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Quick reminder that update logs contain spoilers!

I had my fun teasing you all with the boss's secret, as the title for her reveal stated she is one of those "ordinary girls" tropes that can be easily be found in magical girl animes, I really want to turn this character into the most cliche and bland girl in a fun way pfft, just to let everyone understand how unoriginal she's going to be, her name is Sakura hahaha. With all of that dumb stuff out of the way I guess it's time to give you people some more informations on how the development is going, I just now kinda finished the futanari's battle script, just a few more touches and copy and paste and I'm done with her.
With the futanari done, that sets us for the final piece when it comes to battles, which is the boss one, I do not have any image ready for her but it shouldn't be too hard to give life to her moves, me and my tester already talked about them and yes, her tripping on top of the protagonist in a bizzarre way may be one of them hahaha.
I guess there's not much to talk about since all I did was give some of the previous battles some touches, I made all the new normal enemies functional (which for one of them I kinda had an artist block-.. or well I guess it's more of a writer block at this point, I'm a perfectionist in a really bad way pfft) and lastly I gave some small tweaks to the new QTE making the time at the player's disposal to complete them less bullshit and more bearable, I am really curious about what you all will think of the new enemies I suppose that some of the people that didn't like the previous one, would ike this one instead since it's kind of more soft (with the dog owner girl being a small exception)

So, I am not really done here-.. I have one last announcement to make which will probably cause some sadness but it has to be done to prevent things from going badly as this feature may cause some problems in the future.
I'm talking about the requests, me and my tester talked about this and we came to the conclusion that it's not possible to keep it as it is right now, it's something that I really really wanted to make since this is my first community i've ever had and I wanted in some way to give a big gift to the people that support me, however, it's really dangerous to let anyone suggest me stuff right now as things will eventually get really heavy with time. As a little punishment for myself, I will keep in mind the two suggestions that have been made so far on my discord, but for now, I will remove the requests from the tier 3 untill the game is complete, do not worry though! I'll think of another perk for the tier 3 as soon as possible! but for now-.. I'll have to focus on the game.. thank you for your understanding and have a great day!
