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Private Anderson pulls her Bunny panties back up as she observes the fiery object streak across the night sky.  She notes the object's trajectory is on a steady descent...  and seems to be headed straight towards the nearby town of Simpleton...  in fact, if her trained military eye is correct, it looks like it's going to hit dead centre of town, right next to the nightclub/bar (and only thing interesting about the entire place)...!!

There's no telling what this could mean!  Could it be alien invaders, or simply another chimpanzee space mission misfire from orbital control?  Could it be a deliberate crash course into the centre of the nearby town, or mere happenstance...?  

As the private ponder this, it suddenly occurs to her that earlier antics of the mad goat may have disabled the entire army base...  if that were the case, she would be the only active member of the local garrison able to offer any assistance to the town!

There's nothing else for it...  duty calls!  She must make all due haste to the town to render whatever assistance may be needed...  or, wait.  What is she thinking?  If it turns out to be invaders armed, say, with photon weapons and nuclear powered exo armour...  What good is one unarmed soldier, in nothing but her panties, going to be?  She's no match for that in her present state!  Perhaps she's best to head back to the base and see if she can at least grab a bazooka first???

What should she do??



I want to see a soldier lady with a bazooka wearing nothing but a pair of bunny panties 😄

Annony Moose

She doesn't need no guns, she'll stop 'em dead with her beauty


Ho ho! It's neck and neck at the moment for whether she goes and gets a bazooka or not! Whatever happens, this moment definitely needs to be commemorated...


I love how I'm the deciding vote


WE MUST GET A DECIDING VOTE! Or it's up to a dice roll and the lady of fate will decide for all of us...


Okay dice time... to bazooka or not to bazooka... Rolling a 6d 1-3 Bazooka 5-6 no Bazooka .... It's a 5! No bazooka; she just runs straight in...