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In my "The Plan" post, I stated that I was hesitant to announce plans because I'm bad at sticking to them. Well, I was on track to have Chapter 2 finished this month as planned, but then life happened.

Those of you on our Patreon know this already, but here's the gist of it for everyone else: My lease ended this month, and I had to move into a new apartment, which has taken an unexpectedly massive toll on my dev time. Furthermore, when I moved my PC to my new home and powered it on, I was met with a fatal error; after some troubleshooting, I realized my only option was to do a system restore. Thankfully, I didn't lose any Haremon-related data, but several programs were removed from my system, and a bunch of other problems started to manifest after the restore: my IDE, web browser, and some other programs simply refuse to launch, and my CPU + disk usage are going insane, usually hovering around 99% due to various system processes malfunctioning. The simple solution would be to buy a new PC -- this is something I should have done long ago, as my work PC is an absolute piece of shit. However, with all of the expenses related to moving, I have no budget for a new PC right now.

All of this has severely cut into my productivity, and as such, I'm sorry to say that Chapter 2 will be delayed into next month. I'm truly sorry I couldn't live up to my own plan, but I hope you'll all understand my situation and that I truly want to get this update out to you guys as soon as I can.

Instead, this month I'll post a small update fixing all of the bugs and crashes reported in 0.19. I would try to fit in a new H scene or something, but unfortunately all of the new art I have ready is Chapter 2 related, and the other H scene currently in production has been delayed by the artist.

Since there won't be a true update this month, I've decided against the "break" I said I'd be taking in December. I'll instead be working as usual to produce a substantial content update that month. Ideally, that will be the month the Seraph is added.

Thank you all for your understanding. I will continue working as hard as I can to get Chapter 2 out to you, and I hope when it's done you'll agree that it was worth the wait! As always, thank you so much for your continuing support. It means the world to me.

tl;dr: Life got in the way of development, so Chapter 2 will be delayed into next month. To make up for that, I'm cancelling the "break" I was going to take in December. I love and appreciate you.



man as a fellow Developer i know what you mean. I appreciate the update. Keep Rocking on though. If you ever need some ideas on a new PC build ill gladly help you out on a budget build


Literally just boosted my tier from C to E after reading this. Hope I can help with that little bit extra. I've been there: life just hits like a truck sometimes.


sorry to hear i know what its like sometimes life just decides to beat you down. i hope things get better soon, hang in there


life is a game of chance, you never know what your gonna get, or what will happen, so i'll wait as long as it takes, this games is one of my favorites, and i will support it all the way : )


Sorry to hear about your troubles. Hope you can sort it out! I think pretty much everyone here will be understanding and supportive. Speaking of understanding - you still are due for a hard earned break, and we would understand you taking some time off from development. This is just my personal opinion, but I think you should get some time to relax despite this hickup. Maybe january then? Cheers from Germany

Allen Lewis

I know that you won't fix bugs until the next update, but the Oct H scene with vex crashes at the end and you don't get to keep it in the gallery. ___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Other Event: User Defined 1 for object obj_vncontroller: DoAdd :: Execution Error at gml_Script_scene_set_info ############################################################################################ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- stack frame is gml_Script_scene_set_info (line -1) gml_Script_scene_action_gotoscene gml_Object_obj_vncontroller_Other_11 called from - gml_Object_obj_vncontroller_Step_0 (line -1) - ___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Other Event: User Defined 1 for object obj_vncontroller: DoAdd :: Execution Error at gml_Script_scene_set_info ############################################################################################ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- stack frame is gml_Script_scene_set_info (line -1) gml_Script_scene_action_gotoscene gml_Object_obj_vncontroller_Other_11 called from - gml_Object_obj_vncontroller_Step_0 (line -1) -


Have you downloaded last week's patch? I believe I fixed it in that version.