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What do you do to take care of yourself in these 3 categories:

* Mentally?

* Physically?

* Spiritually?

Originally run Nov 06 - 07 2009. 


Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Cage

Merch: cafepress.com/mycagecomic

AT4W review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLNaownbvX0

TV Tropes: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/ComicStrip/MyCage



Stephen Gilberg

Well, I've said before that I've learned to let go of anger. I guess that takes care of the mental and spiritual. Also, I think the reason I'm so hard to upset nowadays is that I adopted an empathic viewpoint that the worst has already happened to somebody. As for the physical, I jog, use exercise video games, and sometimes lift weights while watching the screen. And I set a hard limit on my sweets intake.

Robert ALAN Bryan

* Mentally? I read. old favorites. new stuff. history. biographies. i watch a lot of older films. silent movies. foreign films. reading films keeps you sharp. I also listen to a very wide range of rock music. many genres from punk to pop. prog to thrash. * Physically? with my Neuropathy and limited mobility I just try to walk a lot... when i can. but it can hurt. * Spiritually? well.... I gave up on "the church" a long time ago. I full agnostic if not atheist these days. I watch too many fake preachers back in the day. damn con men. answered prayers? nope.

James Noury

Mentally - medication. Physically - gym.

Jon Benson

Everybody already says I'm mental. Physical went out the window years ago. Spiritual is coping with the absence of mental and physical.