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look look the are communicating :D hehe

thank you guys for being so cute and supportive! i love you so much! 😭💖

have very happy weekend lovelies 😚😚😗



Katy Olly

Aww 🥰 I hope Seki gets to meet his son! Sounds cute! Seki would be favorite uncle for sure lol 😂


But they should be together 🥺

Kayoko P

I don’t know, if I were you, maybe I would’ve NOT cheated on my bf ?? 😭 At least they’re healing 🥲🥲


I mean I live in America so I feel like my answer would be different to different cultures.... buuuuttttt if a prego woman I slept with showed up at my door I would definitely NOT marry her. I honestly would assume it wasn't mine. (That's just how I was raised) . I would help her until the baby was born. Then I would find out if it is my baby (genetic testing) and if it is my baby, I still wouldn't marry her. I would raise my damn child with her. You can raise a child with out marriage. But once again I live in a place and comes from a broken family so different cultures different places etc.