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(Update April 5th, 10:30 UTC )

Hi Folks,

I will be on Discord this Sunday evening at 22:00 GMT for the now regularly scheduled hour-or-so chat, so do come along and give me an update on what you're working on, show off your best pics of the week, and most importanty have a crack at the Sunday giveaway!

Today I have been working on a part for a future project, and I want you to give me your best guess at what you think I am making based on the image above  - but -  I'm after wrong answers only. Give me your guess in person on the discord this Sunday evening, and the most creative guess gets a free fire piston. 

Also, I'll have an update for you on the new platform under construction, and more detail on what you can do right now so that you can hit the ground running with it as soon as we launch.



ps - Again, don't forget I have made all of the Clickspring projects available as a free download to Patrons - so be sure to head over to  http://www.clickspringprojects.com/project-plans--swag.html  and use the code "ClickspringPatron" when you see the "Got a code?" prompt. 

Connect to the Clickspring Discord: support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role- 

Help me get a clear picture of who we all are, please complete this quick survey: http://unf.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9sHv2VtB0I3DMxL


(Update Mar 29th, 22:30 UTC )

Hi Folks,

Just a quick note to let you know that I will be on the Discord for an hour or so to chat this Sunday 29th March at 22:00 GMT - do come along and get the latest on the completed scriber projects, the current status of the new platform under construction, and in particular what you can do right now so that you get the very most out of it from the moment we launch it.

Also, don't forget I have made all of the Clickspring projects available as a free download to Patrons - so be sure to head over to  http://www.clickspringprojects.com/project-plans--swag.html  and use the code "ClickspringPatron" when you see the "Got a code?" prompt.



Connect to the Clickspring Discord: support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role- 

Help me get a clear picture of who we all are, please complete this quick survey: http://unf.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9sHv2VtB0I3DMxL


(Update Mar 22nd, 04:00 UTC )

Hi Folks,

Thanks to the very generous help of a long time friend and patron of the channel, work has now commenced on creating a robust platform upon which we can deliver some very cool things for each other. I will have more detail for you about this in a later update, but suffice to say it will be a convenient and easily navigated place where we can meet and interact in a way that I hope will keep us all very busy - making, learning and sharing over the next few weeks. At present we are working towards the launch of a minimum viable platform as soon as possible - but do please bear with me if it takes longer than you would like, as this has turned into quite the development project.

A group of you have also very kindly offered your time to start organising some fun projects that we can all be a part of, and that work will continue over the next week or two as we pull this thing together. I have also made all of the Clickspring projects available as a free download to Patrons. Simply go to http://www.clickspringprojects.com/project-plans--swag.html  load up with what you want and use the code "ClickspringPatron" when you see the prompt "Got a code?" in the lower left portion of the shopping cart. Then click "Checkout", and you will be asked to provide your email address, after which you can commence the download of the drawings without charge.

As the background work continues toward building a suitable platform, I would like your help in generating some of the community momentum that we will need for this to succeed and become the best that it can be. So do please join me this Sunday 22nd March on the discord at 22:00 GMT, to catch up, have a general chat, and maybe get started on a project together.



Connect to the Clickspring Discord: support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role- 

Help me get a clear picture of who we all are, please complete this quick survey: http://unf.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9sHv2VtB0I3DMxL


(Update Mar 19th, 03:30 UTC ) 

Ok folks,

The data is coming in loud and clear from the survey, so I wanted to start sharing a summarised version with you so that we can keep this moving forward, and so that you can continue to help guide it. (If you haven't already completed the survey, then do please click this link to do so: http://unf.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9sHv2VtB0I3DMxL )

Some key early takeout’s:

· 60% of you have a lathe, 44% a mill, and 40% of you have both.

· Almost all of you have, or have access to, hand tools.

· 50% of you own a 3D printer, and that increases to 60% if we include those with access to a 3D printer.

· 80% of you have a CAD application, with an additional 13% planning to get one.

· The top 5 projects (remembering that these are representational, not necessarily what you want to do. There are many project suggestions I will collate in a later update)

  • Mill Clamping System 78%
  • Scriber       71%
  • Handvise       70%
  • Finger Plate Tool     68%
  • Hammer       63%

· Almost all of you have a high level of expertise in something related to our common interests. You are one very skilled group of people.

· Almost all of you have a specific thing you want to learn.

So here are my initial thoughts:

 1./ There is a strong demand for CAD knowledge - it is far and away the skill that most of you want to pick up, and fortunately several of you teach or use CAD at the expert level. There is also a strong desire to learn: 

· Engraving, 

· General Lathe and Mill skills, 

· Welding/Brazing/Soldering, 

· Clockmaking, 

· Metal casting, 

· Forging, 

· Finishing, 

· Plating/Anodizing, 

· Etching, 

· And many of you responded that you are happy to just simply learn something new, responding with various versions of "anything that I can". 

So first off I'd like to identify those willing to share their expertise. If you're willing to be part of a small team of experts that will take on the role of teaching/moderating and guiding a sub-channel dedicated to any of the above, then I'd like to hear from you directly via email: chris@clickspringprojects.com 

2./ We can likely kick off a relatively straight forward project like, say, the metal scriber (and so iron out the bugs of how the project side of this will work best), by this Sunday the 22nd of March. Also, I'd suggest that if we were to proceed with the rest of the projects on that list (as an example), then most of you with the core machines will likely have the raw materials on hand already. Additionally, the top project is perfectly suited to being a first CAD modelling project, which dovetails (see what I did there?) nicely with the CAD learning above. If you don't have much in the way of materials at present, then I'd suggest do your bit for the local economy and go on a little spending spree. If you're already locked down, then I'd guess that the online metal suppliers will be thrilled to hear from you :)

3./ Almost all of you have major, interesting and eminently sharable projects under way - A lot of clocks (of course!), but also 

· stirling/steam/IC engines, 

· swords/knives, 

· furniture, 

· 3D printed models/props/mechanism (everything 3D print really), 

· jewelry, 

· firearms, 

· arduino/coding, 

· specialty shop tools, 

· leatherwork, 

· scientific instruments, 

· and just about every other type of making and prototyping you could imagine. 

I would very much like you to immediately start documenting those projects with high res pictures and/or videos, with a view to sharing all of the glorious detail with those of us that absolutely love seeing this stuff.

I have a new video in progress that will fit in well with a lot of the above, and likely form a terrific project for many. But in the meantime, let’s get this broader thing off the ground. I'd like to have a reasonable plan in place for discussion and possible launch on Sunday evening, so do let me know your thoughts on the above, and together we'll make it happen.




(Update Mar 18th, 11:30am AEST )

Hi Folks,

We've all said it, "I wish I had the time to..." — well now you very likely do.

Starting next Sunday, March 22nd, the Clickspring discord will be dedicated to helping you make the most of your time over the next few weeks to:

Upskill - get help from other Patrons on starting to learn CAD, engraving, soldering... whatever it is that you've been putting off learning, due to time limits.

Make - get started on that dream project, leverage the help of the Patron crowd, and inspire others to have a go.

Share - your knowledge and expertise, your build progress, and the details of your shop and tools.

I'd like your help getting this set up as effectively and quickly as possible - so please click the link below to fill out a very short (and painless!) survey. It will only take a minute or two to complete, and will give me a better idea of who we all are, what we want, and have to offer each other.

Survey Link:  http://unf.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9sHv2VtB0I3DMxL 




Righto folks,

Further to my last, I'd like to run something by you.

Nothing chases away the stay-at-home blues quite like a bit of shop time. Add a direct hotline to 5000 or so of like minded friends, and I'm fairly sure we've got something worth considering. So I think now is a good time to create a marshalling point for any and all who feel like they need to get into a new project, learn something new, ask an expert, or simply blow off a bit of steam in a place where they know they are surrounded by like minded people.

I've got in mind a few ideas like the following, but I very much want your ideas - this is for all of us to set up how we want it to be.

  • Get started learning a new skill that has been forever put off due time - Or - nominate yourself as an expert in a given field if you are happy to provide advice.
  • Start a collective group project - each making a single part
  • Start a group working independently on the same project, almost like in a group workshop eg all building the Jewellers hammer for example, share build pics, advice etc
  • Show off you solo project – Hi res pics, or it didn’t happen!

The objective of all of this of course, you will have identified: to keep our boredom and stress to a minimum, and, if we're going to be spending time apart IRL, then why not do our best to enjoy it, and maybe even turn it into something positive.

The location I suggest as most suitable and convenient is the Discord. It is as immediate as we require, and allows sharing of images, voice, text etc. You can learn how to connect your account to Discord here:  support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role- 

I've had a chat today with the Clickspring discord mods, and between us we will structure it over the coming days and weeks to suit your needs regarding where you direct it to go. It can be organised as much, or as little, as you like. I am happy to make my published project plans available as requested, but do feel free to suggest anything that you think fits the bill. Let’s see what sticks, and what gets everyone involved.

So, if this interests you, do please help me get it happening. Send me through all of your project ideas, suggestions, modifications and general thoughts. The projects do not need to be metal work related or complex, and absolutely anything goes. Painting, 3D Printing, Coding, Barrel Making… you name it. The main objective is to build a cool place to hang out, get out of our heads for a decent stretch each day, and relieve the stress. 

We've got quite the collection of expertise and enthusiasm in this fantastic group of Patrons, so lets put you all to good use.






I've been needing this... thank you

Richard Henderson

I learn a lot from observing other makers shops and find it motivating to see how others have organized their space/tools. Maybe we could share shop setups. Anyone who has a space they would like to show can take a hi res photo and bubble caption it with descriptions of tools or storage strategies.


I think a lot of people are going to find community and support with this and that is a wonderful thing right now.


Hey Chris, Given all the general dismay in the world today I think your plan for a regular community Discord get together is a great one. Count me in. I've got no experience in metalworking, but am a hobbyist woodworker and luthier. I've recently been getting into epoxy as a medium. I'm not sure if this will be of much use to your community but I'm a consultant in planning and managing complex and multi-disciplinary projects in a super detailed way. Understanding individual interactions in relations to a whole project, sort of thing. If you guys do come up with a large project that requires individual parts being made than I might be able to lend some project management support. I look forward to getting involved. Kind Regards BASE


Fantastic way to get focus onto positivity Chris.I'm going to start building a 6' x 4' stainless steel and teak wall cabinet in a day or so, and I can take my time and do it all properly.


Lovely! I spent the last couple of days designing a miniature wooden horse drawn cart in Fusion 360, my first model from scratch ever! Can't wait to get started on it :)

Mark Wilkes

This is a great idea - but - you cant link to discord if you’ve set up a custom pledge. At the moment you’ve no tier between 3 bucks and 30 bucks. 3’s too little for the quality of your content, 30’s too much of a commitment. Could you set up a 6 or a 10?


this seems like an awesome idea! I am currently working on an ultra large format camera for 30x40 cm X-ray film. Maybe I can help someone who has questions about the topic ( it hasn't to be ultra large format specifically) or someone can advise me on some machining or design decisions :)


Have you seen Daisie.com? It is platform for precisely this purpose started by Maisie Williams (Arya Stark)


Thanks for letting me know that Mark, I'd guess it's a bug in the Patreon end - I will look into it - Cheers :)


I haven't Aron, but tbh I would not be keen to investigate a separate platform for the purpose I have laid out - Cheers :)


Hi Chris! Here in Chile we're just started quarantineing ourselves. Being exclusively at home is quite frustrating. This initiative is so very welcome! I'm a bit busy with uni work at the moment, so I don't think I can begin a new project right now. That said, I'm quite an experienced fermenter, and I would be more than glad to help any who's interested to get into making their own sauerkraut, kimchi and the likes. I'm TaitoMagatsu at the Discord. - Cheers <3

John P

No quarantine here in Florida yet, but I've been spending my free time making cool toys for my niece and nephews instead of going out. Glad to see you're close to publishing, Chris!


Hey Chris.... Since we are all distributed across the planet, for me, it would be extremely useful to have a good list of places that can supply affordable shop-resources such as materials and tools in Ontario Canada. I find a lot of people on YouTube who provide on-line links to products on Amazon, only provide links to products from their country, can only be shipped to their country affordably but sometimes are not even available in Canada. Possibly all of use can create lists based on our location for our country.


That sounds like an amazing idea. Maybe put it into some online spreadsheet or something. Or better, lets go all the way and create a database.


It's a brilliant idea. We've got two projects lined up for the family : Learn leather working (pile of stuff just arrived today), and build a new 3lb battlebot (my daughters and I compete). We're down in Victoria, and between working closing it's office (and potentially closing it's doors in 6 weeks, based on further impacts), and the kids schools closing on Friday, learning new skills seems like the best way to to spend the time. If only I had space for a forge.


I guess I'd be interested in recommendations for where to go to get machining equipment, how much stuff is likely to cost etc. Also your thoughts on the old 'gingery' series of books where you make your own machine shop over time..


Chris, might I suggest a couple edits to the poll. A column for "Would like to get but don't have space/funds" and a "Have access to." Several of the items on your poll I would love to get but don't have space for, also for several of them I don't own but I have access to them and use them regularly at work. (although right now I guess don't have access to...)

Michael Lloyd

I don't have access to my mini-lathe right now but I think this may motivate me to bring it back with me the next time I go home. While filling out the survey I left out aviation related (like camera mounts for an aircraft or drone). I have a lot of wannado's :o)


Nice one Michael - I will be sure it gets manually added to the list - Cheers :)


I've filled in the questionnaire, but forgot to add something. I've recently gotten into homebrewing - using an Aussie system no less. There have to be folk on here brewing their own beers to avoid the crowds?

Karl Vella

Hi chris, I think a ball turning project would be a nice project for a lathe. . thanks Karl


Hi Chris, just wanted to let you know that Adam Savage said you were his favorite YouTube channel in his latest one day build tested video. Nice!


Hi Chris. This is an awesome idea I made the fire pistol some time ago and I always meant to make another one with a wooden body and a few more storage compartments. Maybe now's my chance.

Jeff Armstrong

Gday Chris - I just did the survey and will have to try to resolve my issues with Discord. When you post times for contacts please don't use abbrevaitions like EDT. What country has EDT? Not Oz - we have EST (Eastern Standard Time) or AEDT (Australian Eastern Daylight Time). I know you're in Queensland and use Eastern Standard Time and it gets worse as the world switches around. I suggest you use Universal Time which is the same as Greenwich Mean Time - when they are not on daylight saving. If you quote UTC we can figure out what time you mean in our own local systems. https://www.timeanddate.com/time/aboututc.html


Are those of us who mainly work in other mediums welcome to come hang out and listen? I can’t contribute much in the way of knowledge, but I’d love to learn, especially with regards to engraving.


I see I am not alone in forgetting to add somethings on the questionaire, I have an extensive background in furniture making, mostly wood, and think of this site as mostly metal, so I forgot to include that. If anyone has questions about woodworking tools or methods of work, I am happy to reply!

Clifton Ballad

I joined up with the discord server and am learning how to navigate it... I can and will provide all the help I can with any welding related question that anyone has, from settings and technique as well as some trouble shooting of machines. I'd need pictures and/or video (of the welds and the equipment) for the best effect when it comes to troubleshooting. Its hard to figure out what exactly is wrong from just text... My job is currently still open, but we will see how long that lasts.


Thank you mate, very much appreciated - I am in the process of contacting everyone who has offered their time, and have added you to the list - I will be in touch by email later today my time - Cheers :)


It's way off base for the general topic of this channel. but I'm a pretty good cook. I've been trying to encourage my friends to have a go at baking bread while they have time at home. It's simple, cheap, and better than the store bought stuff.


Ok I have installed the patron and discord app but cannot find the link button help please


Hi John, there is some more information on connecting your Patreon account to the discord here (copy and paste the link): support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-receive-my-Discord-role- Cheers :)

Jeff Armstrong

Gday Chris, Two weeks ago you said " ...my intention is to resume charges from 1st April" You may be tempted to to defer again due to lack of posted videos and the COVID-19 situation. I am saying don't. You are giving a great value to your Patrons over on the Discord site as well as the, expressed by most, value in supporting your academic work. Who else agrees with me?


Simples it is metal former for a plastic spongylefloop any one can see that!

Jeff Armstrong

The answer is 42. I'm going to miss the forum this week. :(


My guess on the picture, it’s the start to a life size replica of Picchu, obviously just the body so far.

Robert D

My answer is a Shop made Fly Press.


Oh man - I really think that should go on the to-do list... making a note now...

Iain Deas

Hey Chris, what’s the run down on big blue in the corner? The new Weiss lathe, fancy giving a quick rundown / feedback on them? Tell me they’ve got a quick change gearbox? Cheers


Hello mate - so far not a lot to report beyond what I have covered here: https://youtu.be/SOT9grqMDvY - its basically a good machine - I would have preferred it to be a little better in the runout dept. and regrettably its a 'no' on the QC gearbox but still lots to like about it - Cheers :)