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so Keisuke is indeed still married :D

btw if it's not clear yet, Keisuke's dad is a horrible person lol

he was absent and abusive to keisuke, his brothers and their mom growing up. that probably played in to keis decision to get married so suddenly :3




I still think Keisuke is toxic. I currently can't believe he's a good person and feel like he would be the type to ask Seki to be his "mistress" because he's selfish (and knows Seki would likely say yes). He doesn't even seem to really like his now wife which is just sad on all accounts because she didn't do anything wrong (except being young and dumb). And the worst part is that he wouldn't even realize he's being manipulative or selfish because he doesn't know better... which makes it hard to dislike him...! Seki, you deserve better than all these users and control freaks - I hope you get the confidence to realize that soon.


Seki's such a sweethearted support here... 🫶 Uncle Seki 🫶 Being a parent at any age is overwhelming, being a young parent whilst you're still growing up yourself is extremely difficult, more so without the support of all those around you... I speak from experience, pregnant at 17 🙋