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Hey guys! I just wanted to make this post to let you know that while there have been some crashes reported in 0.19, I won't be patching them just yet.

Let me explain: I am currently overwhelmed with work on Chapter 2, and I'm in the process of moving IRL, so I don't have ANY free time at the moment. Creating a patch for the issues in 0.19 would take a few days, and thus would push Chapter 2's release back. For that reason, I've made the executive decision to instead implement fixes for these issues in 0.20 when I wrap up that build.

I hope this doesn't detract too much from your enjoyment of 0.19, but I hope you'll look forward to all the new content coming in Chapter 2. Thanks as always for your understanding and support!


Allen Lewis

I can wait for the bug fix, and I would like to get chapter 2 sooner, rather than later. Thanks for making a great game.