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Hi Folks,

Just a quick note to let you know that I have decided to give the Patreon reward tiers a bit of a New Year "spruce up". There's no major changes to the basics; the pricing is the same, the fundamentals of the rewards are the same, and you don't have to do anything at all in response to this message.

The only thing I'd like you to be aware of is that I've decided that in due course, I will start to release The Patron Series videos on YouTube for public viewing.

Several people have let me know that they would like to see The Patron Series videos released on YouTube, and now that I've had time to think about it, I agree. A lot of work goes into those videos, and they only get a subset of Patrons watching them. Given that, it is a bit of mis-allocation of production time to keep them locked up forever, essentially unwatched.

So in future, after one month of early ad-free viewing for Patrons, new episodes will be released onto YouTube for all to enjoy. In due course I will release the already completed Patron series videos to YouTube too.

Any questions on the changes, give me a quick DM here on Patreon or an email and we can have a chat.

Wishing you all the best for the New Year,





I have less than zero issue with this. In some cases, it would be nice to send your videos to others. If the videos are public, then I can. I think it's a win-win-win. Your level of craftsmanship and presentation is fantastic. I think that the more who pick up on that level of quality, the better it is for everyone.


I was not aware of your patreon-only videos until I saw the first one appear on YouTube just earlier today. Of course, I immediately joined your patreon and binged the rest of your backlog. Glad to hear you will be sharing it in its entirety. Very happy to be able to give you my support.


The indicator video appearing was specifically what made me subscribe, so thank you 😄


I'm here on Patreon because I like your work and want to support it, not because of any perks that Patreon offers. You should definitely release them!


"If it's important knowledge, set it free. If it doesn't come back to you, it wasn't important" (or alternatively, "hunt it down and kill it").


I didn’t know about your Patreon till I saw your patron title series and I thought that since I love your channel and what you do I might as well support you and the work that you do and I’m glad you released these on YouTube for public viewing that’s how I found out you have a Patreon


Exclusivity or any of that is absolutely not important to me. I have been a 3 dollar guy for god knows how long. I just cleaned out some 'unused' stuff and decided to up this one as it is by far my favorite but there is no step between $3 and $30. Make a $10 and I'm in.


Yeah mate, good call. The patreon subscription for me is given to support your you tube channel, not to receive addl content. Seems a shame to not show them given how much work you obviously put in to those vids.

Brian Roehm

Just joined and the change here is what really led me to sign up for patreon as a whole. I hear it in the videos but never really seeked it out until you released the videos to regular YouTube. I saw that I was missing out on a bunch of stuff and it all made sense. I've now signed up for several other creators too. So you did them a small favor too! I just learned from one of the others you might have done a colab with them. (Hand tool rescue). My only suggestion is that maybe you keep them tucked away for 90-180 days instead of just 30. 30 days seems short enough that it might not do you any favors for more signups. Great work, great vision on doing great things.


You have my blessing. I don't support you because of the perks, but in return for what you have already given us, mainly through YT.