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Hi everyone! Just an end of month update to let you know that Chapter 3 is nearly ready. Within a few days, 0.30 should be "complete", and I'll send it off to my bug testers. A few days after that, I should be ready to post the build! Of course, after that will come a few days/weeks of hotfixes, as usual.

Usually I share some teasers in these end of month updates, but... at this point, I've really shown everything I can show without substantial spoilers! I hope you understand.

I want you all to know that I've been working extremely hard to get this build ready, and have also had a ton of real-life issues to deal with over these past few months. I haven't had time to do basically anything else but work, and it's been really exhausting... but I'm proud of the work I've been able to accomplish. This build has ended up being the largest update yet, with several hours of new content to play through. It's all those reasons that have led to this long wait. I want to sincerely thank you all so much again for your patience in waiting for this build, and your continuing support through these last few months. I hope you'll agree it was worth the wait!

P.S: As you may have already seen on Twitter, I've decided to go with a new developer name: TsunAmie. This is due to feedback both on Patreon and Twitter, where the consensus is that the name TsundereDev is... not great, for obvious reasons.



Great to hear! As a recent patreon (long time non-patreon) how do we update without loosing save progress?

Scott Wulf

Nice! And just in time for my birth month.....May 7th is my 47th, and a lot of good games coming out this coming month, and this is just one of the things to look forward to! Awesome news, and looking forward to it!


If you have a save from 0.29, you'll be able to load it into 0.30 just fine. Saves from before 0.29 are unfortunately not supported in 0.29+ due to the overhaul.


This is Great news.


I'm really loving this game so far. Honestly, I'm extremely impressed with the fluidity of the combat, daily routine, dates, and more. I had to drop Bravely Default 2 for a few weeks to delve into this, and Haremon is really something special. The voice acting is just fantastic, some of the best performances I've heard in a modern video game. I like the Persona style quips over text rather than full voice. Very excited to support this project! Can't wait to see what the future holds!