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I've been really wanting to share with you some teasers for Chapter 3, but pretty much any visuals I could share would be spoilers... so instead, I decided to share some music. Maybe not the most exciting thing for most of you, but it's better than nothing! This is a song you'll hear in one of the new areas in Chapter 3. Enjoy!

...Okay, maybe ONE small visual spoiler too.

I'll be sharing some more small teasers in the coming weeks, as well as an end-of-year update... stay tuned!

P.S. As of earlier today, 0.29 is on its seventh hotfix! If you haven't downloaded the latest version, I'd highly recommend it! There's been a ton of bugfixes since the initial 0.29 release.




Wow, that's incredible. Serious Metroid Prime vibes, and that's never a bad sign.

Gamer ANviDIA

God this is amazing. This kinda gives me a vision of awe and dred at the same time. It inspires wonder, but at the same time, a forboding ominocity...


This's some damn good music skills