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Alrighty my beautiful people! There are no wrong answers and I would love to hear all of your choices. You only get one!

Best sci-fi from 1990’s! Can be combined with horror. GO!



Star Trek: First Contact


Star Trek content has done wonders for some other reaction channels.

Amber Harrison

The Matrix (all of them!) Gattaca Total Recall Contact


It’s was a temptation for sure but I thought it would be a gamble on how popular it would be for YT and hoping people would join. Hmmm


I wanna say only the first matrix was 1990’s, not sure without looking it up. Love the matrix’s! Gattaca and contact were both excellent. I’d say I was more for Contact between the two. Was total recall 90’s?!?! Lol thought it was 80’s. Lol. But, I forgot to add in the post that you only get one choice. What would it be?

Gemma Rivera

I have 3 Ts...Total Recall (completely agree with Amber) Terminator 2: Judgment Day and Twelve Monkeys


Nice T choices there lol. Terminator 2 is almost the GOAT of the 90’s. Lol. And twelve monkeys(!), a classic! If you could only choose one though, what would it be?

Gemma Rivera

Wasn't expecting to have to make a choice between the 3, but I have to say Twelve Monkeys

Gemma Rivera

Because you're from the future...you've known for at least half a day that I was going to say that...lol

Steph Stephens

Does Jurassic Park fall in this category? (Not a huge sci-fi gal 🤣)

Steph Stephens

I'm not into Star Trek or Star Wars type stuff. Yet, I'm a HUGE Doctor Who fan. LOL

Kristen J

Hold up! There are only 4 correct answers... The Fifth Element Dark City Starship Troopers And the Iron Giant. If I had to pick just 1...The Fifth Element.


Dark city was amazeballs! Love that one ☝️ starship troopers and 5th element was a staple 😂