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no cause im so happy for her. Good for her outsmarting the fucking emperor and all of his lackeys, as she should.


Vik Persson

It dawns on me that they almost certainly haven't spoken or seen each other since she left her country to become a concubine. They would have had no more chance to plan all this than to make their promises before hand. A promise to move heaven and earth to earn her freedom. How do you even earn a princess from someone who wants for nothing. But more importantly, she believed in him. She waited for him, kept herself for him, prayed for him with her dancing and never lost faith. All while not being able to see him or correspond with him. That is amazing. Surely it was the will of heaven.


i charted this OP on clone hero for drums, it's quite a workout but SOOOO much FUN. like they did NOT have to go that hard but they did