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Really enjoyed these two, Ahsoka's getting stronger in the force and Ventress finally returned and WOW she was way creepier this time around!




With Ahsoka's vision she's very honest and open with Yoda about it. She's a Padawan so he probably wants her to use this as a learning experience. Also, she's trying to stop someone from being assasinated so I think it's easier to justifying trying to stop that. There's a lot more to Ahsoka's desire to help than just her friendship with Padme. She would still have been eager to stop the assassination if it had been any senator. Anakin on the other hand obviously can't be honest about his vision he just says something vague about "pain, suffering, death" of someone close to him. Anakin is an experienced Jedi so Yoda can really only tell him things that he already knows and that he's probably been told many times. The exact line is "The fear of loss is a path to the dark side". I feel like Anakin is experienced enough that he shouldn't even need to ask Yoda these questions. He goes to Yoda looking for a way out. A way to save Padme and remain loyal to the teachings of the Jedi Order but of course there isn't a way out.


There you are Ventress it's been a minute haha, I do wish she had an Episode or two in Season 2 but oh well lol she's back

Ben Spiller

Okay yeah, you're completely right 😂 Didn't even notice how Ahsoka goes to Yoda with complete honesty plus she's only a Padawan and this has to be one of her first experiences with this type of power. When I watched Revenge of the Sith, Anakin's motivation just seemed so reasonable, this whole episode kind of goes to show just how un-Jedi-like he was being, trying to avoid an inevitability and lying to Yoda when asking for help, makes me wonder if he went about it with more honesty and openness to the situation it might have ended differently.

Ben Spiller

Same, was wondering where she was since her victory episode, kind of a shame she failed in her next appearance since then but Grievous got a victory after his. I hope she gets some more victories soon so she doesn't become a villain that's constantly losing.