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First off, thanks to everyone for inputting into the vote this week!!  The catburglar will indeed continue, as will the office.  Due to the vote, but also for other reasons, a bit more focus will be on the catburglar (as it has been anyway) for the following reasons:

- It will be complete before too long (a total of 14 pages)

- It's just getting to the good part

- There is ANOTHER STORY in the works, a 6 pager that I've completed in writing and layout form.  BUT for it to be in context, the catburglar must first finish!

Having said all of that, The Office page 4 will indeed be coming soon, with a focus on poor Lilly's situation.


Again, I have heard you.  I'll certainly be doing my best to pants some lovely ladies at every opportunity.  Belts WILL be undone, zips WILL undo, pants WILL come down...  panties WILL be revealed...!!  (Highly likely the ladies will be wearing their favourites, too...)

This I pledge to you.  As I'm not a politician, I assume I'll be held accountable for promises made...  so gee, I'd better keep them!


This week's image will feature a certain sweater coming off a certain lady... followed by Zeeb the naughty robot and a disrobed college girl coming weeks after that...

Some completed bonus art (finally) coming soon for tiers 3 and 4!

I'm also continuing with my work on completing requests for people and getting to things as I'm able.  I've been communicating with everyone as much as I can on where things are at, although if I have accidentally missed you please let me know!

And that's about that.  As always, there are about 100 more things I'd love to get happening, however my powers of manifestation can only achieve so much within a given time, so keeping it to just this for the moment so I can...  stay...  FOCUSED....!!

(grips table just like captain Kirk probably did that one time...)



All of that sounds really really interesting! ☺️ I'm looking forward to it! ☺️