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Here is my full length unedited reaction to Steven Universe 4X17!
Streamer: Max




Ronaldo is definitely a character that I only find amusing in small doses, but regardless of his jerkish and annoying behavior here, this episode DOES stand as a very vital lesson for Steven- On when it's time to say "enough is enough" and stand up for yourself. Steven is an intensely patient and empathetic person, and while these are great traits in most situations, they're also traits that bad actors can absolutely use against him if he's not careful. Ronaldo does exactly that in this situation, when he manipulates their serious discussion after Connie leaves the house to convince Steven that HE'S somehow the one in the wrong, that HE'S the one failing to give someone else the benefit of the doubt. It's honestly a big development when Steven has his "wait a minute" moment and actually crosses back to defend himself, because he genuinely did nothing wrong in this situation. I feel like a Steven from a season or so earlier might've bent under the pressure and blamed it all on himself anyways. There's also something to be said here with this ep about the concept of allyship to minorities, and how there are many traps of "poor allyship" that one could fall into if they are not careful. (i.e. like Ronaldo propping his own emotional needs up above the Crystal Gems' cause instead of genuinely trying to help.) Thankfully though, I think Ronaldo discovered a far more appropriate means by which to be an ally to Steven and the Gems by the end of this- by using his journalism skills to help educate locals on who they are and what they stand for. Beyond these story threads, this episode has a few gags that make me laugh a lot- I love Amethyst's "you truthed him so hard he died" line, and Pearl continuously calling Ronaldo by different, entirely wrong names.

Saydamn Tt

Fun fact Before the episode first aired, Cartoon Network posted an image of a green gem with red spots on Tumblr. The description said: "If you can guess the gem, you can guess who you're going to meet tommorow night on a brand new Steven Universe!" It was a fake bloodstone gem. I remember people getting excited about a new character and then being disappointed after the episode aired.