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It's no secret that I love filming people, daily life and all the interesting things that happen here on a day to day basis in China. I do occasionally also like to snap off a few street photos and I'll be putting together small themed batches for you guys from time to time here on my patreon page. 

China is a very interesting place and there are people from all walks of life everywhere you turn

This sales lady stands on the street with a clapper making obnoxious noise all day to draw customers to her shop.

Chinese chess is a very popular pastime for migrant workers and you'll see makeshift boards setup in parks or just on the side of the road, gambling is illegal in China but almost all of these games involve a little under the table betting.

Street food carts can be found littered around the street in the more unregulated parts of all cities in China.

The boss of this rice rolls street stall jokes with customers about how much money she makes as she shows off a wad of 100 yuan bills.

These street sewing ladies will repair clothes while you wait, and while waiting for her next customer she takes a nap.

These two old friends were having a good laugh as they were deciding on what they should have for lunch.

Hope you enjoyed these random snaps, there will be plenty more in the future here exclusive to my patreon page.

- Stay Awesome





Love these! Good shots!


I like those snap shots, it shows the daily life of Chinese.