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Well...  it's happened!  By popular vote, the (slightly) dreaded Axtions have at last made their way into the story!

Note they are not in their Easter bunny form this time.

Naturally, Axtion raiding parties mean business, so we already have 3 pairs of panties pilfered...  and two more to go...?




No! Not the bunny panties! everything but that!!! 😱 It's stange, at the end thay seem to be on "angry mode" with red eyes and all 🤔


Yes I know - those bunny panties must be on some sort of 'most wanted' list or something...?!? Frankie puts up a fight, so the Axtions are going into combat mode


Haha yes I think that's something like that 😆 Poor private Anderson 😱 Oh damn that sounds bad 😲


Well, the Axtions have been known to provoke that response in some ladies, who aren't content to just stand there as their underwear is slipped off...