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Hi everyone! You may have noticed that my username here on Patreon has changed. I've been thinking about rebranding for a while, and I finally settled on a name: TsundereDev! It was the obvious choice, given my love for tsunderes... especially our very own icy witch. (Just don't confuse me with a certain other dev...)

Above, you'll find a video clip showing the new intro for Haremon. It features a splash screen for the new company name, as well as a patron shoutout and a new loading screen.
The intro uses two animated gifs drawn by the artist Guri and commissioned by a patron. There's even voice clips! (I will absolutely be replacing Circe's line with a new "BAKA!" clip in the near future.)

That's all. Just wanted to mention this so nobody's confused. Back to work on chapter 3!

EDIT: After much feedback, I've decided to go with a different name: TsunAmie.



Watch "newintro" on Streamable.



TsundereDev kinda is yabe. Sounds to similar to that other indie developer with a shady past. But whateve floats your boat I guess.


I'm in agreement with Noble Marls here. You should use the name you feel is right. However, this name is very close to an incredible shady indie developer, who's trying(?) to make a game about killing anime girls, and who has an...polarizing reputation?


I don't think its the best name to pick given its associations with a drama-prone creator and his community, but do what you think is best.