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The Axtions are here!!

This means things are definitely ramping up.  It might be time for a recount:

  • It all started with an army inspection
  • Bunny panties were revealled
  • Gavin the goat intervened, allowing the private to escape in her underwear
  • A spaceship entered the atmosphere and crashed into the nearby town
  • There was no time for a bazooka
  • Astra appeared
  • She went to Harry and Maude's and got some underwear from the very famous 'World of panties' section in their store
  • Zombies came
  • Drop and roll happened
  • The private appeared... and there was a bazooka after all
  • The ladies started arguing
  • More zombies came
  • Zombie fight, with interventing portal save, thanks to Neela's device
  • The ladies arrived at Yara's bar...  the private lost her beloved bunny panties
  • The bunny panties reappeared but the portal stayed open
  • And now the Axtions have appeared...  doing their thing!

So, what now...?  By my count, we're at page 13 of this story, which would be the midway point in a standard 24 page comic.  Could that mean an endgame isn't far off?  Surely that means more will be revealled, as in:

What's with the zombies?

Why is the town empy?

What's become of the ladies over at the army base, dealing with Gavin?

What's the deal with Yara's bar?

WILL Harry and Maude appear...???

Time...  and voting...  will tell!  But at this point, there are Axtions to be dealt with!  What's going to happen next week?


Annony Moose

I think the Axtions should successfully escape with all the clothes and underwear EXCEPT the bunny panties.