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Season 2 just keeps getting better!! I'm so happy Tech and Echo are finally getting the spotlight they deserve and honestly what Tech did in this one has really made me like him so much more, but the ending really blew my mind! 🤯🤯




My man Tech took a fracture to the Femur and was like "dangit this'll set me back" a real Boss 😂😎 Rampart just casually getting rid of Wilco like that at the end really shows how disposable and "problematic" clones are becoming to the Empire, it's a real hint as what to expect this season

Hi Man

Your constant paranoia and distrust of that old guy was actually hilarious😂 All in all these first two episodes did wonders for Tech and Echo! Tech's conversations with the old guy were fantastic and made him finally view the Seperatists not just as the evil droid army and Dooku but a collection of people with their own history. Much like what Ahsoka learned during the Clone Wars. Also the way Tech just singlehandedly took down a bunch of clones and an LAAT gunship whilst injured was really impressive and shows that he isn't just the brains of this squad, he can fight like hell too! And Wrecker grabbing that cannon and basically becoming an actual tank was awesome! You've also asked if Wrecker knows how to operate that cannon. During their introduction in the Clone Wars they said that Wrecker was the explosives expert. That means he can make, operate, diffuse and modify explosives whenever the need arises whilst also having a pretty big knowladge about all different kinds of explosives and their use. So he is not just the muscle, he is basically Tech but with explosives. That's why he was teching Omega how to defuse a grenade in the last season. Captain Wilco was also awesome! His name is very ironic actually. Just like Dogma his name basically foreshadows his actions and character as a whole. "Wilco" IRL in military speak means "will comply". It is used mostly to reply to orders on the radio. So if they give you an order and you reply "Wilco" that means the message you've received will be complied with. And in this episode we saw how Wilco was a model soldier and to the book. So when Rampart said to falsify his report he rejected the idea because that goes against orders and what he has been trianed to do. And that decision cost him his life. And I reallly like how they fleshed him out in this episode. His purpose was to show how competent the clones were as opposed to Stormtroopers. Wilco did everything right in this episode and almost managed to get them but what strategist can be prepeared for Wrecker pulling out a cannon of a destroyed tank and blasting your troops away whilst screaming like a madman 😂 I also like how Rampart was so scared that Tarkin would find out that he didn't actually kill the Batch on Kamino that he went as far as to kill a soldier of the Empire to make sure that report never sees the light of day. Even though Rampart has proven himself to be a formidable villain, he is no Tarkin. And he should be scared of him like so many others.

Ben Spiller

Tech was so amazing in these episodes and I have never loved him so much!! His whole scene was absolutely amazing and did so much for his character after being pushed to the side in season 1. Rampart’s scene was so insane, they developed and focused on Wilco so much to only kill him off so casually, made Rampart so much more interesting as I think this is the first life he’s directly taken so he isn’t just an imperial officer anymore, he’s a full fledge villain. Looking forward to seeing how the Empire and Clone’s relationship continues I just feel bad for them right now as they think the Empire actually has a purpose for them.

Ben Spiller

😂😂 That guy really just rubbed me the wrong way, vague info with the whole ‘we’ thing and showing up after the main amount of fighting was done. I really loved these episodes for the Tech and Echo content alone, Tech went from being basically a side character in season 1 to now possibly one of my favourites, and Echo I feel has so much potential from this, I really want to him clash with Hunter now in one episode so we can get a whole theological conflict from these two. I keep forgetting how smart Wrecker is cause they keep using him for comic relief and when he does have ‘smart scenes’ they’re usually used for a very short amount of time and not given a huge relevance to the plot, here it was used so much better and now I’m never going to forget how good he is at that stuff 😂 I love that detail in Wilco’s name, I was so prepared to have him be a lasting villain hunting down the Bad with how competent he was and how close he got to getting them but having Rampart kill him off is just so powerful, I guess it not only shows off the different between the Clones and the Storm Troopers but also the arrogance of the Empire and how they put the wrong things first. Wilco could have been a huge pain to the Batch and may have even been able to bring them in but due to Rampart's self-serving-ness, there is no doubt the Batch will only cause him more problems. And yeah Wrecker going nuts was absolutely awesome 😂. Honestly Rampart's scene did so much, like you said it expresses how much he fears Tarkin which also makes Tarkin more menacing with what we’ve seen from Rampart, but it also gives Rampart some humility and fear and grounds him. After all this, I can’t wait to see more of season 2 as this just feels like such an elevation from season 1 which was already really good.