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Edit: Updated to 0.31.1, fixing several bugs, increasing performance, and reducing filesize. See the bottom of this post for a full changelog.

Hi everyone! The next Haremon build is ready for download. This build contains 6 new CGs, 3 new sticker boards with about 100 new stickers, dates with Annie and Scarlett, and much more! See below for a full changelog.

C-cup patrons can download the build here.
DD-cup patrons can download the CG archive and MP3 soundtrack here.
E-cup patrons can download the dev console version here.

As always, thank you all so much for your support and patience! After this, you can expect probably one or two minor builds before the next major update, Chapter 4.


Major additions/changes

- Added Kiki's Lover H scene.
- Added Scarlett's Lover H scene.
- Added Annie's Lover H scene.
- Aqua's Lover H scene has been completely redrawn and rewritten!
- Miruku's first H scene has been completely redrawn and rewritten!
- Added Kiki's selfie CG.
- Expanded Vex's first H scene with some additional expressions and dialogue.
- Added Sentiment Boards for Circe, Clarabelle, and Vex (excluding the stickers that can not yet be accessed due to unwritten bonding scenes, etc). Also added some new stickers for Miruku. The "Mood Swing" sticker set has been changed to "Milestones". There's a total of about 100 new stickers!
- You can now take Scarlett and Annie on dates, and they can confess and become your Lover. Other NPCs will follow in future updates.
- Added new voice clips for Daisy and the first two Awakened Haremon.
- Added Kiki's rank-1 bonding scenes.

Minor additions/changes

- Added a new move: Stomp. It can be learned by the newest Awakened Haremon, transferred to others via VRM, or Manipulated from some Onis. There's also a special variant of this move that is obtained via a certain sticker...
- Added an actual penalty to game overs. Your party now loses Star Shards relative to the difficulty of the fight. There's also a new type of panties to counteract this.
- Annie's shop can now be sorted and filtered like the Bag. Also added some gift items to the shop, based on your progression in the story.
- Renamed Unbridled Rage to Untethered Rage, and added a new move: Unbridled Lust, which maximizes Lust.
- Gave a bunnygirl-specific added effect to the Bunnysuit and Bunnysuit+.
- Made a few changes to base stats: Lowered Clarabelle's Power stat to 0, and raised her Speed to 2. Lowered Vex's Fortitude to 1. Raised Circe's Speed to 3.
- Changed the effect of the Juicy Bone (Ash's Keepsake). Its old effect is now a sticker.
- Added Heat Wave to Vex's base moveset.
- The "Rubble Rousers" and "A Crack in the Wall" events can now happen in the caverns after chapter 1. Also added another new event to the caverns: "Hitting the Gem".
- You can now use dynamite in the mining event. This skips the minigame and has a chance to drop more ore, but with a high chance of blowing them up instead.
- Using Fire attacks on a Frozen enemy now thaws it, using Ice attacks on a Burning enemy now extinguishes it, and using Striking attacks on a Sleeping enemy now wakes it up. To compensate, the damage boost from these combos has been increased.
- Added a beating-heart effect to the affection meter when a girl is ready and able to confess.
- Added some new ingredients to the restaurant if you've completed chapter 3.
- Altered the drops from the Metal Detector event.
- A!Vex can no longer be Overloaded in the fight against Serrah.
- You can no longer bribe Haremon with gifts of cash if their current "pocket change" is above a certain value.
- The inventory now remembers your last sorting direction (old to new, or new to old)
- Altered the calculations for prompts adding accuracy to attacks.
- Altered Circe's personality type affection modifiers.
- Added a new move for Circe: Chill Out. It lowers one opponent's Speed. Gave Frostbite a new animation. (Chill Out uses Frostbite's old animation.)
- Scarlett now gives you a "care package" when you join the Guild, including a pair of Guild Panties.
- Changed the way Guild Panties work. They now offer a maximum bonus of +60 HP, with the actual bonus depending on the % of total Guild Jobs you've completed. The item's tooltip will tell you how many more seals you'll need to gain for the next increase in HP.
- Added an option for Nintendo-style button prompts
- Added a dialogue box at startup that detects each connected gamepad and asks if you want to use it.
- Added an option to swap between controllers to the settings menu.
- You can now use the Spacebar as an alternative to Z in all areas of the game.
- Simplified save encryption, which should speed up saving and loading a bit.
- Added the "stickerclicker" command, which lets you right-click stickers to unlock or re-lock them.
- Various other minor additions and changes.

- Fixed a crash when using the "give all" command
- Fixed a crash when Earthquake is used by an enemy against a party of less than 3.
- Fixed a bug where the gargoyle-specific effect of the Loincloth applied to everyone BUT Jet.
- Probably fixed a bug where certain answers in the Relationship Test event could be labelled "0"
- Fixed a bug that caused certain dialogue options in the shop force Kira to permanently turn invisible.
- Fixed an oversight where events that break your tools didn't actually break your tools.
- Fixed a bug where selling all the items in a stack created a "???" item in their place.
- Fixed an oversight where Dynamite wasn't removed from your bag when used.
- Fixed a bug where using the last item in a stack in the bag would reset the sort order of the pocket.
- Fixed a bug where Ash's H-scene was triggered prematurely.
- Fixed certain text being invisible during timed sequences if using Instant text speed.
- Kiki's base kink now works as intended.
- Fixed Hazel wearing the wrong outfit in a certain scene.
- Fixed a bug where the Juicy Bone had no effect.
- Fixed a bug where stickers unlocked in one save could carry over to another.
- Fixed the "save" command not working if autosaves are set to 0
- Various other minor bugfixes and tweaks.


- Fixed stickers not being pinnable with the left mouse button
- Fixed the stickerclicker command, which now uses alt-click instead of right-click
- Fixed the button prompts being hidden on the Sentiment Board subscreen
- Added a few tutorials to the Haremon app subscreens, including one for techniques and stickers

PATCH (0.31.1)

- Fixed several minor memory leaks, which should improve stability.
- Reorganized the way the game's audio and graphics are organized, compressed, and loaded, which should improve performance and stability, as well as drastically reducing the game's size on disk.
- Unused audio groups are now unloaded from memory. This means that if for example you set the Voice Volume setting to 0, the game will unload all voice clips from memory. This should allow you to improve performance on lower-end machines by setting some (or all) of the volume sliders to 0.
- Modified the save/load scripts and simplified the obfuscation process, which results in significantly faster save/load times and smaller save files. Don't worry, your 0.29-0.31 save files should still load just fine.
- The Mysterious Lens is now a Keepsake item.
- Altered a few VN effect animations to remain on screen until the scene progresses.
- Haremon and NPCs will no longer confess more than once. If you want to Lover a girl you've dumped or rejected, you'll have to confess to them instead.
- Fixed a crash in the Black Mirror fight.
- Fixed a crash in the "Spreading Your Seed" event.
- Fixed a crash when denying Scarlett or Annie's confession.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when initiating certain events.
- Fixed a bug where Vex's "Show-off" sticker could cause infinite looping text in battle.
- Fixed the Cowprint Panties not having any effect.
- Fixed a bug in the dating quests caused by inviting the girl out during the evening
- Fixed a bug where the controller detection prompt would come up every time you load a game.
- Fixed a bug where the meal you order for an NPC at the restaurant shows up as "???" with no description.
- Fixed a bug where opening the product select list while crafting/cooking would automatically select the first recipe and close the list if you have the required materials.
- Fixed a quest scene playing out of order during the Eternal Rivalry quest.
- Fixed some oversights in Annie's dialogue where she would treat you platonically even when she's your lover.
- Fixed an oversight where Kiki's Lover H scene could be activating during Chapter 3, spoiling the final area.
- Fixed an oversight where the "Lover not a Fighter" sticker softlocked a certain story battle.
- Fixed the text backlog and "scenelist" command showing the wrong names for most H scenes.
- Fixed a bug where Circe had no attacks during her initial encounter.
- Fixed the "Furry" kink having the opposite of the intended effect.
- Various minor bugfixes and optimizations.


- Fixed a crash in the Casino date.
- Improved framerates in a few eras. More to follow.
- You can now press START/ESC to skip a tutorial.

That's all, folks!




Okay, pre launch controller configuration is HUGE. There are many first party games on PC that lack this feature and default to the first recognized controller in the list. ... Which is a problem if you own a modern mouse, as they are detected as controllers, specifically the first recognized controller. This is a brilliant addition, and I hope that other game studios adopt this practice.


Was excited to start a new playthrough at first but hit an inescapable battle against three infinitely respawning toads on the mission to rescue the cowgirl twenty minutes in that honestly completely killed my enthusiasm to keep playing. Is there any way to cap the number of times enemies can spam SOS in a single fight? It felt really broken for such an early game encounter.


Just a question I been meaning to ask.. Any option to disable that lover thing ? I dont like the idea we can only choose one in a harem (I dont really like playing favorites), and each time it feels like we breaking ther hearts and since you dont let us keep sending them away with maybe more than once. Just wondering if theres a way to turn it off all together.


I second Nobles Maris' request, It its called HAREMon isn't it? If they all love you, then why limit yourself?


You have to lower their HP and then finish them off quickly one after the other so they don't have a chance to SOS. There is a tutorial that should've popped up at the beginning of the battle, unless you've turned tutorials off.


For gameplay reasons, and because I just prefer the idea of having a "main" girl. I know some people don't like it but the system is something I really like about the game and don't plan on changing.


I know some people don't like the lover system, but for gameplay reasons and personal reasons I don't plan on changing it. I'm sorry if it affects your enjoyment, but it's something I really like about the game and don't plan on changing.


Updated to, fixing a few bugs. See above for changelog.


keep getting code error


fatal error in action number 1 of draw event of object obj_vncontroller


memory allocation failed: attempting to allocate 16777216 bytes at gml_script_surface_reset_target2 stack frame is gml_script_surface_reset_target2 (line-1) gml object_obj1_vncontroller_draw_64


ty I was forced to make a new save with new update idk it that helps. I got a message saying with the changes the made said my data might not work propperly. But even with a completly new save it did it as well


I've been having issues with the game crashing on me, particularly when those cold mushrooms in the caves attempt to freeze one of my haremon... ___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Create Event for object obj_ice_small: Memory allocation failed: Attempting to allocate 262160 bytes at gml_Object_obj_ice_small_Create_0 ############################################################################################ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- stack frame is gml_Object_obj_ice_small_Create_0 (line -1) called from - gml_Script_perform_chillout (line -1) - gml_Script_perform_technique gml_Object_obj_battlecontroller_Step_0


Yup, looks like there's a memory leak associated with that attack. I'm looking into it and will upload a hotfix asap.


Hello. I have a problem about dating in your game(my favorite part of it, by the way). With Scarlett and Annie if I try to reject their feelings(or in case of Scarlett "feelings") or trying to let me think it over, the game crashes. Also I tried to order Scarlett a grilled salmon, but I was given with ???. ############################################################################################ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- stack frame is gml_Object_obj_vncontroller_Other_11 (line -1) called from - gml_Object_obj_vncontroller_Step_0 (line -1) - ___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Other Event: User Defined 1 for object obj_vncontroller: Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [0,101] out of range [1,101] - -1.sceneUnskippable(102196,101) at gml_Object_obj_vncontroller_Other_11 ############################################################################################ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- stack frame is gml_Object_obj_vncontroller_Other_11 (line -1) called from - gml_Object_obj_vncontroller_Step_0 (line -1) - Even when I tried to skip it, it did not help.


Got an "bug" the patreon button in the game send to your old username in patreon


___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Create Event for object obj_transition_start: Memory allocation failed: Attempting to allocate 16777216 bytes ############################################################################################


apois the toad fight


___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Draw Event for object obj_gamecontroller: Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [4,0] out of range [4,-1] - -5.loadMeta(102608,128000) at gml_Object_obj_gamecontroller_Draw_64 ############################################################################################ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- stack frame is gml_Object_obj_gamecontroller_Draw_64 (line -1)


ainda cant load but at the load at continue


I've uploaded a major patch with various bugfixes and stability improvements. See the details here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/55458257


Updated to, fixing a crash in the Casino date, along with some more optimization.