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(Edited by Radriel7)

My mind buzzed with activity as Aurora and I continued to study our respective tile puzzles.

Cultivators imposed changes upon the world from the outside, while wizards enacted those same changes from within themselves. While the effects might be similar, there were distinct differences between the two approaches.

If a cultivator became more powerful through enlightenment, and wizards became more powerful by attuning their minds and souls to the world around them, was it possible to combine the two?



Could a cultivator apply their knowledge and understanding of natural law to themselves in order to enact changes to the world the way a wizard could?

If so, then they would become an order of magnitude stronger. However, that was easier said than done. Despite their similarities, cultivation and wizardry operated on different laws and principles. From what I gathered, I knew that it was possible to combine the two, but making it happen was a different beast altogether.

Yet, the moment I thought that, my mind wouldn’t let it go. I felt something that I hadn’t felt in a while, not since I died in my first lifetime and was reborn. It was a sensation that I was familiar with, though it had been so long that I had almost forgotten what it felt like.

I was on the verge of an insight, a revelation. For me, it felt like I stood at the edge of a precipice. With the right push, I could jump off and fly, rather than fall.

From the look on her face, Aurora felt the same thing. Moving at the same time, like two halves of a greater whole, my familiar and I walked up to our respective puzzles and started moving the tiles around.

It soon became clear that we weren’t solving two separate puzzles, but a single puzzle with two halves. At first we were slow and hesitant, but as we grew more and more confident, we moved faster and faster. A frenzy overtook us as we moved the tiles into their correct positions. The sound of moving tiles filled the cold, still air of the Stone Corridor.

An image started to emerge, one comprised of symbols and concepts from both cultivation and wizardry. The hair on the back of my neck stood up when I realized this.

I fell into a trance, moving tiles around as my other half did the same. Now that we knew what we were working towards, it didn’t take us long to complete the picture and reveal the secret of the Stone Corridor. With a definitive click, Aurora and I moved the last tiles into place at the exact same time.

When we finished, Aurora and I stepped back to study the complete image.

It was a key, the secret to bringing cultivation and wizardry together into a harmonious whole. A true mystery. If cultivation and wizardry were two branches emerging from the same tree, then this key was the trunk. Rather, it was part of the trunk.

The key before us was incomplete. That much was obvious. Rather, it was more accurate to say that it was merely the first step towards the harmonious union of cultivation and wizardry. To truly combine the two required exploring this mystery in depth and discovering its secrets. This key showed us the path that we needed to walk.

“It’s beautiful,” Aurora whispered, gazing at the key. Tears fell from her eyes, streaming down her cheeks.

“It is,” I said, tears pricking my eyes as well.

And like that, I jumped off the precipice and soared.

The key glowed with a mysterious blue light, before the Stone Corridor around us crumbled to nothing. Before I even realized it, I found myself awake in my bed within Sturm Manor.

Not wishing to waste this rare opportunity, I sat up and took the lotus position, closing my eyes. Inside my dantian, Aurora did the same. Somehow, she still retained her human form, even in the waking world. A mystery for later.

I performed a series of breathing exercises, before falling into a meditative trance. I focused on internalizing the key, gaining as much from it as I could. As I meditated, my cultivation and my wizardry levels both rose at the same time, even though I wasn’t taking in any mana. The divine storm dragon core within my first pillar glowed a deep red, the light coming from the drop of Shattering Thunder’s blood.

My second pillar, already somewhat formed, rose higher and higher, seemingly out of nothing. Like my first pillar, it was silvery and violet. Aurora added her own energy to the mix, further tying herself to my foundation.

At the same time, the second thread of my Second Circle started to form. Unlike before, when my cultivation and my wizardry felt like two separate parts of myself, they now felt like two aspects of the same whole. Rather, they had always been like that. It was my perspective that had changed.

I wasn’t the only one either. Aurora grew more powerful as well. This resulted in a synergistic effect between us. As we each grew more powerful individually, we affected the other, creating something that was greater than the sum of our parts.

It was similar to dual cultivation, except Aurora and I were two halves of a greater whole rather than two separate entities.

I soon finished forming my second pillar and my second thread, bringing them together to form a more perfect whole. I grew stronger in body, mind, and soul. It wasn’t by much, since this was just a small realm, but it was still a step forward.

I didn’t stop there either. I continued to build my foundation while forming threads. My third pillar rose up from nothing while the third thread emerged from my Second Circle. The soaring feeling started to fade away, signaling the end of this fortuitous encounter.

Even so, I continued to push forward as much as I could. By the time my trance ended and I gleaned all that I could from this insight, I just barely managed to form my third pillar and my third thread. The divine storm dragon core within my first pillar stopped glowing.

Once again, I felt my entire being grow stronger. I now stood at the threshold between the low Foundation Establishment stage/Second Circle, and the mid Foundation Establishment stage/Second Circle.

While this was a boon, the true benefit from understanding the key, even an incomplete key, were the profound secrets contained within. By internalizing it, I now knew the means and methods to combine the mystic arts of both cultivation and wizardry. I’d be able to apply my knowledge of natural law to my wizardry spells, empowering them, and I’d be able to cast my cultivation spells as if they were wizardry spells.

In short, there was now no difference between the two for Aurora and I.

I was limited by my cultivation/wizardry levels, but I’d still be able to hit well above my weight class. As my cultivation/wizardry rose, I would become exponentially more powerful.

Now that I’ve seen the key to bringing the two together, at least part of it, calling someone who practiced both cultivation and wizardry a sage was even more appropriate. Anyone who figured out how to form a harmonious whole out of the two deserved the title, since it required a profound level of knowledge and wisdom.

The only reason why I figured it out was because Master Tempest showed me the way. I mean, I would’ve figured it out on my own anyway, but it would have taken a lot longer.

“Thank you,” I said, opening my eyes and staring up at the ceiling.

It might have been my imagination, but I thought I heard a chuckle in the back of my mind.

Afterwards, I spent the next few hours stabilizing my new realm. By the time I finished, it was well past dawn. I was late for breakfast. Yet, I didn’t care. I felt energized. Empowered. Becoming Master Tempest’s disciple had been the right choice.

‘How do you feel?’ I asked Aurora, speaking to her through our bond.

I feel amazing, Aurora said. I also regained a bit more of my memories and former power. Let me show you.

With that, my familiar flew out of my dantian and hovered in front of me. She still retained her human form. Was this a permanent thing now, or could she switch between her human form and her dragon form? I would have to ask her later.

Aurora held out her hand, palm facing upward. Mana surged, and she formed a ball of Earth in the palm of her hand. I stared at her in shock. When we formed our familiar contract, Aurora’s elemental affinities changed to match my own. She shouldn’t have been able to use Earth magic like this, at least not without great effort.

“Pretty cool, huh?” she asked, giving me a smug grin.

I nodded.

“Yeah, it is,” I said. “But how?”

Aurora raised an eyebrow at me.

“What do you mean, ‘how?’” she asked. “I’m still a World Serpent. I didn’t lose that part of myself when Mother sent me down here and the two of us forged our familiar contract. Mother merely suppressed it and sealed it away. As we both grow more powerful, I’ll regain more and more of my former strength.”

I blinked at her a few times.

“So, in short, you now have an affinity for Earth,” I said. “Or rather, you regained your affinity for Earth.”

“Correct.” Aurora spread her arms out wide, as if showing off for an imaginary audience. “You are looking at Lumina’s first World Serpent who is also a Storm Dragon.” She paused. “World Dragon? Yeah, let’s go with that. You’re looking at Lumina’s first World Dragon, a union of sky and earth.”

I gave her a mock bow.

“I prostrate myself before your magnificence, oh great spirit,” I intoned. “For I am not worthy to gaze upon your visage.”

“No, you are not, but I forgive you anyway.”

The two of us stared at each other for a second, before we both burst into laughter. It took us a while to calm down.

“So,” I said, wiping tears from my eyes. “Is this a permanent change, or can you switch back into your dragon form?”

Rather than answer me, Aurora’s body shifted until she turned into a dragon again, though her form had gone through another change. Now she looked closer to how she had been when we first formed our familiar contract. Her body was longer and thinner, more serpentine, though she still looked like a Storm Dragon.

A Storm Dragon that could use Earth magic. It sounded like an oxymoron. Any opponents we faced in the future were going to be in for one hell of a surprise.

I reached forward and scratched Aurora underneath her chin. Her eyes rolled up with pleasure, and she slumped forward.

“Oh yeah,” she said. “Keep doing that.”

I kept scratching her chin for several more seconds, before stopping. Aurora let out a disappointed whine.

“Aw, why did you stop?” she asked.

“We need to get ready,” I answered. “We have a busy day ahead of us.”

Aurora tilted her head.

“Do we have plans that I’m not aware of?”

“We do now,” I said. “We’re going to the Grand Temple.”

I needed to show proper thanks to Master Tempest for helping me with the key, and the best way to do that was to make an offering at his temple. Plus, now that Aurora and I had finished with the Stone Corridor, I wanted to know what happened next. The best way to figure that out was to talk with Master Tempest, either directly or through Grand Priest Darius.

Besides, a visit to the Grand Temple was long overdue. Now that my mind had healed, and that business with House Shelton was over with, it was time to put my plans into motion. For that, I needed to know how much support I could expect from Grand Priest Darius and the priests of Tempest.

I jumped out of bed and started getting ready for the day.


After I got dressed and ate a hasty breakfast, I put together a suitable offering for Master Tempest. Beyond that, I had planned on hopping on Sky’s Dream and flying towards the Grand Temple. It wasn’t that far from Sunheart, and while it wasn’t that long of a drive via carriage, it would take me much less time to fly there.

As if to mock me, the weather took a turn for the worst as soon as I finished putting together the offering. Dark gray clouds gathered in the skies above, blotting out the sun, before it started to rain in a torrential downpour. While there wasn’t any thunder or lightning, the heavy rain and strong winds meant that flying to the Grand Temple was a risky prospect.

I would have done it anyway. The idea of flying through a storm sounded like fun, and I could have shielded myself from the worst of the inclement weather. However, when I went to inform Father of my plans, he put his foot down. He forbade me from flying to the Grand Temple. I argued with him about it, of course, but he wouldn’t budge. I would either take a carriage, as well as an escort, or I wouldn’t go at all.

I pointed out that I was the acting Patriarch of Clan Sturm, so he had no authority to stop me. Father riposted by saying that he was the actual Patriarch of House Sturm. More than that, he was my father. If I wanted to be an unfilial son, I could break my poor father’s heart and risk my life. Or I could be an obedient son and take the carriage.

With little other choice, I agreed to his unreasonable demands.

“You don’t have to seem so disappointed, young master,” Leroy said, my chosen escort for today’s outing.

The two of us sat in the House Sturm carriage, heading towards the Grand Temple. The box, which contained my offering to Master Tempest, sat next to me.

I crossed my arms and glared out the carriage window.

“Of course I’m disappointed,” I said, speaking in a bitter tone. “I wanted to fly to the Grand Temple. It would have been faster that way.”

Leroy looked out the window as well. It was dark out, and it looked like evening, even though it was mid-morning. Rain battered against the window, the sound filling the House Sturm carriage. Enchantments kept the interior of the carriage warm and dry. Those same enchantments extended to our driver, so we didn’t have to worry about him.

“I believe Lord Sturm made the right choice,” he said, speaking after some hesitation. “Given the weather outside, it was better not to take the risk.”

I scoffed at his words.

“I know what I’m doing. You should trust your Master more, Celestial Sword.”

Leroy raised an eyebrow at me.

“Maybe I would, if you weren’t pouting like a spoiled child denied his favorite toy.”

I narrowed my eyes at him in displeasure.

“You’ve gotten uppity, disciple” I said. “Is it because of Celestial Arrow? Should I break you two up?”

Leroy gave me a soft smile at that.

“Right now, I’m not speaking to you as your disciple, but as a retainer of House Sturm.” He nodded to the carriage window. “I trust you as my Master, yes. However, I am also well aware of how reckless you are. You tend to throw yourself into perilous situations, heedless of the danger to yourself. As your bodyguard, it is my responsibility to ensure your safety.”

“I always make it through,” I pointed out. “Besides, at this point, I’m stronger than you are.”

Leroy nodded at my words.

“Regardless, I have a duty to fulfill, and fulfill it I will. You wouldn’t want me to get in trouble with Lord Sturm, would you?”

I scowled at him.

“That’s cheating.”

Leroy shrugged.

“If it works, it works.”

I sighed.

“Fine,” I said. “I had planned on knocking you out and flying off on my own, but you’ve convinced me to stay put.”

“Much appreciated, young master.”

We spent the next several minutes riding in silence. I gazed out the window, watching the rain pour down. Thankfully, most of the Solarian Empire had solid infrastructure, so the roads remained clean and clear despite the heavy rain.

“How are things between you and Celestial Arrow, by the way?” I asked, still looking out the window.

“Good, Master,” Leroy said with a soft smile on his face. “I’m a lucky man. Celestial Arrow deserves better, and I’m grateful that she chose to be with someone like me.”

I snorted at that.

“Too much modesty is unattractive, Celestial Sword,” I said. “You’re a good man; honorable, dependable, and solid. On top of that, you’re a skilled warrior. You’re also one of my personal disciples. That alone makes you a great catch. Any woman would be lucky to have you. I’m just glad that you found someone worthy of you.”

A few beats of silence followed.

“Thank you, Master,” Leroy said. “That means a lot to me.”

I smiled for a brief moment, before it faded away. I faced Leroy.

“Treat her well,” I said in a somber voice. “Celestial Archer chose a difficult path for herself. She practices a dangerous body cultivation technique, and I believe she still wants revenge against her father’s family, though I’m not sure of what form that revenge will take. She’ll need your support.”

Leroy nodded, a serious expression on his face.

“I will, Master,” he said. “You have my word.”

“Good.” I paused for a beat. “Break her heart, and I’ll break your spine. Assuming that Celestial Fist doesn’t beat me to it. I just wanted you to know that.”

Leroy smiled.

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“If you’re thinking that I’m being unfair, don’t worry. I plan on delivering the same message to Celestial Archer when we get back.”

Leroy smiled morphed into a concerned expression.

“That isn’t necessary, Master,” he said.

“Too late. It’s gonna happen.”

Leroy studied me for a moment, before letting out a sigh.


A short amount of time later, we reached the Grand Temple of the Sun. Well, a relatively short amount of time later. If Father had let me fly here, I would have arrived well before now. Oh well. There wasn’t any point complaining about it now.

I would do that later, when I saw Father again. If I was going to act like a spoiled brat, I might as well go all the way. Go big or go home, as they said on Earth.

As we neared the Grand Temple, the rain stopped pelting the House Sturm carriage and was replaced by sunlight. Not because the storm stopped. If anything, it grew worse as the day went on. No. It was because the skies above the Grand Temple were clear. I opened the carriage window and poked my head out. It took me a moment to adjust to the sudden change in lighting.

The storm surrounded the skies above the Grand Temple in a perfect circle. On one side were dark clouds, on the other was clear blue sky, divided by a clear cut line. It was as if a magical barrier prevented the storm from encroaching upon the Church of the Sun’s holy land.

However, according to legend, this wasn’t the result of mortal magic. Rather, Sol and Luna had both decreed that the skies above the Grand Temple of the Sun, and the Grand Temple of the Moon in the Lunarian Kingdom, shall forever remain clear. That way, the sun and the moon could always shine freely down upon them.

When the gods spoke, the world obeyed.

I marveled at the sight of the clear skies, before turning my attention to the Grand Temple itself.

Despite its name, the Grand Temple was not a singular building. Rather, it was a complex the size of a small city, filled with temples and shrines dedicated to Sol, his family, and his servants. The headquarters for the Inquisition were also located here, if I remembered right.

The Grand Temple occupied a small mountain, with the various temples and shrines dedicated to the gods being built into the mountain itself. Like with Sunheart, it was all built with white stone. A stone pathway spiraled up the mountain, leading to the peak, where the temples to Sol and Luna were located.

It reminded me a little of Minas Tirith from the Lord of the Ring movies, which I thought was pretty cool.

A small town occupied the base of the mountain, located right where the path leading up began. Templeton, a town which existed solely to support the Grand Temple and priests who made it their home. Since it was located on church lands, it was considered part of the Church of the Sun rather than the Solarian Empire. From what I knew, several of its residents were lesser priests and priestesses, though not all of them.

Originally, Templeton had been called Temple Town, but at some point, people started calling it Templeton instead and the name stuck. After a while, it became the town’s official name.

I turned my attention back to the mountain, which was called Mt. Suntouched. It was the holiest of the Church of the Sun’s holy lands, and its story was intertwined with the founding of the Solarian Empire.

According to the Church of the Sun, the era before the current one was an age of darkness. Demons and undead ran rampant across the world, causing chaos and destruction. Dark wizards, free to practice their vile magic, treated people as little more than cattle. Humanity prayed to the heavens above to free them from their suffering, but there was no one to hear their prayers.

Great demons and evil gods had stormed the heavens and conquered them, killing or imprisoning most of the old gods. A few managed to escape and continued to resist, but it was a losing battle. With both heaven and earth ruled by evil, things looked bleak for Lumina.

This all changed when Sol and Luna rose up and fought to retake the heavens. As gods of Light, their power was effective at slaying demons and pushing back the darkness. Together with their children and the remaining old gods, they turned the tide and liberated the heavens. It was a grueling battle that lasted centuries, but eventually they prevailed.

After they freed the heavens, Sol and Luna turned their attention to the mortal realm. They couldn’t interfere directly, since their power was too great, so they sent down two of their most loyal servants. Later on, these two servants came to be known as the Sun Emperor and the Moon Queen.

According to the Church of the Sun, the Sun Emperor landed atop Mt. Suntouched when he first arrived in the mortal realm and purified it when he first arrived in the mortal realm, thus the name. I didn’t remember what the name for the Church of the Moon’s holy land was, but I assumed it was something similar.

From there, the Sun Emperor and the Moon Queen traveled about their respective lands, slaying demons and Dark wizards, freeing the world from the darkness that had consumed it. They rallied the remnants of humanity and gathered companions to aid them in their quest; this included my ancestor, Sturm.

After they finished with their task, the Sun Emperor and the Moon Queen founded both the Solarian Empire and the Moon Kingdom, setting themselves up as the stewards and guardians of the world, a task entrusted to them by the gods themselves. Thus began the current era, which was sometimes called the Age of Light.

Of course, the Sun Emperor and the Moon Queen weren’t completely successful. Demons still lurked in the dark corners of the world. There were even tales of a continent far to the west of the Solarian Empire, a land where demons still roamed freely and Dark wizards thrived. No one who sailed that far west had ever returned, so no one knew if these stories were true or if they were just fanciful tales. Well, maybe the Sun Emperor and the Moon Queen knew, but if so, they hadn’t said anything about it.

I pulled myself back into the carriage and pondered how much of that story was true. The Solarian Empire and the Moon Kingdom were both almost ten thousand years old; nine thousand nine hundred seventy seven years old to be exact. That was enough time for the truth to become warped and twisted. A forgotten detail here, an exaggeration there.

The only ones who knew for certain were the Sun Emperor and the Moon Queen, but they never spoke about the era before the current one, nor had they ever written about it. All our records of those events came from their followers at the time, who were now all dead, not from them directly.

After thinking about it for a moment, I shrugged and pushed those thoughts to the side. While I found it interesting, it had nothing to do with me. At least not yet. It might in the future, as I grew more powerful and became more involved with the powers that be. At the moment, I had smaller and more immediate concerns to worry about.

Despite my resolution, the story of the Solarian Empire’s founding nagged at me from the back of my mind as the House Sturm carriage made its way to the Grand Temple.



Storm Serpent Spirit when people want to tease her


Sounds like Sol and Luna sent their servants down to stabilize the mortal world, with the understanding that it would only be for a brief 10000 years, of course.