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Rem: subaru i love you so much, heres every reason why eventhough you're having a mental breakdown that makes no sense to me right now. We could have a future together when you're proud of it 

Subaru: i love emilia

... no because how dare you



Do you think your opinion on this episode would be different if we knew Emilia more? For better or worse, she hasn't played a huge role beyond the insignia and royal selection episodes... and yet, Subaru obsesses over her due to their chance encounter in the alley on his first day. Meanwhile, we've learned a LOT about Rem. We know her and Ram's backstory, her feelings for Subaru, the faith she puts in him, and the sacrifices she's willing to make to protect him (like fighting off a giant ass whale).


If I not mistaken, esteemed gentleman, Mr Romanee-Conti, introduced himself a few times prior to this episode… (in regards to the hypothesis of Subaru being a Sloth)

Gai Valentine

Yes! Looks like we got another member for Team Rem! ♥️

Nathan Jarrett

The heart wants what the heart wants. You'll come around on a Emilia in season 2. The reason she isn't fleshed out this season is because Subaru refused to see her as anything more than prize. Season 2 is when we see more of Emilia, and she starts becoming a character of her own. You forget, Rem killed him in cold blood multiple times, that’s not easily forgotten. And Rem's obsession with Subaru is a bit unhealthy for her, as she's made him a pillar the same way she did her sister. I don't dislike Rem, but I don't think this would have been healthy for either of them at this point in time