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What a pleasant surprise! I met not one but two subscribers whilst fetching three new suits for my next upcoming adventure!


So where am I going? Well I owe Sasha a holiday, in fact I promised her a holiday to make up for being away so long when I went to the States in January for a month to film the whole "Quest for the Best Chinese" series with C-milk, problem is that because she's a doctor and it's a government job here in China (Also very low paid profession around 1000USD a month), her days off are very limited and also not easy to lump together, she could take a day or two off sure but to take 9 or 10 days consecutively is very difficult and takes all sorts of sacrifices, overtime, ducking and diving and making deals with colleagues and all the usual sort of nonsense one might expect (China is especially rigid when it comes to holidays and the idea of your days off being flexible is pretty unheard of).

So she got to choose the destination and like most Chinese girls, she chose Japan! (which is fine by me since other than going to the states to drive my corvette, Japan is also one of best places I've ever travelled to and without a doubt a fantastic place for a holiday). I've been to Japan before and in fact I have a whole playlist on my channel of my adventures the first time, this time however we won't be travelling as much as we did on our last trip as that proved to be an exhilarating but exhausting experience, this time we will be staying the whole time in Tokyo and I've got something lined up that I'm sure you will all enjoy.

Japan, unlike China is no mystery, there are thousands of Japan vloggers and since it has been open to the west for so long and has a strong tourism trade, everyone has seen pretty much everything that Japan has to offer either first hand or through videos / TV shows so this time I'm going to do the usual vlogs as I go along, but I promised Sasha to cool it on the videos for all but two days of our 9 day holiday, those two days I'll be meeting up with a long time friend of mine and filming the side of Japan that tourists don't get to see. This will remain a secret since I don't want to spoil the surprise until I'm actually on the trip (I will be there mid-July so it's not for a few weeks yet).

I can't wait to bring you more awesome adventures and yes, there will be China related content as there are more Chinese people low-key working and living in Japan and I'll be talking to as many as possible along the way.

Can't wait to see you in the next video and as always:

- Stay Awesome!



Picking up a new suit


Terence Tan

There are lots of Chinese people working in hostess pubs and the sex industry. Just don't expect the average clueless foreigners to tell the difference. These joints are where the African touts usually try to lure white gaijins in to. The locals only (or no gaijin) joints are guarded by yakuza guys usually dressed smartly in suits. So unless you look local and speak the language, you won't be let into those places. Apart from these places there are some high dining places where you won't be let in without a local or Japanese speaking person accompanying you. Sukiyabashi Jiro is one such place.


Have a great holiday Winston!