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Steph Stephens

Yes. At least a season 2 has been confirmed. There is much more story to tell from the games. Ellie's Mom is played by Ashley Johnson. She was the little girl in Growing Pains. She also was in a great show called Blindspot. Ashley is the voice of Ellie in the video games!


Well they have to have the drama plot point for the next season 😂. Trust me it will come full circle when the next season comes out, or if you decide to play both games before then. It’s definitely not your typical zombie movie, but just because of the “zombies” themselves but also just because of the emotion that’s put into both the games and the show. With The Walking Dead I can’t really pinpoint any death that really got to me besides maybe Glenn and Hershel. Even then I got over it pretty quick. But I still get teary eyed every-time I watch Henry and Sam’s death, and most of the deaths from TLOU 2. I just definitely think that they planned this series out so much better than most zombie shows/movies do. But maybe that’s just my TLOU defender coming out 😂 Either way I’m glad to see you enjoy a series that has brought so many people a lot of joy, and I’m sure there’s a lot of us who would love to see you play the game if you were interested in recording/streaming it. They didn’t differ heavily from the game, but I would love to hear your thoughts on the differences there were either way.


That is a thing isn’t it lol. Game streamers. I haven’t touched a video game in YEARS! How long is the game play?


TLOU Part 1 is about 11 to 12 hours if you really take your time with it. However, if you wanted to do TLOU Part 2 it took me about 26 hours, but it might’ve been because I was slow. All that to say the first game is actually pretty short.

Alex Foster

The games are great! I love them. Highly recommend you give them a go. Would defo watch you do a playthorigh of them if you decided to give that a go at some point 😁

Shayne O Shaughnessy (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-16 13:55:20 I think you guys would like the little 30 minute documentary they did on the making of the show! It tells a lot of how they did the practical & CGI things, they go in a bit of depth behind each episode and you get to see most of the actors talking outside their character which is always cool. There's also a podcast for each episode which answers lots of questions people have for the show. :) but the documentary for me is an easy watch.
2023-05-15 08:44:34 I think you guys would like the little 30 minute documentary they did on the making of the show! It tells a lot of how they did the practical & CGI things, they go in a bit of depth behind each episode and you get to see most of the actors talking outside their character which is always cool. There's also a podcast for each episode which answers lots of questions people have for the show. :) but the documentary for me is an easy watch.

I think you guys would like the little 30 minute documentary they did on the making of the show! It tells a lot of how they did the practical & CGI things, they go in a bit of depth behind each episode and you get to see most of the actors talking outside their character which is always cool. There's also a podcast for each episode which answers lots of questions people have for the show. :) but the documentary for me is an easy watch.


You guys should definitely consider playing The Last Of Us Part 1 Remake on PS5 on upload it to the channel! You will without a doubt love it and us as viewers will enjoy it just as much! Hope to see it in the channel soon! 🙏❤️