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It's here! July's Early Build is available now, to all patrons at the $5 level.

You can download it here! 

Here's what you can expect to find in the new build:

CHANGELOG (0.8) -- JULY 28 [NOTE: changes marked with a * were suggested by players on Patreon or Discord!]
- Added the Monarch's sex scene and CG
- Added the Messaging app, which allows you to receive texts and obtain additional CGs from your Haremon and NPCs. While a Haremon is at the Ranch, she has a chance of sending you text messages. Some of these will be simple flirty interactions, but if her Affection is high enough, she may send you a naughty selfie. (NOTE: so far, only the Catgirl has her selfie CG implemented!) NPCs can text you as well, depending on their Affection. You can also select "Relax" at the ranch, which makes a Haremon twice as likely to text you, and nullifies loneliness.
- Added original music to all remaining areas (Witching Wood, Shimmering Caverns, Placid Plain, General Store, and Guild Hall)
- Edited Haremon sprites to have vaginas, as well as some pubic hair (which can be turned off in the Settings menu if you're not into that sort of thing)
- Updated all monsters with brand new art matching the style of the Haremon
- Overhauled the save system (yes, this unfortunately means your old saves are not compatible with this build): (1) When selecting Save Game, you can now choose to overwrite a save file or create a new one. (2) "Save and Quit" is now "Main Menu", which auto-saves your data and returns to the menu. (3) You can now select (in the Settings menu) how many autosaves to keep before overwriting old ones. The autosave with the highest number will always be the newest one. (4) Autosaves are now shared between saves, rather than each "profile" having their own set of autosave files, to reduce clutter. (5) .hdf files have been merged with .hsf files, so each save now consists of only one file, fixing a lot of issues with the old format. (6) Added a Continue option to the main menu, which loads your most recent save. (7) Added file previews to the load/save menu, including the player's name, Haremon count, total playtime, and the date/time the file was saved.
*- Added the Stance system in battle. This replaces the old button-mashing system, and allows you more control over each Haremon's Mood stats.
- Raising NPC affection now has more effects: Laurel will discount serum items, Delilah will improve the efficacy of ranch activities, and Scarlett will improve the reward money earned from Guild quests.
- Changed the way escaping from battle works. Now, selecting Escape causes your girls' icons to begin moving backwards on the Wait meter. When your entire party reaches the beginning of the meter, you successfully escape (this means that escaping is no longer luck-based)
*- Heavily tweaked adaptive difficulty, as well as capping enemy levels depending on biome, resulting in a far less punishing difficulty curve
*- You can now select "Sleep until evening" or "Sleep until morning" in the bedroom
*- You can now pause the game during battle (during the Wait and Selection phases) by pressing START/Enter
*- Added a "Give that back!" manipulation technique, allowing you to retrieve stolen items and money from monsters
*- You can now select targets in battle by mousing over their HUD portraits
- Various minor tweaks, additions, and bugfixes

Thanks for your support, and I hope you enjoy the new build!




how do i catch the witch i have done everything but she beats me every time


Just hit her until she has no clothes, then use serum 3 times