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Zero ChronoV

So, quick bit about Puck's character that kind of gets left out of the anime. Puck is a super over-protective parent with Emilia. So, he feels the need to remind her that getting too close to people just gets her hurt and that everyone around her gets hurt because of how most people treat her. This kind of talk does play a role in Emilia's decision to "end" things for Subaru's best interests when the fight in the capital happens after this. Also, Puck can read surface emotions. It was mentioned briefly in Arc 2 when Subaru first arrived at the mansion. Puck doesn't really trust Subaru all that much. He thinks he's kind of crazy, since Puck can sense when Subaru is in emotional turmoil, like when he was looping after first arriving at the mansion. To him, since he only sees the final loop version of Subaru, it makes Subaru seem like he means well, but he is also kind of unhinged and possibly dangerous. Puck interfers with Subaru quite a bit when it comes to Emilia. Like that date that is never shown in the anime because it was reserved as a victory scene shown only on a special pachinko machine exclusively in a Japanese casino chain. While Puck lets the date happen and doesn't come out during it, he also gives Emilia tons of rules for the date that Emilia follows because Puck is her parent figure and she doesn't really understand love or romance due to lacking social interaction growing up in the forest. He tells her things like walk six feet away from Subaru at all times, don't let him hold your hand, etc. This all actually leads to Subaru thinking he flubbed the date until the end when he takes her to the flower field where he gives her a flower crown and promises to place a real crown on her head one day. Emilia is so moved by his gesture that she breaks into tears. In the second OVA, the flower crown can be seen on top of Emilia's dresser during one of the present day sequences.

Alex Campbell

Yeah the author said Rem is a yandere but the anime toned it down a bit