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For those of you who saw Conquering Northern China, yes we actually did sleep in that Titanic themed ship-bed and it was one of the most awkwardly uncomfortable experiences for a number of reasons...

(I took a behind the scenes video: https://youtu.be/CDIrz0hTesc )

Firstly you know that you're sleeping on an absolutely filthy bed, the noises from all the physical activity filtering through the surrounding walls is enough to make a sailor blush and on top of that we had two massive film cameras on tripods positioned right next to the bed (from filming the earlier sequence when we entered the room). 

This was doubly embarrassing when the cleaning lady popped her head into the room unannounced in the morning to see two grown men on a bed with cameras set up... She must have thought we were making a gay adult movie... I can't see what else she could have thought...

All in all, I'm glad we had that big pillow to use as a divider and well... Let's just say that whenever that titanic theme song is played on the radio I won't be able to get the image of that filthy room out of my head...

Unlike Titanic themed love hotels...

- Stay Awesome!






Gawd, you guys made your own freeking kompromat!