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I'm on the board for 2024! Decided to finally overcome my fear of doing skin tones again and do musumes once more. 

The Siana skin tone is a bit darker than what I've been used to painting, and at first I thought there would be some bit of brown in the mix. Turns out it's just more orange than anything.

Anyway I decided not to do the clear paint method this time as I thought it would take way too many coats to reach this level of color. I ended up starting with Gaia Flesh Surfacer and just kept adding orange and a bit of red until the spray somewhat matched the face plate (which I did not paint apart from some shading).

Overall a pretty satisfying build to get me started and now I'm feeling hype again!

Skin Tone

Gaia Flesh Surfacer, slowly added Mr Color Orange and a tiny bit of Shine Red until the max opacity color was similar to the plastic

Shadow tone = Skin tone + a tiny bit of purple

White Primer -> Spray the shadow tone in the shadowy areas -> then use the Skin Tone to cover (opacity method)


Hair Blue = Foundation Blue + bit of Mr Color GX Cool White

Shadow tone = Hair Blue + bit of purple

White primer -> spray the shadow tone in recessed areas -> Starter White technique -> use Hair Blue to cover (opacity method)


White primer -> Gaianotes Cobalt Blue preshade -> Starter Blue using Finishers' Foundation Blue -> spot highlight using GX White -> cover with Gaianotes Cobalt Blue (opacity method)

Dark Blue

White primer -> preshade with Blue FS + Russian Aircraft Blue -> Starter White technique -> cover with base preshade color (opacity method)


Cory (Side6)

A great kickoff to 2024!