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ngl, i feel like im being edged a lil bit because why do i have to wait so long to see frieren kick ass the way I want to pls. Also, fern just lowkey schooling people in her ability to realize who is strong is so satisfying to watch tbh. I think this episode is really trying to show us that strength isnt the reason as to wh a mage is strong, so im not sure if theyre trying to show me that frieren could possibly be in danger due to her inability to really 'win people over' or instead to show us progress in frierens emotional capability and show us how much more capable she is now in comparison to her ability in the past when she lost to those mages...

anyways im excited to see what they have in store for us hehehehe 



i would 100% enjoy having Wirbel condescend to me, potentially slap me if the moon was in the right phase. I blame Nier for my bias towards violent white/gray haired hotties


I'm glad they included that Himmel flashback. It's kinda the first time we've seen him NOT be the one who delivers the Big Truth Bomb of the scene, and instead take a vulnerable position alongside Eisen. It's very humanizing for him, like the scenes of him being egotistical, but instead of being played for laughs, it demonstrates how he is when he DOESN'T have all the answers; he's a bit bashful, while still deeply empathetic. Plus, maybe it's just me, but Heiter's comment of "just be yourself" says to me that Himmel might use self-aggrandizement and bravado to cover up some deep-rooted insecurity and self-doubt; after all, Heiter knew the guy since childhood, and even back then he knew Himmel had GRAND aspirations to be a hero