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As I mentioned when I said that I was going to go on a hiatus for the first week of January, I mentioned that I had an idea knocking around in my head. See, it always bothered me how I left things off with Fist of the Fire God. Part of it was the whole harem aspect, which sounded fun at first but lost its shine real quick, but I also let added too many elements which just bogged everything down and distracted from the most important part, which was Darian's story.

Rather than return to where I left off with FotFG, I decided to do a complete redraft and release the new version here and on Royal Road. Just to clarify, it'll be a completely different story, with some shared elements with FotFG.

This, of course, will result affect the release schedule for TRT. While I haven't decided on the exact days, I plan on posting two chapters a week each for both TRT and the new version of Darian's story (title pending). This will result in more content overall, but one less chapter a week for TRT. Since I plan on keeping the Patreon tiers for TRT the same, I didn't want to drop this on y'all without warning.

Speaking of Patreon, I'll create a separate set of memberships for the new version of Darian's story, giving readers access to chapters ahead of time, as well as another one so readers can gain early access to both TRT and the new version of Darian's story.

The change won't happen right away, since I'm still writing chapters for Darian's story, but with any luck, I'll start with the new release schedule on Jan. 15.


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