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Hey there guys! FIRST, a CNC Update! It will be live within 24 hours! The videos are finally uploaded and the Vimeo page is just being made to look nice and descriptions etc being filled out, (Kickstarter backers can expect a notification today), and I'll post links and the announcement here either tonight or early tomorrow morning! 

On to the topic of the live-stream! I will be live streaming over coffee Sunday morning here 9am (That will be 9pm Saturday night American East Cost and 6pm West Coast and 2:15am London, wow that's bloody early) 

Sasha will be joining me half way through so feel free to answer any questions you guys may have, I'm seriously looking forward to having a nice sit down chat with all of you and I'll be talking about some of the recent interesting things that have happened here in China.

Love you all and as always:

- Stay Awesome





Tell Sasha I am glad she recovered so soon and is looking great! You too Winston!


In Europe, it's actually on December 7