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Yoann Bigor

This show made us hate lakan for nothing. He's just a poor dude. Good reaction. Hype to see the next

Mikael Hultman

I'm really glad you didn't get spoiled on the twist, regardless of the mixed feelings it gave seeing you completely hate on the poor guy up til now xD The show does an amazing job of luring you into disliking/despising him despite constantly reminding us through Maomao and her foster dad/great uncle to not fall for conjecture. A lot of silly people felt compelled to "correct" other reactors on this despite the show doing it intentionally and seeing such twists revealed is obviously one of the best things to see reactions to after all the buildup so no idea why they'd try and rob both reactors and viewers of that.


I’ve been rewatching this show through your reactions and I have to say one thing, HOLY SHIT THIS SHOW IS SO GOOD I obviously knew it was good, it’s my favourite anime after all but on a rewatch you can see so much build up for every little thing 😭

The Lorax

Somethings will be cleared up next episode, which I'm unsure if you've watched or not at this point so I won't say anything about them. But somethings that can be cleared up from this episode alone. 1. The intention is that he does have that disorder you mentioned. You seem like you have more knowledge on that subject than I would so I'm not sure if there are situations where certain faces can stand out, but he can only recognize exactly two people in the world. Fengxian, the woman he loves, and Maomao, his daughter. Even his uncle is only a Chess piece (and his father is only a Go piece, lol). 2. That is Fengxian's finger (also Maomao's). Cutting off your own finger was seen as a way to curse someone. Fengxian thought Lakan abandon her, and after years of suffering, tried to curse him. 3. This is more just a fun fact, Lakan mentioned a few episodes ago that he could beat Fengxian at Chess but never beat her at Go once. When she's makes the bet with him for the winner to take what ever they want from the other, he choose to play Go, knowing he won't win and she would take what she wanted.


SAME. Every time she scrolled down to the crunchyroll comments in previous vids i had mini-heart attacks. there's just one thing I'm STILL unclear about: why did he paint HIMSELF as a r**ist back in ep 15 despite the situation being completely consensual? he claims he "forced himself on her". EDIT: actually, i rewatched it just to be sure, and the way he phrased it was that he "WANTED to force himself on her", not that he DID, but... like... even saying you WANT to do that is CONCERNING TO SAY THE LEAST. Especially since he follows it up by claiming he used a "dirty trick to lower her value", which DEFINITELY implies at the very least deception. But now we now know he was referring to their consensual relations that inadvertently lead to pregnancy. Was there a mistranslation somewhere? If not, why even pretend? Was he just trying to intimidate Jinshi? did he think his reputation was unsalvageable and decide to... idk spice up the story of him being a scumbag by throwing some SA into the mix? or am i missing something obvious? LOL

Zero ChronoV

This is the reaction I've been waiting for ever since you fell into the show's trap of hating Lakan. The revelation that Lakan wasn't the awful person he seemed to be. He is just a really awkward guy that doesn't really know how to talk to people due to his upbringing and mental illness. The thing that really struck me with Lakan and Fengxian's backstory is just the sheer tragedy of it because there was no villian. Everyone was just a victim of circumstance and trying to do their best with the hand life had dealt them. Fengxian wanted to be with Lakan. So, instead of getting bought out by someone else, she chose to become pregnant with his child with the expectation that Lakan would buy her at her significantly lower value. Lakan expected to be gone abroad for about six months and his trip took three years instead. Back in this era, it is costly to deliver a letter between towns with the cost of paper and ink and hiring someone to deliver the letter. Lakan wasn't exactly flush with cash at this point in his life during his time abroad. Fast forward three years, Fengxian had been sending him letters for years and assumed he had abandoned her, therefore, she removed her and Maomao's finger in an ancient Chinese curse and sent them to Lakan. To make ends meet, Fengxian had to work with the lowest of clients due to having lost all her value as a courtesan which led to her contracting Syphilis while Lakan was gone. When Lakan returned, he attempted to meet Fengxian, presumably to explain, but was turned away at the door by the old woman that runs the brothel. Lakan is told by her that Fengxian is gone in a seeming attempt to protect Fengxian from getting further hurt by Lakan. Whether Lakan took this to mean Fengxian had left the brothel or that she had passed from Syphilis is unknown. The reality being that Fengxian never left and has been living in the brothel's anex well away from all the customers this entire time.

Mikael Hultman

My guess is he blames himself and even considers himself somewhat of a villain for how things turned out despite it not really being his fault, as well as knowing full well how others see him so sometimes he just plays into it when he's messing with people. Might also partly be poor translations, I vaguely recall some comments somewhere on how the wording was supposed to be more ambigous than "force myself on her" (but still ominous), but don't quote me on that.


i mean, the guy DOES show some pretty antisocial tendencies, especially how he thinks of leading his soldiers into battle as "like a fun game". all we learned is that he IS capable of love, got fucked over by the postal service, and was just making up the story that he... committed SA... for... some... reason. fr why he do that


Well, he is a bit creepy, but he is not a bad person

The Lorax

Responding to CH: I would assume he kind of blamed himself for everything that happened. And he is still extremely manipulative, and he seemed to think playing into his persona would give him leverage over Jinshi. "I'm capable of terrible things, you don't want to get on my bad side, just give me my daughter back" sort of vibe. While we don't know his full thoughts from back then, he does have "a terrible thought" cross his mind for the bet. Which I would take to mean he briefly considered that if he won he could ask to sleep with her. However, he then immediately chose to play Go, a game he claims he could never beat her in. Which means she was either going to win and take what she wanted from him, or if she LET him win, it was her saying he could ask anything because he would know she let it happen. Just my interpretation anyway. I'm sure there are many different ways to interpret events and why he acts the way he does. Straight forward characters and motives are rarely interesting to discuss.

Yoann Bigor

yeah he's not a good person. the r*** story is not from him imo . i need to rewatch the show


like- he is deffo creepy a lil. but can you blame him? He sees everyone as fucking checkers?!!? LIKE THIS POOR MAN


its so shitty because i feel like the theme of the tragedy of circumstance is contantly brought up in the show. When maomao told Jinshi that there was nothing he can do, you have to do things if you're told to. Stuff like that keeps being brought up as to like hint that all of these people are just checker pieces for the most powerful people in the palace. Isn't that crazy? I feel so bad for them

とかと Multi

i was like that too, the whole time i've been watching like, man thats a good guy leave him alone, now finally it got revealed XD. The finger thing, i think too, that she kinda did that too herself, but maybe for a season 2 it would ''better'' if it was someone else who cursed her, so the plot could be, finding the one who cursed her!!!

Calo Lee Candame

Lakan didn't have the money but his father did. As we can see by the mountain of letters in his room when he got back, his father chose to not deliver the letters from Fengxian to Lakan. Because he didn't want his son to be with a courtesan, or just because he hated him... But with all those people despising him, it's not a wonder that he may be a little lacking in his social skills. If we have to choose one villain, maybe we could pick Lakan's father. Kicked his brother out, sent his son away and drove his wife to despair.

Zero ChronoV

From what I understood from the story, Lakan's family lost a lot of standing when his uncle got kicked out of the rear palace. Lakan's father sent him abroad due to how much Lakan loved and connected with the uncle who is now the shame of the family. I really doubt Lakan's father is going to lend him any money or do Lakan any favors like paying to forward Fengxian's letters to his son. Assuming he even bothered to learn where Lakan was at any given moment while Lakan was away given how upset he was when he sent Lakan away. Even with the money issue aside, Lakan also may not have written to Fengxian because as far as he knew when he left abroad, she was being bought out by a high ranking official which would put her well beyond his reach and him sending her letters would likely be frowned upon by his family, society, and whoever bought her as far as he knew.

Adam Lawson

It is genuinely a shame when you realise the reason he vilivises himself isn’t because it wasn’t non consensual. But due to the guilt he feels of what happened to her because they did love each other.


Also Fengxian hacked of the tip of Maomao´s little finger too, thats why she so often stares at it during the show and has that dream of her mother attacking her with a knife in that episode where she visits home. All in all its no wonder she has such mixed feelings about her two real parents.