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Check out that gorgeous background! Nice place to lay our scene yeah?

David awakens on a beach with no memory of how he got there, completely naked. But there are clues hidden throughout - the island is a little too perfect - a strange black pillar gives him food and water on a schedule - he's not alone: his old high school rival Logan has also been trapped on the island.

And someone is watching them both.

...Also it's a bit of a romance :P



Max Freeman

You always amaze me, stranded on an island with limited resources in addition to a thirst for sex (my idea) and hidden secrets (It must be a big island then the cover suggest) Wonder what kind of animals David and Lohan will be (no doubt something sex) I don't want to spoil anything, but it looks like it's gonna be an adventure ahead with possible villains who some you can trust and knows this island's surroudings.