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Nothing's going right for Mandalore is it 😂 just one more problem after another. Honestly can't believe this one guy got closer to victory than even Death Watch!




Episodes like these two just went over my head as a Kid but now that I've grown up a bit since then I appreciate them a lot more now lol, they're also very educational. Definitely some of my Favourites. Something effective this show does is every now and then it does bring relatable or real world problems into the universe and because it's Star Wars of course I'm going to Enjoy it.

Ben Spiller

Completely agree, I really loved these episodes and how they dealt with this subject, can't wait to see what else this show goes into as I'm just really impressed at how they managed to blend the storytelling with the underlying real-world issues, but these episodes definitely prove that the show was aimed to way more than children since this would have obviously gone over any child's head 😂