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In case you're out of the loop, that was a reference to this.

All jokes aside, I really am going to have to release 0.29 in November. The scope of this build has continued to expand as I work on it, adding fun new features, sidequests, and beefing up some existing quests. My only option is to delay the build into next month, and I sincerely apologize for my inadequate planning.

I take your pledges very seriously, since I know money is tight for a lot of people right now. I considered suspending pledges altogether for the next billing cycle, but for the sake of the project budget, as well as my own living expenses, I really can't afford to lose a month of income. That said, I am 100% happy to offer an individual refund to anyone who wants one for this month. For any of you who would like your October pledge refunded, please reach out to me in a DM as soon as possible.

Now. What does this mean for the rest of the year? Well, the current plan is to release 0.29 in early November, and then finish out the year with Chapter 3 in late December. Unfortunately, things rarely go as planned, especially in 2020, so please don't get your hopes up that Chapter 3 will be finished by the end of the year. In fact, since that's another massive update, it may well spill into January. I will give you a better idea of what to expect when I'm closer to completing development on that update.

As always, a very sincere thank you for all of your support over the years. It genuinely hurts to have to go a month without posting a build for you guys, but I hope you'll understand. If memory serves, this will only be the second or third time I've failed to release a monthly build in almost 3 years of development, so I hope you believe me when I say I really am trying my best.

Thanks again, and I hope you're looking forward to the next two updates as much as I am! There's a ton of cool stuff around the corner, and I hope you'll all stick around to see it with me.



Scott Wulf

Well, I'm sticking around, because I have always found the updates worthwhile, and looking forward to chapter 3 when it comes out as well! I'd rather wait and have a more cohesive and complete piece versus something rushed and needing lots of patching along the way, so do what you must, I know it will be worth the wait.


Well.. you can count on me, the game is great and honestly i'd have you take your time and put the talent you got to use Also, i appreciate you being sincere and honestly, that goes a long way. Keep doing a great job