Daphne’s mind. Astoria had said that she was going to help Daphne with her crush on Potter . . .

Daphne carefully stepped deeper into the room and held her hands out in front of her, probing for anything in her path. She took another step forward, and her hands brushed against some fabric.

“Ugh,” a man’s voice moaned.

“Potter,” Daphne hissed.


He sounded disoriented. Knowing Astoria, she’d probably stunned him or slipped something into his pumpkin juice. She honestly expected better from the saviour of the magical world; shouldn’t he be above being tricked like this? Maybe Astoria didn’t do it alone. Maybe Draco or someone else helped her. It was just another question Daphne planned on making Astoria answer once she got out of here.

“My sister locked us in here,” Daphne answered sharply.

“Why?” Harry replied, still sounding groggy.

Well, Daphne wasn’t going to tell him the real reason. “Because she’s an idiot.”


Well, this was just great. They were going to be stuck in here for hours with nothing to do. Daphne knew what Astoria intended when she locked the two of them in here, but regardless of her feelings towards Potter, she wasn’t going to give Astoria the satisfaction of doing what she wanted.

“We’re gonna be stuck here for a while,” Daphne sighed. “I don’t have my wand, so we’ll just have to wait for her charms on the door to wear off.”

There was some rustling as Harry moved around. “I think I have my wand,” he said.

Really, Astoria left him with his wand? That seemed foolish—

Suddenly, a candle ignited above their heads. They were in fact in a broom cupboard, but it had been cleared of almost everything inside of it. There was a single chair at the back of the room that Potter had been sitting in and a blanket on the stone floor, but everything else was bare. Well, everything except for the shelf at the top of the room. There was a candle up there and a jar of some type of powder.

Daphne opened her mouth to speak but froze when she turned her gaze back to Potter. He was staring dumbly at the wand in his hand, and Daphne’s eyes were locked on it too. It wasn’t a normal wand; it was a very realistic-looking liquorice wand.

“How did you light the candle with that?” Daphne asked.

“I didn’t,” Harry replied. “The candle lit itself when I pulled this out.”

The liquorice wand suddenly leapt out of his grip and flew around both of their heads.

“Astoria!” Daphne uttered her sister’s name like a curse and batted at the fake wand, but it evaded her swipes. It danced around them a couple times before it flew up to the top shelf and touched the glass jar up there. The jar rotated, and a label came into view.

“Lust dust,” Harry and Daphne said aloud at the same time. Then, their eyes widened as they looked back at each other.

Lust dust was the latest idiotic product on the market. It was designed to give couples an electrifying sexual experience. You only needed to sprinkle a pinch of it in the air between the couple and the magic would do the rest. It only worked for people who were interested in each other sexually, so there hadn’t been any cases of it being abused yet. In fact, it was quite popular, and most stores that sold it in Britain were sold out. Daphne had no idea on how Astoria got her hands on a jar of it; it looked like there was enough for at least fifty doses.

The jar rattled and tipped forward. Immediately, Daphne and Harry both reached out to catch the jar if it fell. Daphne didn’t know if the lust dust would work—obviously she had a crush on Harry, but she had no idea if he was even aware of her existence—but she didn’t want to risk the chance that it would. Harry seemed just as determined to avoid that risk from happening either.

The jar rolled off of the shelf and Harry caught it in his hands before it could hit the ground. Both of them let out a sigh of relief.

“Good catch,” Daphne said approvingly.

“Thanks,” Harry smiled. “I’ve heard about this stuff. It’s supposed to be really potent.”

“Luckily it only works on people who are interested in each other,” Daphne pointed out.

For a second, a pained look crossed Harry’s face. Daphne had seen that look before in the faces of the men she’d turned down. Did Potter—?

Before she could finish that thought, the jar rattled in Harry’s hands again. They both looked down at it, unaware of the incoming liquorice wand from above. The wand came barreling down towards the jar, and they only spotted it at the last second. Using his Seeker skills, Harry’s hand shot out faster than Daphne could follow and grabbed the wand.

“Whew,” he breathed out. “That was almost—”

The liquorice wand stretched itself out that last inch in between it and the jar and touched the glass. The glass vanished, as did the wand, and the lust dust popped in the air in between Harry and Daphne. It swirled around like it was caught in a windstorm and washed over both of them before it evaporated into the air.

Daphne sneezed and took a step back. Harry looked frozen in shock, his gaze flickering between his empty hands and Daphne.

Daphne and Harry were both silently waiting for something to happen, but as the seconds trickled by, it seemed like the lust dust hadn’t worked after all.

Harry let out a nervous chuckle. “Well, I guess—”

Suddenly, Harry doubled over at the waist, cringing in pain.

“Potter, are you—” Daphne tried to speak, but then she felt it too.

A sudden rush of heat filled her body. It was as though she had stepped out into a desert on the hottest day of the year wearing clothes that would be well suited for an expedition to Antarctica. Her clothes felt stifling on her, and she had an incredibly powerful desire to tear them all off. However, even that sensation was nothing compared to what she felt growing in between her thighs. She ached in a way that was intimately familiar to her. Normally, she only felt that way when she was reading a particularly saucy novel that made her skin flush and her mind race with intimate fantasies, but every past experience feeling that way was nothing compared to what she was experiencing right now.

Daphne’s mouth dried up as she dropped to her hands and knees. She was gasping for air now. Her breasts felt swollen and sore, and she could feel her panties starting to get wetter by the second. She needed to get out of here now and get somewhere private where she could take care of this. She turned around and grabbed the door handle again. It didn’t turn.

“Daphne,” Harry groaned.

She glanced back over her shoulder to see him on his knees too, but his eyes were closed. His hands were doing their best to cover his crotch, but even his best efforts weren’t enough to obscure the massive outline through his trousers.

Merlin, Daphne thought to herself as her gaze fixed on Harry’s bulge, he is absolutely massive. Daphne had only ever seen penises in pictures and muggle magazines before. None of them looked as big as Harry’s did. How would something like that even fit inside of a witch? Despite the seeming impossibility of it all, there was a deep desire inside of Daphne that made her want to try it.

“Potter,” Daphne replied evenly, but a moan escaped her lips right after. Fuck, it was getting hard to think with the lust that was overwhelming her mind. She bit her lip as the heat between her thighs pooled into an incredibly powerful sensation of pleasure.

When Harry’s eyes snapped open, Daphne saw the lust in his gaze. He was staring at her with undisguised hunger, and it was only then that she realized that she was bent over, facing away from him. Her arse was right there, just covered by her skirt. All he had to do was flip it up and pull down her panties and he could push himself inside of her. She knew that she should move if she didn’t want that to happen, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it. She didn’t know if it was the lust dust or her secret fantasies coming to the fore of her mind, but she wanted him to come over and take her.

Daphne arched her back, making her arse stick out even more and causing her skirt to ride up until it just barely covered her arse. Harry looked to be barely hanging on. His back was pressed up against the far wall, but his eyes were focused on her body. When he noticed her looking at him, his face flushed in embarrassment. He tried to look away, but he couldn’t.

They both wanted this, and not just because of the lust dust, Daphne knew. Lust dust only enhanced what was already there.

“Harry,” Daphne moaned. “Please.”

He was on her in an instant. She barely heard his trousers being undone, but she felt the heat of his hands as he flipped over her skirt and yanked down her panties with the urgency of someone who feared their chance would pass them by if they waited a second too long. When she felt his cock press against her swollen pussy lips, Daphne moaned in pleasure, but she wanted more.

“Daphne,” Harry grunted, holding himself back even though his hands were busy squeezing her arse cheeks. “I don’t want to do this if you don’t.” He sounded pained when he said that.

“Of course I want this,” Daphne replied, pressing her arse back slightly to make Harry’s thick cock spread her lips open. He let out a strangled sound of pleasure but pulled his hips away from her so that he couldn’t go any deeper inside. “Lust dust only works if we both want this. Don’t you want me?”

“Merlin knows I do,” Harry answered. “I just . . . I don’t want to fuck this up. I’ve never had sex before.”

“Neither have I,” Daphne answered quickly, only to pause as the situation dawned on her. She’d never had sex before, and her first time was going to be with Potter’s massive cock!? The little she knew about sex told her that she should work her way up to something of this size, not start with it on her first go. Besides, she still had her hymen, and this fat fucking cock was going to tear it to shreds. It was bound to hurt terribly, right?

Daphne’s pussy ached, and she instantly decided that she didn’t care if it hurt. She’d deal with the momentary pain if it meant that she could feel Potter inside of her. She craved sex, and he was the only one who could satisfy her.

She bounced her arse back again. “Don’t you want me?” She asked huskily. She knew that she sounded like a slut, but she didn’t care.

“More than you go,” Harry replied, his voice sounding strained.

“Then take me however you want me,” Daphne told him sincerely. Anything he wanted to do, she wanted too. Her body was screaming for him, and this damned heat was making her impatient. She could stand waiting to take off her clothes if only Harry would stick his—

A scream tore its way out of Daphne’s throat as Harry’s cock pushed inside of her. Her hymen was torn in an instant, and her inner walls were forcibly stretched out around his thick member. It stung something fierce, but the pain was lost completely in the overwhelming swell of pleasure and satisfaction that filled Daphne’s body completely. He’d only pushed partway in before his hips jerked to a screeching halt as he too cried out in pleasure.

Daphne forced her arse back, making Harry’s cock plunge into her deepest depths. She felt like she was going to be torn in two on his massive cock, but she honestly wouldn’t mind it that happened; nothing had ever felt as good as this, and she wasn’t about to give it up. Her pussy was practically gushing with juices around his cock. She could feel the sticky liquid dripping down onto her thighs. It must have been the lust dust, Daphne figured, because she’d never been as wet as this before.

When Harry’s cock bottomed out in Daphne’s pussy, a wave of satisfaction filled her. Her pussy was stretched out lewdly around his thick cock, and it felt like her body was rearranging her organs to make room for him inside of her. All of it felt wonderful and right.

Harry’s hands were frozen on her arse, holding her so tightly that Daphne knew she’d be left with marks. He was panting as he forced his weight forward onto her, making her lower her torso until her breasts were against the blanket on the floor and her hands were braced on the door in front of her. She could feel his cock pulsing inside of her with need.

They stayed like that for several minutes, reveling in the pleasure each of them brought each other. Daphne thought that she was going to have to tell Harry to start fucking her eventually, but it seemed like he was finally fully giving into the horny haze Daphne was also under.

“Yes,” Daphne hissed as Harry pulled his hips back. Feeling him pull most of the way out of her, she really understood just how massive he was. Her pussy ached from being stretched out, but it felt good, and she felt herself naturally tightening right back up. When he pushed forward again, Daphne closed her eyes and lost herself to a feeling of bliss.

The sheer tightness of her pussy should have forced Harry to take things more slowly than he was. In a way it did; Daphne imagined that the tightness made fucking her feel incredible, so Harry wasn’t able to thrust to a perfect rhythm inside of her. His motions were jerky and inconsistent, but that didn’t stop them from feeling any less wonderful. Her juices helped keep his magnificent cock nice and lubricated, letting him penetrate her smoothly even as her folds were hugging his shaft tightly. However, as he grew more used to the sensations, he was able to set a more steady pace that left Daphne screaming.

“Fuck!” Daphne cried out as Harry bottomed out in her again. He continued his motion by reeling his hips back and then slamming forward again, filling her up in an instant. Daphne was moaning like crazy as Harry fucked her hard.

The thick cock incessantly pounding into her tight pussy was driving Daphne wild. Masturbating didn’t even come close to this; this was a full-body, intoxicating experience that she felt like she could lose her mind to. More than that, it brought out a side of her she had never expected. Daphne had figured that it was only the cheap whores who wanted to be trophy wives who would bend over for their husbands and let themselves get fucked like this, but she quickly discovered that she loved being taken from behind. At least, she loved it when it was Harry doing it.

Knowing that it was Harry Potter, the man of her many nighttime fantasies, fucking her made this feel all the better. The physical pleasure was overwhelming, in part due to the lust dust, but the mental desire for this hunk of a man was entirely based on him. Daphne was ready to give herself over to him completely, even after this lust dust wore off.

Daphne couldn’t help it any longer. Even as Harry continued to ram his cock into her pussy, making her moan and squirm in pleasure beneath him, Daphne started tearing at her clothes. She didn’t care what they looked like afterwards, so she just ripped everything off of her. She started with her top and then her bra. The feeling of the fuzzy blanket brushing against her nipples was electric. Then, she removed the pin from her skirt and let it fall to the wayside. All that she was left with were her panties around her knees, but taking those off would require Harry to stop fucking her for a few seconds, and Daphne wasn’t willing to make that sacrifice.

As her clothes left her body, Harry made several sounds of approval. He spanked her arse hard and rammed forward, making her cheeks jiggle. “You’re so fucking hot,” he groaned. “You’re perfect.”

Hearing those words of approval made Daphne quiver. Something about hearing Harry praise her like that really got her going. Her pussy clenched down hard on his cock, and suddenly an orgasm tore through her.

Daphne had experienced plenty of orgasms at her own hands, but never before had she felt the joy of someone else making her orgasm. The feeling of Harry’s thick cock pounding inside of her, his hips smacking off of her arse, and his words of approval combined together to form an indescribable sensation that forced her over the edge.

Daphne screamed as she came. She was lucky Astoria had put up charms blocking any sound from escaping the room because if she hadn’t, people would probably think that Daphne was being murdered right now. Her entire body convulsed as the overwhelming pleasure shut down her mind. Harry let out a strangled cry of his own as his cock was squeezed ever so tightly. He was buried deep in her pussy, and it felt so wonderful to have her walls humming and clenching around that thick cock.

For just a second, Daphne blacked out from the pleasure. When she came back to consciousness, she heard Harry saying something. She had to strain to hear him.

“I’m so close. Please, Daphne,” Harry groaned. “I can’t move.”

Merlin, was her pussy really clamping down on him so hard that he couldn’t move? It sounded ridiculous, but Daphne had heard more far-fetched rumors come out over what could happen when people used too much lust dust.

Daphne forced her body to relax, and Harry suddenly yanked his hips back and pulled all the way out of her. He scrambled to grab his cock and started stroking wildly.

“Oh fuck, Daphne!” Harry squeezed his eyes closed tightly. “I’m gonna—”

It was like an explosion of white goo coming her way. Daphne turned her head just in time to receive a thick splatter of cum on the back of her head. Despite being overprotective of her perfect head of hair, Daphne was surprised to find that she wasn’t upset over the cum in her hair. In fact, her body sang in delight as Harry marked her with his seed. It felt right.

But that was just the first spurt of cum. More came. Again and again, Daphne felt Harry’s cum land in her hair. It coated her beautiful blonde locks, making them stick together in clumps as it dried in the air. By the end of Harry’s orgasm, her hair was looking more white than blonde.

Having finally finished, Harry fell back on his arse, gasping for breath. Daphne brought her hand up to her head and scooped up some of the excess cum in her fingers and brought it to her mouth. Before she could help herself, her tongue darted out and licked up the thick glob of cum. As she swallowed it, a warm, happy sensation filled her belly.

Even though Harry had just fucked her pussy raw, Daphne quickly realized that she wasn’t anywhere close to satisfied. That was concerning for a couple of reasons. First, her pussy was already starting to feel sore and clearly needed a break. Second, lust dust was only supposed to last long enough for a single orgasm. It was that explosion of pleasure that was meant to drain the dust of its potency, leaving both participants satisfied. Daphne wanted more, and by the state of Harry’s still-erect cock, he wanted more too.

Well, Daphne would just have to use another hole. Thankfully, lust dust took care of all of the prep that any adventurous couple needed.

“In the chair,” Daphne ordered Harry as she got to her feet. She pushed her panties down the rest of the way and took off her shoes and socks while she was at it.

“Huh?” Harry said dumbly. His eyes were fixed on Daphne’s breasts as they bounced when she stood up.

Daphne snapped her fingers in front of his face and pressed her foot down on the shaft of his cock. Harry moaned as she pressed down harder on his cock and gave it a little stroke. “Get your clothes off and then get up in the chair if you want me to fuck you again.”

Good, she was getting back to her usual feisty self. It was rare that it ever showed itself to people she didn’t know well—normally, she was all cool, calm, and collected—but Daphne figured that it was appropriate enough now given the fact that Harry had just been balls deep inside of her.

Harry scrambled to his feet as he tore at his clothes like a wild animal. He took everything off just as Daphne had. As he tore off the last garment, he looked back at the chair behind him and then back to Daphne’s breasts. “Can I touch you fir—”

Daphne shoved him hard so that he fell back into the chair. She straddled his lap and grabbed hold of his cock. It felt even bigger in her hand than it did inside of her.

“You can fondle me once I’m riding your cock,” she said as she batted away his hand.

Daphne’s body screamed with desire as she stroked Harry’s cock. It was a masterpiece, and it was all Daphne’s.

Raising her hips, Daphne angled Harry’s cock towards her arsehole. Harry’s eyes widened in surprise when he saw the hole she was directing him towards, but that hungry, lustful looked returned in seconds.

Just like before, Daphne moaned as her tight hole had to spread wide open to accommodate Harry’s massive girth. Her arsehole stretched wide around the head of his cock. It took a little wiggling to force his cock past the tight ring of muscle, but once she did, Daphne sank down satisfyingly on Harry’s cock. It filled her arse so perfectly and felt wonderful.

“So hot,” Harry groaned and threw his head back. “And tight.”

Daphne smirked. That was just what she wanted to hear from him. Let him worship her perfect body, and she’d revel in his. Quidditch had done well to leave Harry muscled and fit, and Daphne appreciated the sight of his abs in front of her as she started to ride his cock.

Daphne planted her hands on Harry’s shoulders to balance herself, and that seemed to be the sign that Harry had been waiting for to start touching her. His hands shot forward eagerly and grabbed onto her round breasts. Daphne knew that she had one of the largest sets among all of the women in her year. Normally, she hated the way men leered at her body as she walked by, but she basked in Harry’s lustful gaze. He squeezed her breasts roughly, making her moan. The lust dust did its job of making his every touch electric.

Daphne acted like there was no time to waste. She didn’t start slow; she immediately started bouncing on Harry’s cock. The incredible amount of her juices that coated his cock helped to make her arsehole slick, making it easy to ride his cock smoothly.

Both of them started moaning again. Daphne slammed her arse down hard on Harry’s lap, ramming his cock deep into her arse. It felt so fucking good to have his thick cock inside of her, and hearing his moans just made her all the more determined to give him the best ride of his life.

Despite being a virgin only minutes ago, Daphne rode Harry’s cock like a pro. She didn’t know if it was the lust dust helping her or if this was something that she was naturally good at, but she rocked her body perfectly to a fast rhythm. Every bounce on his lap was punctuated with her arse smacking against his thighs. It sounded so loud in this enclosed environment, and it was delightful. Every smack  just accentuated the fact that Harry’s cock was inside of her now. If it was possible, Daphne would never want his cock to be completely outside of her body ever again.

Daphne moaned as Harry pinched her nipples. Her pussy was getting really wet again, and a lot of her juices were dripping down towards Harry’s cock. She kept riding him fiercely, feeling a building pressure form inside of her.

Even though this already felt incredible, Daphne knew just the thing that could help make it even better. “Touch my clit,” she practically begged Harry.

Harry lowered one of his hands and pressed in on that hard little nub. Instantly, Daphne started screaming.

The pleasure coursing through her was indescribable. Her arse and pussy both clenched hard as her thighs started to tremble. She almost couldn’t ride Harry’s cock anymore, but her body continued to move mechanically. She vaguely recognized that she was starting to drool, but she didn’t care. All that mattered was how good she felt.

“Fuck,” Harry groaned. “I’m gonna cum again.”

His fingers were bouncing her clit around far rougher than she’d normally do, but pleasure won out over discomfort. Daphne slammed her arse down hard again. “Do it!” She cried.

“Just a bit more,” Harry said, closing his eyes tightly and squeezing her breast hard.

Daphne felt his cock stiffen in her arse a moment before he came. Then, a torrent of cum was unleashed inside of her.

As Harry’s hot seed filled her arse, Daphne’s second orgasm hit her. “Harry!” She screamed. She felt drunk on sex as the ecstasy of the moment slammed into her. She fell forward onto Harry’s torso as her body trembled. Her arse helped squeeze Harry’s cum inside of her as his fingers kept playing with her clit.

When the rush of pleasure finally settled down to a manageable level, Daphne stood up. As she got off of Harry’s cock, the cum that had filled her arse splattered out of her and onto the blanket below. It was messy but ever so intoxicating to feel and watch Harry’s thick seed be spread all over.

As Daphne panted, she met Harry’s gaze. He looked as tired as she was, but their lust hadn’t abated. At this point, Daphne didn’t know if it ever would, but she didn’t care. She wanted to spend the rest of the day screaming his name, regardless of how sore she’d end up by the end of the day.

Daphne didn’t know if the door was unlocked or not yet; she didn’t bother to even check. Instead, she just watched as Harry stood up to his full height and approached her hungrily. Her body trembled in anticipation of what he was going to do to her now.


Several minutes later, Daphne finished recounting her story.

“Merlin,” Tracey breathed out as she leaned her head against the edge of the bathtub. “And you’re still walking around after all that?”

Daphne nodded, making the bathwater ripple as she moved. “It doesn’t hurt as bad as I thought it would. I’m sore, but not in too much pain.”

“You’re a tougher woman that I’d be if I’d been fucked by something so massive,” Tracey whistled. She turned around to face Daphne and grinned. “Show me again how big it was.”

Daphne laughed and showed her friend once again. It was hard to approximate, and the lust-fueled haze she’d been in made it even harder to tell if she was being completely accurate, but Daphne knew that she couldn’t be too far off with her measurements.

Tracey shook her head. “I’d be wrecked for a week after an afternoon with something like that. It’d be worth it, but still.”

Daphne understood her friend perfectly. “It was definitely worth it.”

“So, are you and Potter an item now?” Tracey asked with an interested look.

Were they? Well, Daphne knew she’d like to be. After they’d finally settled down and the lust dust had left their system, they’d both been too embarrassed over what had happened to say much of anything to each other. How did you talk to someone after you two had just spent the last several hours fucking each other’s brains out? Harry had been the first to dress and rush out of the room when the door had finally unlocked. Daphne had left a few minutes after that when she finally figure out how she could walk without it looking like she’d just been fucked by an entire Quidditch team.

“No,” Daphne answered. “Not yet at least.”

“If you bag him, would you be willing to share?” Tracey asked with that puppy-dog look she always gave Daphne whenever she wanted something.

Now there was an interesting idea. “Maybe,” Daphne answered coyly. “First, I have to figure out if I can convince him to be with me in the first place.” And she had to figure out what was going to happen to her after she found Astoria. Murder sounded reasonable, although she doubted the Ministry would see it that way if they caught her. Did Azkaban have conjugal visits? If so, that might make her decision on what to do with Astoria a lot easier.

Daphne stood up from the bath, grimacing at the sweat, grime, and cum that was now floating in the water. She knew that she should probably take another bath, but she couldn’t avoid this forever.

After drying herself off and getting dressed, Daphne finished packing her things. Astoria had left Daphne’s wand on her bed for her. With a few careful flicks, her trunks were all packed. If she did go through with killing Astoria, at least she’d have her things all ready for her escape.

Daphne nodded to herself as she gave her things one last look over. Everything was set; all she had to do now was find Astoria and deal with her (and possibly Malfoy if he played any part in encouraging Astoria to do this). By now, everyone was bound to be in the Great Hall having supper, so Daphne set off towards there.

Supper was just ending by the time Daphne arrived. Students were streaming out of the Great Hall in droves, so she waited patiently for her sister's face to appear. However, someone else caught her eye first.

Harry froze in the middle of the crowd when he locked eyes with her. His face went pale white. He looked positively mortified and embarrassed. Daphne supposed bringing the vanquisher of the Dark Lord to a standstill like this was quite the impressive feat.

Daphne walked through the crowd towards Harry. He tried to turn and run, but the stream of students made it hard for him to pass through without shoving them aside. Before he could come to a decision on whether or not it was worth it to do so, Daphne grabbed his wrist.

“Potter,” she said. She cringed at the harsh sound to her tone. “I mean, Harry,” she added much more gently.

He turned his head to look at her. “Yes,” he stuttered out.

Daphne stared into his eyes. The lust she saw in them earlier today was gone. Instead, it was fear, curiosity, and love that she saw. He was scared that she was going to reject him or blame him for what had happened. This wasn’t just a passing interest he had in her; it was something deeper, something as strong as what she felt for him.

“I’m probably going to kill my sister for what she did to us,” Daphne explained candidly. “But, on the off chance I don’t end up in Azkaban—and even if I do—I wouldn’t mind another day like today with you.”

“You what?” Harry exclaimed. He seemed torn between disbelief and joy.

“Maybe without as much lust dust, or any,” Daphne replied amusedly, “but I think it’s clear we both like each other. Next time though, I’d appreciate dinner first before you fuck my brains out.” She winked at him, and Harry looked ready to faint. There was so much more that she wanted to talk to him about, but she spotted her sister passing through the crowd to her right with Draco holding her hand. She had to get to her before this chance slipped through her fingers.

Before he could react, Daphne stood on her tippy toes and kissed Harry passionately. It felt even better than it did earlier today. “I’m sorry,” Daphne said as she pulled away. “Look for my owl.”

Daphne left the love-struck man there and followed her prey back down towards the dungeons.

Rather than take the usual route to the common room, Draco and Astoria went down an unused passageway and into the depths of the dungeons that students only visited when they were looking for an isolated place to study or fuck. Ironically, they stopped in front of the broom cupboard.

Astoria and Draco didn’t even hear Daphne coming. All she had to do was wait until they had their backs turned and then she fired off a couple of stunning spells at them. When they were unconscious, Daphne opened up the broom cupboard, intending nothing more than to stuff the two of them inside and decide on her revenge. However, when she saw the half dozen jars of lust dust inside, Daphne paused.

One jar had given her an unbelievable experience she’d never forget. It had been incredibly intense and overwhelming at times, but it had been wonderful nonetheless. Clearly Astoria and Draco were used to using lust dust given the partially-used jar at the front of the collection, but Daphne wondered if they had ever used as much as they had used on Harry and Daphne.

It took several minutes for Daphne to rig the broom cupboard exactly as Astoria had rigged the one she’d trapped Harry and Daphne in, but she eventually managed it. Five jars were all ready to activate as soon as the two of them woke up.

As she walked away, Daphne grinned to herself as she imagined just how sore Astoria would feel after an entire night of fucking Draco. Five jars would be more than enough to last them the whole time. At first, Daphne had planned to use all six, but she’d snagged one of the full ones for herself at the last minute. She hugged it to her chest and smiled gleefully.

“We’re gonna have so much fun together, Harry.”


Kevin Thunder

Haha, this was great. Love Daphne. This was a great one!! I hope to see a round two. I would like to see their relationship progress. Maybe even take Tracey up on that offer. :) Hehehe, Astoria and Malfoy are going to be rubbed raw. Is Daphne protected?

Nova Sana

Great job! Although I was half expecting that Astoria was going to reveal that it was a fake jar only meant to make Daphne freak out with worry.