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You find yourself lost at a music festival, but soon come to comfort as it becomes clear you aren't the only one who lost their friends. Who knows, you might even make a new one...

Script courtesy of Pebbles

(This script is an ASMR RP Lounge exclusive)




Hah called it! We is lost! (Will comment properly after uni) ❤️


Lost at a music festival? Hell yeah. That is my kind of thing. Unexpected dates with social anxiety always took me places at music festivals.


Okay, first off, your sneeze was adorable (as always) Secondly, Lav????? In a mosh pit???? I must protecc her!!! Thirdly, I’m going to go rob a pharmacy of it’s allergy pills real quickly like just to make you feel better Fourthly, you can just keep my phone, I don’t need it and you could probably use it considering you can’t get a signal Fifthly, while I greatly appreciate having your number, I can’t imagine myself leaving your side until the festival is over Sixthly, I’m kinda running out of things I wanna say Seventhly? *shrugs* that don’t look right to me, but whatever, we ride! Eighthly, yeah, I think I’m out of things I wanna say here

Ibraheem Nakasone

Oh what a coincidence! Another creator I follow posted a video similar to yours. While hers was good, I must say your video truly excelled from the acting to the sfx, everything was exceptionally well done!!✨


xD W comment fr (unironically i sneezed twice after writing that) Lol thank you so much for looking out for me xD


also just an idea but maaaaaybe we could just take a trip to the pharmacy together, so we dont ruin anyone else's day who is going through allergies xD


Ain’t no thang, Lav! It’s what I’m here for! Also, bless you bless you!


Fine. If you insist. *grumbling* that just ruins all my plans… Oh well, at least I get some quality one on one time with Lav!


You’re very welcome!!! Oh, and before I forget, I’m ordering food from a local spot near me, you want anything?


You do have the most adorable sneezes.. God bless you, dear. I like that you're a bit disgruntled in the opening. Yet, when you meet someone else in the same situation, you pull out the caring mom and take care of them putting your own needs on hold. Nice background sounds. It definitely sounds like a busy place. I especially liked the phone tapping.


Getting food for a party my older brother is throwing to celebrate mine and my youngest sisters birthdays this month. So we got a ton of food. We got pizzas, salads, chicken wings, garlic bread, pasta, mac & cheese, tater skins, ribs, steaks, (medium rare rib eyes) nachos, mozzarella sticks, and a bunch of other stuff they won’t tell me about for dessert. So, what you want? I’ll save you whatever you ask for!


Aye moshpit moment. Reminds me of a hilarious story of getting knocked out in one at a rock concert and ending up in the medic tent with my brother (he was deployed as extra help to the festival, he's a field medic in the army). Also absolutely adorable pixie sneeze and spot on performance as always, bravo on staying consistent with the beautiful content. Alright, drunk/high comment over. Bonne soirée ma belle.


I swear every time someone is mentioning it, I sneeze, what is going on XD Thank you for that <3 yayyyy im glad the sound was to your liking :D


Also, how do you manage to keep on finding absolute bangers for closing music


omg hahaha noooo im glad he had your back literally xD thank you and a plus tard my dear :)


omg that sounds delicious!! have a great celebration x) i shall be with you in spirit (totally not just to get in on all that good food) ;) hahaha i double hope the dessert is a surprise worthy of a king, just for you :D


Aight, so, first of all???? U sound delicious. So, there’s that one settled. Secondly, the party is really fun, but you are way more important Lav! Thirdly, I will absolutely save you whatever and however much food you want, you just gotta let me know before it’s gone, ok? Fourthly, the only royalty here is you, princess! (Unless you wanna make me your prince???? Teehee 👉👈🥹🥹🥹) Fifthly, the dessert was just some simple cake and ice cream, so, you want some of that too?


Lav, my love, you can have anything you want of mine whenever you want it!!! Also, I got your cake right here with me! When you stopping by???? (Pls I need you in my life)


Drunk me didn't even mention the funniest bit of that story. I didn't know he was deployed there, so I just wake up with him standing over (with a shit eating grin I might add). Gave me a jump scare, to which his colleague told him to try not to knock me out right after I'd woken up 😂


Eeeeyyyyy I was there when Pebbles write this! And I must say you absolutely rocked this one out of the park 😁