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And so, with a very clear result in last Friday's vote...  private Anderson makes a run for the forest!

Oh dear it seems the foliage is causing her some problems...  almost as if those that voted for this option MAY HAVE EXPECTED SOMETHING LIKE THAT TO HAPPEN...  can't imagine why...  🤔🤔

However she simply refuses to lose her beloved Bunny panties!  She's come this far and isn't about to lose them now.

But of course it's not over yet, as an unidentified object enters the Earth's atmosphere...




No! Not the bunny panties 😱😱😱 "Gavin the unstoppable goat 🎶🎵" 😆😆😆 And about the unidentified flying object, I guess Zeeb will make an appearance and try to get those beloved bunny panties 😱 (On a side note from the FBC, her untied hair look too short on the last panel compared to how long her ponytail is on the previous ones 🧐)

Annony Moose

Honestly, those little bunnies are too cute to lose. I hope she keeps them.