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What a switch up from the last episodes, season 2 is absolutely amazing so far! So happy to see Crosshair's story continued but I still have so many questions, and Cody and the Droids returned!! 😁😁




I definitely think Cody is conscious about how he "killed" Obi Wan and it's now "hitting him" or it weighs on his mind in some form at this point, like when Crosshair said "they're traitors like the Jedi" you could see in Cody's face that something clicked inside. Yeah this Mission went wrong, Cody tried to lead it like a Republic Mission but when he was ordered to Execute Governor Tawni at the end that's when it became clear to him how different the Empire's Morals are. Also just to keep you in the loop there might be a new Star Wars show added to your roster, I can't believe how lucky and spoilt you're getting time wise with your first watch through of Star Wars, first S3 of Bad Batch now this 😂😍 it's called "Tales of the Empire" which comes out May 4th. A trailer just dropped today, basically a similar iteration to Tales of the Jedi but telling the tale of a Couple characters on the Empire's Side with 6 Short Episodes, like TOTJ it looks like each episode are kinda spread throughout the timeline with some episodes definitely before the events here and some episodes around this timeframe and others in future time you haven't reached yet so there might be a bit of backtracking then holding off finishing it if you decide to watch it, we'll definitely have a better idea when exactly each episode takes place after we see it though so we can easily inform you then 😂 it's looking absolute Peak so far though so I'd recommend and definitely would love to see a prospective to it chronological wise 😁

Hi Man

Oh my I really love these episodes. I mean every Crosshair episode in this show is an absolute banger but this one is just so well done. The return of Cody and the clones going on a classic Clone Wars mission to kill a bunch of clankers. When this episode came out everyone said it was like watching an episode of the Clone Wars and it just felt so good. And when Cody was charging down the bridge with his troops with the classic uplifting clone theme in the backround was just so nostalgic. And of course Corsshair was being as badass and impressive as ever. But then the whole uplifting and nostalgic mood of the episode completely changed when Cody and Crosshair met a local with her children and they were more afraid of them than the battle droids. In the Clone Wars most civilians viewed the clone army as liberators and many times welcomed them or even fought alongside them like we saw on Ryloth. But not anymore. This whole change in tone was chilling. And Cody was finally confronted by how truly evil the Empire is and made him question everything. I especially like Cody's thoughts at the end. "We make our own choices, our own decisions. And we have to live with them too." It's so tragic and true at the same time. He perfectly described the difference between a human and a droid. A droid can just delete their own memory or be porgrammed to not even understand feelings at all. But a person has to live with every choice they make. That's why you have to strive to be better. This whole situation is messed up for the clones because if you think about it. What can they realistically do? Even if some are no longer controlled by the chip they still have two horrible choices. You either continue to be a soldier of the Empire and hope they won't make you one day execute an order that will haunt you for the rest of your life or desert. But then you will have to live the rest of your life in hiding and in constant fear of the Empire because they WILL hunt you down for desertion. And even if you somehow manage to find a remote planet where the has very little chance of finding you, then what? You've just abandoned the only life you have ever known. Your entire purpose in life was to be a soldier and that's it. It would totally mess me up in the head to do the exact opposite of what you have been thought since your birth. Anyone in that situation would have a massive identity crisis. That's why I feel like Rex's words on Umbara describe the clones situation the best. Fives: "I know that someday this war is going to end" Rex:" Then what? We are soldiers. What happens to us then ?" And to answer some of your questions: Yes, Cody was Obi Wan's second in command. In fact he was the one to give the order to fire on Obi Wan on Utapau when the chip activated. How did Crosshair survive being stranded on Kamino for 32 rotations? Well, just like in real life every planet rotates at different speeds thus the day and night cycle is rarely 24 hours on most planets. For example IRL, Jupiter is the fastest spinning planet in our solar system. Every rotation takes about 10 hours. So an average day on Jupiter takes about just under 10 hours. So in Kamino's case it likely rotates very fast and so it's possible that he maybe spent a week there on normal earth time. But I actually don't know if they ever specified how long it takes for Kamino to rotate so it might move normally and Crosshair might have actually spent a month there, if so that is pretty impressive😂 How old was Luke in Return of the Jedi? He was 23 years old. And he was 19 around a New Hope. So all in all the Empire lasted a little more than two decades. And I agree it is pretty interesting to talk about since the Republic was a thing for thousands of years while the Empire lasted for only two decades. But still it had such a massive impact on the Galaxy that it does feel they were around for a bit longer. And about the Emprie being weak. I wouldn't say the Empire is weak and all talk. I mean they have massive recources and even though the Stormtroopers are very much inferior to the clones they still have so many of them. Very similarily to the seperatists the Empire is mostly threatening because of their numbers and let's not forget that the galactic civil war between the Rebels and the Empire lasted far longer than the Clone Wars did so it took an incredible amount of effort to take them down and not to mention the Rebellion would have been defeated if it wasn't for Luke the son the literal Chosen One making a one in a million shot to blow up the first death star and then later bringing his father back to the light to kill the Emperor. So the Empire is definitely not as weak as they sometimes seem. But you are going to see it in future content because at this point the most you've seen from the Empire was in the original trilogy which was obviously the start of their downfall. But the upcoming shows are definitely going to show you what the Empire was like their prime. It's also important to mention that the Empire's ace in the hole is definitely their navy. At this point they are still using the Venators and other Republic stuff but when they finish their Imperial Class Star Destroyers you will see how incredibly strong the Imperial Navy is. They have the best ships and the numbers to back it up with some of the most competent Admirals in the galaxy, that's why in Return of the Jedi you saw that at the Battle of Endor the Rebels were actually losing the battle in space until of course Lando and Chewbacca blew up the death star. Oh and the Tales of the Jedi S2 (Tales of the Empire) trailer just dropped today and it comes out on May 4th. It looks absolutely amazing and what's great is that you will probably be able to watch most if not all episodes of it after you are done with the Bad Batch. From the trailer most things in there seemed to happen before the Kenobi show and Rebels so you will probably be able to just jump right into it after the Bad Batch. Also sorry for the wall of text. I didn't mean to write a novel I just got carried away 😂😂

Hi Man

I think it's pretty safe to assume that all the episodes will happen before the Kenobi series chronologically. I will try to be as spoiler free as possible but just to be safe please Ben don't read the rest of this SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS. Since we saw that a certain Admiral still has his regular black admiral uniform that means he hasn't been promoted to Grand Admiral yet so it's safe to assume all their scenes will happen before Rebels and Kenobi. And the 3 episodes featuring that certain force user 100% happened before Kenobi since there were still clone troopers escorting her. Plus she still looks like the same age in all her scenes. That one scene where we see a few Rebel soldiers is the only scene which won't make sense chronologically but I feel like it will still be fine since Ben watched the last episode of Tales of the Jedi which takes place years after the first season of the Bad Batch and that one episode probably won't tie into any spoilers regarding Rebels. So I feel like it's a safe watch for him but I definitely agree that we shall wait and see until it comes out.

Ben Spiller

This episode was honestly stunning and after the reveal with Crosshair in the final I just want to see more of him now, Seeing Cody again was absolutely amazing, I felt he never really got that much focus in Clone Wars, which felt odd since he was Kenobi’s commander but seeing him here was epic and totally made up for it, having the droids back was just another amazing bonus and you’re so right it felt like I was watching another episode of the Clone Wars when everything seemed so much simpler. His line at the end was awesome and I’m so hopeful it gets through to Crosshair, I completely empathise with his reasoning for sticking with the Empire but eventually, he has to see the hurt he’s causing others. The Clones are in such an awful position and I might be too naïve in hoping for a happy ending for them all but that’s where I’m at at the minute 😂 Literally though, the only options I can see for them at the minute are either a life of misery or death, I doubt the Empire would let them retire or resign so they are fully going to suffer no matter what choice they make. I already know I’m going to anger so many people on YouTube with the details I’m forgetting 😂 Thanks for confirming the Cody thing, feels so long ago when I watch Revenge of the Sith. As for Crosshair, I’m gonna choose to believe he was there for a whole month as I just think that’s incredibly impressive 😂 With the whole Empire thing I was many talking about the Imperial Officer representing a weak link in a chain in how Palpi being the head has to pass off power to others to retain order, but those others are the weak ones which just creates an absolutely massive weakness to the Empire itself if people like the one we saw in this episode are spread through the entire system. I actually hadn’t considered that I’ve only seen the Empire in its final stages 😂 like it was in its decline after Luke showed up and destroyed the Death Star so I really have no clue what it looks like at full power, that’s just made me really excited to see what it can actually do then cause this whole time I have literally just been basing my opinion of the Empire from the Original Trilogy, completely forgetting there is a whole lot I haven’t seen. Heard about the new show, heard a lot of things about it so thinking I might react to the trailer for it so I can get more info on anything I don’t understand going into it, plus I thought it might be fun to react to the Acolyte trailer too, heard it’s set in the past and the whole huge dislike ratio thing seems fun to get into.