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Hey all!  As I've been mentioning here and there to different people (to be honest I can't remember exactly what I've said to who in what conversation, but hey there you go...), I'm looking at some alterations to the tiers I have set up here.  As I might have said, a big reason is that people started jumping onboard once I got a base setup on here and didn't really know much about Patreon, how it works, or what I was doing!

Having said that, it's been a great compliment to have people supporting me so quickly!  So, a serious thankyou to all on that.

As I've had some time to try some things now and get a bit of a handle on what I'm doing here, I thought I'd list the changes I'm proposing here:

Tier 1

No change, really, other than to remove the line about 'access to full gallery' - I understand this can be a bit misleading and was thrown off when I discovered Patreon doesn't really support this.  But daily content of course adds up to a lot of images, etc!

Tier 2

Same, but I'm thinking I will add an ongoing 'sketch comic'.  ie art isn't fully coloured or rendered; this will free up time to make things happen as people comment and present ideas...

Tier 3

Looking at my time and energy it will probably be necessary for me to be a bit clearer on my limitations with the monthly request.  My proposal is:  Single character, fully rendered.  Background generally minimal.  OR!  Finished sketch of a more complex scene.  For this second one, it could be feasible to fully render that sketch as part of the following monthly request.

Tier 4 (?)

To be honest, not totally sure yet.  Looking at $25 per month.  My main thought is this then supports a 'beefier' request - as such I will have to cap it.  I'm open to people's thoughts on this one!



$25 sounds good as long as I'm able to join, when would you be adding this?


I'll give everyone a heads up when I'm coming to it... depending how things go I might look at setting it up in prep for next month,...?


Yep you make a good point and what I was thinking also