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Edit 1/19/2021: Hotfix #9 is up!

Edit 1/2/2021: Yet another hotfix! Be sure to download this one if you're not done with the story yet, because it fixes a progression issue and a crash in the Chapter 2 boss fight.

Yes, it's finally here. This update took two months to complete, and I want to thank you all for your patience in waiting for it! This is a huge update that overhauls many aspects of the game, so I hope you'll enjoy discovering all the new additions and changes as you play through the game!

Before the links, a few notes:
- Due to the overhaul nature of this update, old saves are not supported. It's unfortunate, but the progression has been changed so drastically that there was just no way to make it work.
- Because this build changes pretty much every aspect of the game in some way, expect bugs. I tried to rigorously test everything possible, but there are sure to be bugs that fell through the cracks. If you find one, just leave a comment here or on Discord, and I'll upload a hotfix ASAP!

Now that that's out of the way, let's get to the links.

C-cup patrons can download the build here.
DD-cup patrons can download the CG archive and soundtrack here.
E-cup patrons can download the debug console version here.

As always, a very sincere thank you for your support and patience. I hope you'll agree that this one was worth the wait! Now begins the wait for Chapter 3. I'll let you know when we're close to knowing a release date on that. I'm really excited for this one, and I think you will be too!

Now without further ado, the behemoth of a changelog for 0.29.


Overhauled the game in various ways, including:

- Added several entirely new scenes to the Prologue.
- Altered a ton of dialogue to be more consistent with the direction the game has taken, to portray certain characters a bit differently, and to provide better exposition and polish.
- Added new voices, sound effects, and ambience to many scenes, as well as a new "ending".
- Regrouped quests into "Main", "Side", and "Guild". All side quests are fully optional, and can be completed at any time. Most of them unlock important features, Haremon, and/or H scenes.
- Reordered and reworked many quests and events, and overall streamlined the main story.
- Integrated more H scenes into the story. A few are still to-do.
- Rebalanced many bosses/minibosses/haremon battles, as well as many normal enemies.
- Added several new scenes and puzzles to Chapter 2.
- Added a new sidequest: "Titania's Devout". This is now how you tame the monarch, Aqua.
- Added a new sidequest: "Bunny Business". This is now how you tame Daisy (the bunnygirl) and unlocks Super Serum.
- Added a new sidequest: "Head to Head". This sidequest sees you revisiting a new board in a Chapter 2 dungeon, and contains a new miniboss. It is now how you unlock Ash's H scene.
- Reworked "The Doomed Researcher" and "Trial and Error" into a new sidequest called "Improving the Formula". It unlocks Laurel's H scene, the crafting menu, and a serum upgrade.
- Reworked "The Lady in Black" into "Blades of Glory". It's now obtained from Scarlett after Chapter 1, and unlocks her H scene (you no longer need to reach max Guild Rank.)
- Added a new sidequest: "Whoreticulture 101". This is now how you unlock gardening, plus Delilah's H scene.
- Added two new "quests" in the main story involving mandatory dates with specific Haremon. These are now how date locations are unlocked. (Except the casino, which will have a mandatory date later on.)
- Added mid-battle dialogue to all bosses and Haremon fights, including some scripted moves and hints.
- Rebalanced many techniques and enemies.

Other major additions/changes:

- Added new voice clips for Daisy, Miruku, Vex, Ash, Aqua, and both Awakened Haremon, including various different situations.
- Added 2 new battle themes: one for standard battles in Chapter 1, and one for standard battles in Chapter 2. Going forward, each new chapter will also have its own battle theme. The basic battle theme is still used in the Prologue areas (the first 3 dungeons).
- Added two more new songs: one for the Fairy Fountain event, and one that accompanies certain climactic story moments.
- Added a new feature where Annie can show up in a dungeon scouting for items; after encountering her or saving her from monsters, you can buy special items from her in exchange for Food. This feature is unlocked by talking to Annie at her shop after completing the Prologue. She will then visit a random dungeon each day, and you can call her on the phone to see where she'll be that day.
- Added a brand-new Cooking system. This works similarly to crafting, and there are over 150 meals to make; each one increases Food and Affection, and many have other special effects that last until the end of the current dungeon.
- Added the Camp tile. This tile brings you to your campsite, where you can Cook, Heal, or Chat with your Haremon. The tile is reusable, meaning that once it's been uncovered, you can use it as a base for healing up your party.
- Added a use for Passion Petals (finally!) You use them to unlock new Kinks, just like using Star Shards to unlock moves. Each Haremon now has a handful of kinks that can be unlocked this way. Kinks can also be upgraded now; just like Techniques, each one has its effect boosted in some way when it's leveled up. There are also more than 10 brand-new kinks!
- You can now equip and unequip Techniques and Kinks, allowing you to "unset" them without unlearning them altogether. Each Haremon now has a maximum of 5 "slots" for Techniques and 3 for Kinks. Perhaps in future versions you'll be able to unlock more.
- Ranking up in the Guild now unlocks a unique feature at each rank. This includes existing features like Shard Exchange and Ability changing, as well as new features like time limit extensions and job list refresh.
- Altered the way Dates and Confessions work: Asking a girl out on a date now requires that their Affection is at least Crush. Haremon will no longer confess out of the blue; instead, you'll have to take them on a date. After a successful date, the Haremon will confess.
- Added a rare occurence: Menacing enemies. These enemies have boosted stats and abilities, a special particle effect, and award far more Shards and Affection for defeating them.
- Added a few new moves: Flash, Divine Radiance, Transmutoadtion, Moisturize, Glaciate, Cold Front, and two upgrades for Copycat: Impurrsonate and Emewlate.

Minor additions/changes:

- You can now break up with your current Lover by inviting them to your bedroom and selecting "Let's break up." The affection penalty for gaining a new Lover without breaking up with your old one is now doubled; breaking up lowers the girl's affection to Crush, while "cheating" lowers it to Friend.
- You can now tell Kira to change her clothes like other NPCs. This means you can finally see her swimsuit!
- Added a new panties: Moist Panties. These apply the Moist buff (passive HP regen) once per battle when HP is low.
- Changed the names of NPC relationship ranks to differentiate them from Haremon relationships: Acquaintance, Associate, Cohort, Ally, Confidant.
- Game overs in battle now advance time.
- Added a small feature where you can give your Lover a Nickname (from the bedroom menu). This will replace that Haremon's name in dialogue where the player is addressing her.
- Added a "Rewards" section to the To Do app showing what you'll get for completing each active quest.
- Increased the money earned from all Guild jobs.
- Simplified the attack elements, removing superfluous elements and changing the element of several techniques. The new element list is Fire, Ice, Electricity, Light, Darkness, Striking, and Piercing.
- Added a new status condition: Dazzled. This is inflicted by some Light-type attacks (such as Righteous Purge, and a couple of brand-new moves), and causes the target to choose their targets randomly.
- Added several new Technical conditions: attacking an Afraid enemy with Light, attacking a Dazzled enemy with Darkness, attacking a Sleeping enemy with Striking, attacking a Bleeding enemy with Piercing, and attacking a Stunned enemy with Electricity. Basically, this means that every element is now capable of inflicting Technical damage.
- The "Relax" action at the ranch now drastically increases the chance of Haremon texting you, and otherwise they won't text you at all; you'll have to text them from the bedroom if they're not Relaxing.
- Jab can now inflict Bleed. Bleed now also prevents passive healing (sleep, edible panties, etc).
- Changed the way the "Special Order" guild job works. There's now several different tiers of it, one in each rank, meaning you can pick the first rank up pretty quickly and unlock Jars in the shop.
- Reduced the required number of seals to rank up in the guild.
- Changed the way serum works. Instead of each application adding a chance to pacify the Haremon, it now always takes exactly 4 applications to pacify them. (Super Serum only takes 1 applications.) Also, serum is now an infinite resource; you can't buy or sell it, and you never run out. (This doesn't apply to Super Serum.)
- Boosted overall research note drop rate by 50% (even higher during the initial sidequest to collect notes in the Temple)
- Because of the new Camping system, Rations no longer restore food immediately. Instead, they're an easily obtainable ingredient used to make simple meals at camp.
- Added the Cooking channel, where you can learn new recipes for camping.
- All items (not just Materials) now have icons next to their names showing if they can be used in crafting, cooking, or both.
- Added Healing tiles to certain dungeons preceding boss fights and Haremon encounters.
- Added seeds to grow certain ingredients with.
- The restaurant during the day now lets you purchase ingredients for cooking at camp.
- Haremon can now gift you items at the end of dungeons, based on how much HP they have left. Also reduced the affection you gain from completing a dungeon.
- Removed the ability to "Sleep in", since curses are now handled at the Chapel and the Affection gain for sleeping in is too arbitrary.
- Changed the way outfits work, in order to reduce item clutter. They are now categorized as Gift items, and after being given as a gift, they become selectable from the "change your outfit" menu.
- Reduced the sell price of 5-star Treasure items to $1000, and 4-star Treasures to $300.
- Changed Crippling Strike's damage type to Striking, and altered its animation. It is now an alternate upgrade from Bash. Also added blood to the animations for Jab and Gore.
- Changed the name "Fainted" to "Sidelined" since it didn't make sense for Haremon to be active in the field while unconscious.
- Altered Speed calculations to make slower Haremon more viable, and altered damage calculations to make low Fortitude and low Power slightly less disadvantageous.
- All Haremon except Miruku and Clarabelle now begin with at least 4 moves.
- To reduce clutter, Research Notes are no longer unique items. Instead, they are one generic "Research Papers" item, and picking up a note instantly registers its data in your Notes app.
- Changed the "Secrets" of Circe and Clarabelle since their old ones are/will be integrated into the story.
- You can now press START (Enter) from the quest tracker to instantly call Professor Laurel and ask her for help with the currently selected quest.
- Choosing to Defend in battle now has the added benefit of preventing critical hits against the user.
- Upgrading techniques is now referred to as "Morph" instead, to reflect the fact that these aren't always strict upgrades.
- Ash can now learn Shadow Beam as part of her core moveset. Shadow Beam now upgrades to Shadow Surge, and has had its power lowered to 75.
- In addition to boosting Fire damage, Heat Wave now boosts the chance of inflicting Burn, and weakens Ice damage.
- Sunny's dungeon tips are now transferred to your Notes app for future reference. She'll no longer show up in a dungeon once you've purchased her notes for that area.
- Changed the way Super Serum works. It now instantly tames a naked Haremon. It also costs more, and no longer has the added Affection boost.
- Added a sparkle effect on naked Haremon in battle.
- Haremon can no longer learn every Kink in the game. They can now only learn ones that make sense with their personality.
- Overwhelming an opponent now removes their active stat boosts and special effects like Bide, Flex, etc.
- Guild Ranks now have names.
- Lowered some Haremon's max HP.
- Increased Star Shard and Passion Petal yield from battle by 20% for each Chapter. For example, enemies in the Temple of the Fox will drop 20% more shards than before, and enemies in the Temple of the Archfiend will drop 40% more.
- Added a new panties: Energy Panties. These let a Haremon stay Awakened for longer, and speed up the recovery time after being Overloaded.
- Horn Drill had its effect change. Instead of causing Flinch, it now has a high crit rate and deals double crit damage.
- Sped up recovery of the Overload meter.
- Added a few easter eggs.
- Various other minor tweaks, changes, and additions


- Enemies will no longer ask a naked Haremon to strip.
- Fixed a softlock that could happen if you choose to play another round of Blackjack without enough money to bet.
- Fixed a bug where certain enemy attacks would never work.
- Fixed a bug where the Treasure Hunt event on the Plains occured during the wrong guild quest.
- Fixed a crash when trying to give Scarlett a Secret Santa gift for Laurel.
- Fixed a crash when trying to open the Shard Exchange.
- Fixed a bug in the Rubble Rousers event where the wrong option consumed Food.
- Fixed a bug where the first button prompt in Scratch and Cat Scratch didn't work.
- Fixed a bug where multiple monsters could attack at once on the dungeon board, leading to some weirdness.
- Fixed a bug where certain quest events could be triggered without a necessary Haremon in your party.
- Fixed a bug where the final line of certain "tell me a secret" dialogues didn't play. Also fixed some typos and out-of-date text in the Secrets.
- Fixed the Bat Panties not having any effect.
- Fixed a bug where Overload was tied to party slot rather than the actual girl being Overloaded.
- Fixed a minor graphical bug where certain particle effects (blood drops, poison, etc) would still appear when a Haremon was offscreen due to a two-turn move.
- Fixed a crash in the Urine Trouble event.
- Various other minor bugfixes and tweaks.


- Updated the Patron list
- Fixed a potential issue


- Fixed a crash when learning a new move via a totem at Chimera's shrine.
- Fixed a crash when you defeated Clarabelle's ally monster before she could use Breastmilk on it.
- Fixed a crash when hit with an enemy's Bite attack.
- Fixed a crash when visiting the lab before taming the Witch.
- Fixed a rare crash when entering certain battles.
- Fixed a bug where you could obtain the same kink multiple times via Manipulation.
- Fixed a bug that allowed you to bypass most of the Bunny Business sidequest.
- Fixed a bug where the game would think you're re-gifting if you get a gift from one girl and give it to another girl in the same day.
- Fixed various other minor mistakes and typos.


- Fixed the bugs and crashes in the Clarabelle fight. (For real this time!)
- Fixed a crash when Aqua attempted to use Prismatic Powder on a fainted ally.
- Fixed a crash in the forest during the Blades of Glory quest.
- Fixed a crash when opening the shopping app in town after exiting the Guild Hall.
- Fixed a softlock in the Whoreticulture 101 quest.
- Fixed a bug where healing multiple girls at camp caused all of them to gain affection each time.
- Fixed a bug where the number of Passion Petals earned from battle was different than the number displayed.
- Fixed a few more typos and minor bugs.


- Fixed a crash when using a magazine to learn a kink.
- Fixed a crash when using the debug command "give all" and then scrolling through the gift list in the bedroom.
- Fixed various typos and mistakes.


- Fixed a bug with some dates not triggering confessions properly.
- Fixed a bug that prematurely ended the "Head to Head" quest. If you've already had this happen, use the console command "resetheadtohead" to reset the quest. (This will even work on the C-cup version. It may say "invalid command" but it should still work.)
- Fixed a bug where you could give up during the story dates, softlocking the game.
- Fixed the wrong music playing during the second Daisy fight.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't upgrade panties with perfume.


- Fixed a crash when using Sing or Lullaby in certain dungeons.
- Fixed a crash when using Copycat on Flower Power (and possibly other moves as well)
- Fixed a crash in the Shard Exchange.
- Fixed a bug where scripted attacks could persist into the next battle in certain circumstances, leading enemies to use attacks they shouldn't be able to.
- Fixed a bug where activating Heal tiles could cause the next girl to activate the tile she's standing on, even if it was already activated.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't progress the "Blades of Glory: Ketsurugi" quest while the first step of "Improving the formula" was active.
- Fixed a bug where Moisturize didn't heal Burn. Also, being Moist now prevents becoming inflicted with Burn.
- Fixed a bug where breakup texts didn't appear.
- Fixed a bug where Kira no longer showed up at the shop. She will now appear after Chapter 1 is completed, and will appear on Saturdays in addition to Tuesdays and Thursdays.


- Fixed a bug where the chapel services became inaccessible after taming the Seraph.
- Fixed a crash when loading an autosave from a Sigil event.
- Fixed a bug that turned the Chapel into a dungeon under certain circumstances.
- Fixed a bug where having the Punching Bag in your inventory, but deactivated, prevented upgrading moves to the second option of a branched upgrade.


- Fixed a crash in the Chapter 2 boss fight
- Attempted to fix a bug blocking progress after Poppy's party.
- A few minor bugfixes


- Fixed a crash when a monster tried to respawn on the Plains board during Bunny Business.
- Fixed a crash in the Shard Exchange.
- Fixed the wrong dungeon board appearing when you enter the Caverns with both Blades of Glory and Facing Your Demons active.
- Fixed some issues when traveling to the Plains with both Blades of Glory and Improving the Formula active.
- Fixed some progression bugs that could softlock the game.
- Fixed a bug where delivering the VR headset to Annie on a day where Kira is in the shop makes Kira disappear until speaking to Annie again.
- Fixed a bug where the "really delete this save?" confirmation was invisible on the main menu.
- Fixed a bug where the HP and Overload meters depleted too slowly in Rush mode.
- Fixed Mend and Sewing Kit.
- Fixed a bug where you could trigger Jet's H-scene twice.
- Fixed a bug where "interrupted" lines of dialogue didn't progress while the Text Speed setting is set to Instant.
- Fixed an oversight where you could waste your Super Serum on another Haremon, softlocking the Bunny Business quest.
- Fixed a bug preventing a few bonding scenes from playing.

That's all, folks!



Scott Wulf

Massive amount of info to sort through, and a lot of stuff to enjoy! Thanks for the update, regardless of time it took! Love a fresh start!


Holy mother of god that is a lot!


I was probably going to stop my sponsorship today if I had logged in and you hadn't made a post. It didn't have to be the new version drop, but you had gone pretty much an entire month radio silent. I was questioning whether or not you were still alive. Glad to see the post and to get the new version. I know you've been busy with the new version and everything, but in the future please don't wait 30 days before saying something. It doesn't have to be much, just something to acknowledge that you're still alive.


Sorry. I've been posting updates on Discord pretty frequently, but I forget that some people here aren't on there


At first I was kinda disappointed about old saves not being supported, the double edged sword to having a game this full of good content, but after reading through the log i'm excited! Sounds like it was worth the wait, especially if chapter 3 is still next on the docket


Nah. I just straight up wait for beta phase before I continue playing


HOTFIX ( - Fixed a crash when learning a new move via a totem at Chimera's shrine. - Fixed a crash when you defeated Clarabelle's ally monster before she could use Breastmilk on it. - Fixed a crash when hit with an enemy's Bite attack. - Fixed a crash when visiting the lab before taming the Witch. - Fixed a rare crash when entering certain battles. - Fixed a bug where you could obtain the same kink multiple times via Manipulation. - Fixed a bug that allowed you to bypass most of the Bunny Business sidequest. - Fixed a bug where the game would think you're re-gifting if you get a gift from one girl and give it to another girl in the same day. - Fixed various other minor mistakes and typos.


HOTFIX ( - Fixed the bugs and crashes in the Clarabelle fight. (For real this time!) - Fixed a crash when Aqua attempted to use Prismatic Powder on a fainted ally. - Fixed a crash in the forest during the Blades of Glory quest. - Fixed a crash when opening the shopping app in town after exiting the Guild Hall. - Fixed a softlock in the Whoreticulture 101 quest. - Fixed a bug where healing multiple girls at camp caused all of them to gain affection each time. - Fixed a bug where the number of Passion Petals earned from battle was different than the number displayed. - Fixed a few more typos and minor bugs.


HOTFIX ( - Fixed a crash when using a magazine to learn a kink. - Fixed a crash when using the debug command "give all" and then scrolling through the gift list in the bedroom. - Fixed various typos and mistakes.


HOTFIX ( - Fixed a bug with some dates not triggering confessions properly. - Fixed a bug that prematurely ended the "Head to Head" quest. If you've already had this happen, use the console command "resetheadtohead" to reset the quest. (This will even work on the C-cup version. It may say "invalid command" but it should still work.) - Fixed a bug where you could give up during the story dates, softlocking the game. - Fixed the wrong music playing during the second Daisy fight. - Fixed a bug where you couldn't upgrade panties with perfume.


HOTFIX ( - Fixed a crash when using Sing or Lullaby in certain dungeons. - Fixed a crash when using Copycat on Flower Power (and possibly other moves as well) - Fixed a crash in the Shard Exchange. - Fixed a bug where scripted attacks could persist into the next battle in certain circumstances, leading enemies to use attacks they shouldn't be able to. - Fixed a bug where activating Heal tiles could cause the next girl to activate the tile she's standing on, even if it was already activated. - Fixed a bug where you couldn't progress the "Blades of Glory: Ketsurugi" quest while the first step of "Improving the formula" was active. - Fixed a bug where Moisturize didn't heal Burn. Also, being Moist now prevents becoming inflicted with Burn. - Fixed a bug where breakup texts didn't appear. - Fixed a bug where Kira no longer showed up at the shop. She will now appear after Chapter 1 is completed, and will appear on Saturdays in addition to Tuesdays and Thursdays.


It seems I can't finish the "Improving the Formula" quest. I can get the Experimental Emulsion crafted, but after that, I can't combine that one with anything else and hence not end the quest. I can still get out of the menu with a right-click despite the "Nevermind" option being greyed out. I did that one before "Mixed-up Memories" if that helps.


You can't combine it with the serum? Upload your file to Mega or something and send it to me, I'll check it out and fix it.


HOTFIX ( - Fixed a bug where the chapel services became inaccessible after taming the Seraph. - Fixed a crash when loading an autosave from a Sigil event. - Fixed a bug that turned the Chapel into a dungeon under certain circumstances. - Fixed a bug where having the Punching Bag in your inventory, but deactivated, prevented upgrading moves to the second option of a branched upgrade.


Just wanted to stop by and say that I'm very excited to play this version. I was an E Cup tier for several months, and loved being able to support your work like that for the time I could. I had to stop supporting for budgetary reasons, but after seeing the amount of work you put in to this version, I wanted to give you that support at least one more time again. In the future, if I can, I'll definitely be back, you deserve it! Easily my favorite lewd game of all time!


Thanks so much! I really appreciate all your support over the past year :)


HOTFIX ( - Fixed a crash in the Chapter 2 boss fight - Attempted to fix a bug blocking progress after Poppy's party. - A few minor bugfixes


HOTFIX ( - Fixed a crash when a monster tried to respawn on the Plains board during Bunny Business. - Fixed a crash in the Shard Exchange. - Fixed the wrong dungeon board appearing when you enter the Caverns with both Blades of Glory and Facing Your Demons active. - Fixed some issues when traveling to the Plains with both Blades of Glory and Improving the Formula active. - Fixed some progression bugs that could softlock the game. - Fixed a bug where delivering the VR headset to Annie on a day where Kira is in the shop makes Kira disappear until speaking to Annie again. - Fixed a bug where the "really delete this save?" confirmation was invisible on the main menu. - Fixed a bug where the HP and Overload meters depleted too slowly in Rush mode. - Fixed Mend and Sewing Kit. - Fixed a bug where you could trigger Jet's H-scene twice. - Fixed a bug where "interrupted" lines of dialogue didn't progress while the Text Speed setting is set to Instant. - Fixed an oversight where you could waste your Super Serum on another Haremon, softlocking the Bunny Business quest. - Fixed a bug preventing a few bonding scenes from playing.


Start up game and get error or it just crashes ___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Draw Event for object obj_vncontroller: Memory allocation failed: Attempting to allocate 16777216 bytes at gml_Object_obj_vncontroller_Draw_0 ############################################################################################ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- stack frame is gml_Object_obj_vncontroller_Draw_0 (line -1)